Labour : it’s not radical socialism it’s a logical solution to Britain’s problems: Britain needs a new path and new ideas to tackle it’s problems

Labour’s plans are being referred to as radical socialism but that is misleading because it is simply about getting a fairer Britain, putting an end to poverty and exploitation. Labour’s plans are not radical socialism they are a new path for Britain: a set of fresh ideas to tackle Britain’s problems including Brexit. Firstly who is actually calling it radical socialism: that would be the Press which actually has a vested interest to attack socialism because mostly all the press in this country is owned by greedy Tory supporting capitalists owners with a vested interest to discredit new ideas to tackle Britain’s problems and curtail and limit the ambitions of the working classes. You think that ‘The Sun’ newspaper for example supports you when in actual fact it is taking the piss out of you by pretending to represent your interests when in actual fact it is attacking and discrediting working class institutions designed to benefit and help the working class. Do yourself and favour read this article and come to your senses and stop believing all the rubbish and lies and misinformation that these newspapers spread. Labour are actually offering the most logical solutions to Britain’s problems including Brexit.

Continue reading Labour : it’s not radical socialism it’s a logical solution to Britain’s problems: Britain needs a new path and new ideas to tackle it’s problems

Scotland’s best chance of remaining in the EU is to support a party offering a second referendum

Scotland’s best chance of remaining in the EU is to support a party offering a second referendum. This cannot be achieved by voting for the SNP because it will not be in a strong position nationally to assume control of Parliament. The SNP remains a minority party in Westminster and even if it took all the available seats in Scotland it still wouldn’t be enough to control Parliament nor form a UK wide government. It is important for Scottish voters to consider this in the General Election 2019. Scottish hopes of remaining in the EU will be best provided by a UK wide party willing to offer a Second Referendum. Putting faith in the SNP is misguided.

‘Let’s get Brexit done’ is just an attempt to dumb down the General Election by the Tories

‘Let’s get Brexit done’ the General Election 2019 mantra from the Tories is just an attempt to dumb down the General Election 2019 into a single issue election. The reason they are doing this is primarily to avoid scrutiny of the key areas where the Tories have let down the British people whilst they have been in government and that amounts to every single area of policy. The Tories have failed Britain whilst in government in every single way possible. It was the Tories under Cameron that introduced this whole debacle. Now they are attempting to avoid proper scrutiny of their miserable failings by attempting to bring this General election down to a single issue Election. Don’t let them get away with it. The Tories should be held accountable for their miserable performance whilst in government by stating very clearly that we don’t want them back in power. Let’s get Brexit done should really be interpreted as let’s get Brexit dumb. 

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To avoid Brexit Scotland must avoid the SNP in this General Election

The SNP are the root cause of Scotland’s Brexit dilemma. To avoid Brexit Scotland must avoid the SNP in this General Election because the SNP are powerless to stop Brexit because they are essentially a regional political party with minority influence outside of the Scottish Parliament. To stop Brexit Scotland needs the strength of a UK wide political party which can assume power in Westminster. Scotland needs to join forces with others in the Union to defeat Brexit or at least get a second Brexit referendum. The SNP are not in a position to do this nor will they ever be. Scotland needs to put devolution on hold and deal with the more urgent matter of Brexit first.

Get Brexit done is a joke : 3 Tory Prime Ministers and they still haven’t accomplished their own idea

Get Brexit done is the new Tory mantra in the run up to the forthcoming General Election but why should we trust them when so far they haven’t accomplished anything at all. Let’s not forget that Brexit and the EU referendum was their idea. Since then all the Tories have accomplished is 3 changes of Leadership: 3 Tory Prime Ministers and nothing at all to show for it other than a stream of incompetences.

SNP are more fearful of Labour than the Tories : Labour gains in Scotland would translate into the loss of SNP control

Nicola Sturgeon’s SNP sees a swing towards Labour as their biggest threat in the forthcoming General Election. This would undermine or postpone and prolong their ultimate ambition for devolution. This is why Sturgeon is trying to convince Scottish voters that she is closer to Labour than she and her party actually is in order to nullify any swing towards a national level political Party that can actually help Scotland defeat Brexit. It is obvious that Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP are more fearful of Labour than they are of the Tories: Labour gains in Scotland would undermine the SNP’s control of Scotland and might jeopardise or prolong Scottish Devolution. Conversely Sturgeon and the SNP have nothing to fear from the Tories. Defeat of Brexit is not a real concern for the SNP because Brexit is actually maintaining a stronger case for devolution in Scotland. Sturgeon and the SNP are really not interested in stopping Brexit nor are they in a position strong enough to do so but I believe there is an element of duplicity going on by the SNP by attempting to convince Scottish voters otherwise.

The Scottish are not the innocent victims of Brexit that they make themselves out to be 

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The Tories are responsible for creating a Divided Britain and turning Britain into a decaying dump

In the run up to the General Election let’s be clear who has created a ‘Divided Britain’. The Tories are responsible for creating a Divided Britain and turning this country into a problem riddled decaying dump of a country. Cameron’s idea about let People have a say in determining the running of Britain has left it in a divided Shambles. It has overseen the rise of the extreme right in Britain and allowed the under-educated masses to influence Britain’s economic and political futures. there is simply no way of wriggling out of this the Tories have caused all this mess and chaos. The Tories and their policies are to blame for the Divided nation that we now live in. In truth their policies have been running Britain into the dump for years so surely now is the right time to address Britain’s problems and get rid of this untalented shambles and get someone better in to run Britain.

Tories are responsible for: poor public services, increase of food banks, and lack of investment in NHS 

The Tories have brought Britain nothing but misery. Their policies are directly responsible for the demise of public services through stifling investment in care, particularly when it comes to care for the elderly. Our communities are run down and Britain is looking like a dump. Investment is below levels which it was in 2010. Britain has been steadily going backwards under Tory rule. Food banks have been steadily on the increase as austerity measures have hit the poorest in society the hardest. The NHS is in the worst shape than it has ever been in. The Railways and public transport are in an awful state. The roads are both congested and antiquated. Rail fares have been on the increase and consumers have been receiving a worse service and being asked to pay more for it. What more do we need to know about the Tories. Whilst in government we have witnessed a long list of mismanagement and wastage of public finances and nobody has been held accountable for these fiascos. Disastrous policies for Britain. All this and the ill thought out Brexit and lack of ability to even get one of their own policies across the finishing line.

Britain deserves better than the Tories. Britain deserves better investment in our NHS and public services. Britain deserves a better transport system. Britain deserves better deals for energy consumers. Britain deserves a future.

Bodge-it’s ready made Brexit is inedible and bin ready right now

Bodge-it is normally very good at cooking the figures and adding too much spice.  Now it seems he has turned his culinary talents towards constructing ready meals. He has named or coined a phrase for these meals calling them ‘Ready Made Brexit’. However his first foray into the culinary world of Brexit might be more aptly described as ‘Bodge’s Stodge’ because his latest ready made Brexit is inedible and bin ready right now.

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Nicola Sturgeon’s SNP is misleading Scotland for her cause of devolution

2 things have become very clear in the first week of campaigning in this next General Election. The first is that Nicola Sturgeon and her SNP are extremely scared of a reprise of the Labour vote in Scotland to the point of paranoia and to the point whereby the SNP is misleading Scotland into believing that devolution is the panacea for all Scotland’s problems. This can be witnessed by her attempts to convince Scottish Voters that she can actually do something to stop Brexit for Scotland. The obvious truth of the matter is that the SNP cannot prevent Brexit happening because the SNP are only a regional Party that has only limited part to play in UK policy making. The SNP is misleading Scotland and the Scottish voters into believing that it can stop Brexit by suggesting that they are closer to the Labour Party than they really are or that they can have significant influence over the Brexit debate in the UK. Scottish voters with any real sense or understanding of the issue and those not so blinkered by the devolution debate will have already realised and may be considering where best to place their votes in order to promote Scottish interests in the forthcoming General Election . In an attempt to hide both her and the SNP’s impotence on the Brexit matter Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP are fully overcompensating by again and predictably so turning on the Devolution charm in the run up to the General Election. She is also suggesting that a pact with Labour may be possible when it has been made clear that it would not be available and especially not on her terms. By doing this Sturgeon’s SNP is misleading Scotland and Scottish voters into believing that the SNP are closer to Labour than they actually are. She is doing this because she so afraid of loosing votes to Labour in this General Election. She is fearful that Scottish voters will actually realise that the SNP have only a sidelined influence over matters regarding Brexit in the UK. Scottish voters who have concerns about Brexit may actually realise that to have Scottish influence over Brexit matters they may have to consider voting for a Party that has UK wide influence that can better press the case about overturning the Brexit decision. The Labour Party is the most logical Party as a national party and could influence the Brexit debate if it were to get into government: the SNP are only a regional Party with little UK wide influence over UK policy matters. If Scottish voters were to draw this conclusion it is feasible that there could be a swing of voting away from the SNP towards Labour in Scotland. The only way that Sturgeon and the SNP have of getting the ‘Devolution Donkey’ across the Finishing Line is to blinker the Scottish Voters and to keep dangling the devolution carrot in front of them, offering this up as a panacea for all Scotland’s problems. These little matters seem to have been a source of nagging doubt which seems to be eroding Sturgeon’s confidence and forcing the SNP into misleading Scotland and the Scottish voters over what can realistically be achieved by her SNP Party regarding the Brexit matter. Thus the SNP is misleading Scotland for it’s own ambition of Scottish Devolution.

Recently there seems to have been some concession that the SNP alone cannot prevent Brexit for Scotland and her new strategy to compensate for her impotence in the matter is to suggest that Scottish devolution itself will clear a path for Scotland to re-apply to rejoin the EU after devolution. However this would be a risky strategy and by then the damage will have already been done to both the Scottish Economy and the UK economy as a whole. The message now coming from Sturgeon’s SNP is very clearly that  we may not be able to fix it for you now but we will later when we have reached our ultimate goal of Scottish independence. Ultimately and currently though Sturgeon and the SNP are misleading Scotland for the cause of devolution.