Kier Starmer’s just wishful thinking

Take one thing away from the latest  Labour  Party Conference and that is Kier Starmer is basing his election Manifesto on wishful thinking. Labour has dropped all pretences of renationalising the key industries and has instead turned it’s  favours towards businesses  and market forces. Again distancing  itself from it’s  key Labour Values of re-nationalisation it moves closer and closer to the policies and ambitions of Tony Blair. In fact Starmer actually celebrated  Blair in his speech. So now we have a Labour Party again bereft of real ambition and purpose, which is prepared to easily throw away or disregard key Labour Party Values.

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‘A Changed Labour Party’ pursueing Electoral Credibility but at what cost to policies?

‘A Changed Labour Party’ as Kier Starmer likes to call it, pursueing electoral credibility but at what cost to policies? Sir Kier Starmer keeps dropping in phrases about the Labour Party’s  electoral  credibility but what is unclear about his focus on this issue is the cost to the Labour  Party’s policies  and ambitions.

The last time we saw ‘A changed Labour Party’ was that of Tony Blair: and what a disaster that was

The last time we saw ‘A Changed Labour Party’ was that of Tony Blair’s ‘New Labour’: and what a disaster that was. So is Starmer wanting to take Labour back to the uninspiring and instantly forgettable Tony Blair years? Well on the face of it it would appear to be so. So even though the Tories are gifting the next General Election to Labour, nervous Starmer still seems intent on watering the Labour Party policies down to worthlessness.

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Prime Minister Rishi Sunak intends to pick your pockets to accomplish his 5 objectives

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has outlined his intentions  to pick your pockets to accomplish  his 5 objectives which include tackling Inflation. Sunak and the Bank of England  are intent upon driving us into a recession to deal with Inflation. How ridiculous  is this policy? Well it amounts to crashing the bus to make it stop even though the bus has working breaks. It’s like crashing an aeroplane in order to land. This is the ridiculous  strategy  being pursued by this Tory government  and Andrew Bailey the so called governor of the Bank of England.

Surely creating  a recession is not the only strategy available  to tackle Inflation. This is economics made stupid. Surely a set of qualified  economics advisors and experts could devise a better plan. Or is it just that economics has been taught incorrectly for years in schools and universities and this has resulted in a set of so called experts that are unable to apply true creative thought free from the shackles of dogma. Why not look for what has caused this Inflation. Ignore Putin, he is not the root cause: it’s  the energy and utilities  market that has driven this Cost of Living Crisis. This  is what needs to be done to tackle Inflation. Rishi Sunak and these Tories simply don’t  get it or they are basically  still supportive of the Thatcherite  privatisations  that have marred Britain  since their inception. Britain needs to rid itself  once and for all from the legacy of Thatcherism. As I mentioned in my articles dealing with this issue. The biggest obstruction that stops Britain  moving forward is  the awful  legacy of these Thatcherite  policies that continue to hold Britain  back. We need a government  with the courage to actually  deal with these real issues. The Tories won’t  do it. Blair didn’t  do it either and even perhaps Kier Starmer’s  Labour vision ( when we actually  know what it  is ) probably  won’t  tackle these issues either. In the meantime, as we head towards the next recession, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will be picking your pocket in an attempt to meet the demands of his 5 point plan for Britain. You will be the ones paying for this with interest rate rises and possibly  job losses.

Jeremy Hunt’s Budget 2022 serves only the Tories Election needs

Jeremy  Hunt’s Budget 2022 serves only the Tories election needs and does very little to address the needs of the Country. Today’s Autumn Statement was a cynical budget which focused more on the Tories Election  needs than anything else.  The major pain has been  withheld to a time following the next General Election.  The aim of this was to prevent the Tories  from becoming even more unpopular  than they already are and to curb additional resentment towards them from the electorate in the run up to the next General Election. This is an attempt  to stop leakage of voters based upon the Tories  recent form and the fiasco of Trussonomics: still a sore wound in the memory of voters. Sure things are getting rough for the majority  of ordinary  people but there have been a number of sweeteners for: pensioners, those on the minimum wage and those on benefits. On the other hand inflation, prices and costs of fuel and energy are still rising. Also Council Tax is going to be another punch to the guts and an additional  burden that hits everyone. This Government is still borrowing money  to buy more time for the Tories to claw back some lost ground in the run up to the next election. So this is a cynical budget.

Continue reading Jeremy Hunt’s Budget 2022 serves only the Tories Election needs

Britain needs Socialism now more than ever before

Tory policies have caused Britain  to run aground. Thatcherite policies and values have now backed Britain  into a cul-de-sac. There is no route forward any longer and therefore  no reason to cling to the values of Thatcherism. Britain  has no income and longer is is also bankrupt of ideas. Now the only course of action available to the Tories  is to raise levels of government  income from  taxation. This was inevitable  as a result of privatisation  of Britain’s  assets. Recent Tory  governments  have relied upon borrowing  as a way of shoring up the facade that everything  was under control. Then along came Liz Truss who tore down the mirrors to reveal the true horror  show that the Tories  had created. Truss even managed to make matters worse and that takes some doing.

Continue reading Britain needs Socialism now more than ever before

Third World Britain: a Tory accomplishment all done on their watch

During 12 years of Tory management  they have finally  managed  to turn Britain  into a Third World Country.  This is Third World Britain. The Tories  have turned Britain into a third world country: an all done on their watch. The Tories have turned Britain into a Country where: people could die of hypothermia in the coming winter months, where people cannot find rental accommodation, where students cannot find affordable  rents or suitable digs, where people are unable to find homes to rent and cannot afford to mortgages to buy homes. Britain  is a country  where people can no longer get a dentist, see a doctor or get timely health care. More and more people  are relying on food banks. People have to make choices  between feeding their families and keeping pets. People are having to make tough choices about heating their homes or eating food. People are seeing their businesses going down. People are being laid off due to the uncertainty that businesses are becoming unprofitable  due to overhead costs spiralling  out of control. This is Third World Britain. Welcome to Third World Britain a spectacular Tory Party vision and accomplishment.

Continue reading Third World Britain: a Tory accomplishment all done on their watch

Re-nationalise the Energy Providers is the only option to deal with Inflation: the Tories are the only obstacle

It is evident  that the only solution  to deal with Inflation  is to re-nationalise the Energy Providers in the UK: the only obstacle  to be removed is the Tories. It is now in the national interest to re- nationalise these Energy Providers to deal with Inflation and to prevent the gross profiteering by these utilities which is against the national interests. Quite simply the current situation is intolerable and is the only factor  driving inflation higher  and higher. The Tories  have lost any control and regulation  of the utilities and Ofgen is defunct  and unfit for purpose. Continue reading Re-nationalise the Energy Providers is the only option to deal with Inflation: the Tories are the only obstacle

Energy Companies and Utilities are laughing at you all the way to the Bank

The energy companies and the utilities are laughing at you all the way to the bank. As you struggle to meet your fuel and energy  bills these companies continue to drive inflation higher and higher whilst maximising  their ever increasing  profits and paying huge dividends to their shareholders. It is immoral that they are making huge profits and not simply passing on costs to consumers. Instead they are adding huge profit margins  to their prices. In this way they are fixing prices and driving inflation  without regards. Their behaviour is immoral and wrong. They are exploiting consumers and laughing at them whilst the Tory government  does nothing at all.

To tackle inflation you must reel in the profiteering of the Energy and Utilities who are driving inflation upwards for their own ends

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What should the Labour Party do now? Nothing!

What  should the Labour Party do now following election defeat and a change in leadership? Quite simply the Labour Party needs to remain calm and stop itself from having inner doubts. It needs to avoid self doubt and sweeping changes to it’s  policies. The Labour  Party should be reminding  itself  that the last General Election  was fought and won on a single issue, that of Brexit. The last election  was not an election about policies or real politics: it was simply fought as a right wing agenda of getting Brexit done and past the winning post, which had been stalling for many months under the governance of the Tories. This single agenda election polarised the electorate or basically  turned off voters and put them in a state of apathy.

With election  defeat it has unquestionably left the many withbthe feeling about ‘ what should the Labour Party do to be more electable and bring back voters?’. In the last General Election the Labour  Party  was unable to define a credible policy about  Brexit and failed to get voters on board to the idea of having  further ballots. So sick of the  idea that Brexit should take up any more time, ideas of perhaps putting any further debate back to voters was a turn off for most voters who simply wanted a conclusion and end to debate. There was little scrutiny of  any other policies going on in this election: so Labour can rest assured it didn’t  loose the election because of it’s  policies.

Continue reading What should the Labour Party do now? Nothing!

Boris Johnson’s ‘Oven ready Deal’ turns out to be Brexit Fudge Cake after all

PM Boris Johnson is claiming victory for the deal struck with the EU but isn’t all this, including the run up to the deal, just posturing. The whole thing has just been posturing or more clearly just a Pantomime from start to finish. There never was doubt that a deal was going to be done because it had to be done to save face. A no deal would certainly have kicked the Tories into political oblivion by an act of suicide. Now in truth the whole exercise just looks like a vehicle used by Boris Johnson to ouwst Theresa May and obtain leadership and power in a egotistical political quest that smacks of ambition more than to be a political servant to the will of the people.

So in the run up to the deal we witnessed tough talk but it was all just empty posturing done as an act of showmanship. It was a complete act but equally transparent like the script of a Pantomine. The whole thing smacked of being rehearsed and all the characters were transparent. The truth is that Bodge it simply had no choice other than to strike some kind of deal. The EU would also have understood this but went along with the show almost like an audience at a Pantomime, but all the while ensuring that they would be the real winners. So how does the deal compare to what was promised? From what I have read it doesn’t bear much semblance to what was actually promised. It puts Northern Ireland in jeopardy of seeking actual independence from the UK and could mean a reintroduction of the tensions and troubles as the possibility of a unified Ireland takes focus. Goods in the UK are likely to be more expensive as a result of added red tape. Fisheries have been thrown to the lions as the sacrifice for retaining tariff free trading. Not to mention the chaos for businesses and movement that will happen as a result of leaving a mere week (less if you take into account the holidays) to sort out all the additional details and protocol required, and all because Boris Johnson and the government wanted to sort out the deal in the lowest possible profile hoping that it would slip by largely unnoticed. ‘Bodge it’ was in a tight corner but as usual he is attempting to claim victory where in actual fact there has been none at all. The reality is that the whole thing has been a rather embarrassing fiasco showing up, Boris Johnson, ‘ Bodge-it’ and his Government for what they are:incompetent.

Brexit was not a quest for Sovereignty it became a vehicle for personal political ambition and power

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