British People are worse off year by year and it’s about to get worse

What is wrong with the British People and why are they such gluttons for punishment. Year by year our incomes become diminished through: utility price rises, spurious taxes (Sugar Tax), Rail Fare hikes and; the costs of goods, food and basic services increasing. Yet still our pay remains frozen or rises at a significantly lower rate than inflation and yet we still put up with it and muddle through. Britain is reverting back to the Victorian times again where we see: charities helping out the poorest sectors of society with a reliance upon philanthropy rather than state policies to support the poorest (which are more often than not the actual cause of the problems), massive rises in homelessness; and the belligerent exploitation of the plight of the poorest by wealthy landlords or unscrupulous employers. Most of us have become victims to this predatory behaviour from the wealthier classes either through our working conditions/practices or simply as a result of the all encompassing feedback we all get from Tory policies and their ideologies. Many of us are caught in a poverty trap just scrapping by and unable to afford to save to buy a home of our own. This simply will not do despite the sham, shallow concern expressed by Prime Minister Theresa May during her ‘JAM’ period, where she tried to convince you that she was concerned but time has revealed this not to be the case. This is position for which she has no real concerns for the plight of the exploited at all. Instead whole generations are being doomed to exist in this lifestyle: being exploited by low wages, few opportunities, dead end jobs or zero hours contracts.  The Tories have always insisted that work should pay and they have oft used this as their justification and rallying cry to persecute the poorest unfortunate enough to have to rely on the Benefits System with repeated systematic attacks on the Benefits System in the UK. Yet despite this for the majority in low paid employment work simply is not paying nor bringing about any sort of rewards at all that you would associate with the effort required. This is not good enough! There is really no hope in sight for change: or is there?

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Customs Union would be a Brexit Fairy Tale Ending for delusional Britain

Lets face it we all like a Fairy Tale Ending but the reality for our Brexit is that this is extremely unlikely to happen. Instead politicians are trying their hardest to make us believe that this could actually happen. Yes politicians from all sides seem to have lost their grip on reality and are placing their faith in a goodwill process and departing gesture from the European Union (EU). I find it hard to believe that politicians like Jeremy Corbyn actually believe in what they are promoting: it’s just absurd and ridiculous. Not that Jeremy Corbyn is either of these because I can envisage it from his perspective he is only trying to be reasonable and seem to be acting in the best interests of his country. A Customs Union would be the best thing and the best outcome from this messy Brexit process but this is extremely unlikely to happen. A Customs Union represents the arrangements that we currently have in place. It is a benefit of being a member state of the EU. The likelihood of the EU granting us the same set of privileges upon our departure from the EU is highly unlikely unless they are prepared to let other member states leave the EU with the same arrangements. The idea and notion that we will get a Customs Union upon our departure from the EU is nothing more than a fary tale that will never happen. Departure from a club by failing to pay our subscriptions from any club would mean a loss of benefits of being a member of that club: it’s plain and simple and this will be the perspective of the EU member states that remain a part of that club: to believe otherwise would be to delude ourselves. As a consequence Britain will loose all advantages of being a member state and others who still remain in the membership group will benefit from our departure. Is that clear enough for delusional Britain because I cannot spell it out any clearer? Yes we all want the current benefits and the lack of Borders but that is not what will actually occur.

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Brexit: reckless Blindness and Bloody-mindedness

Brexit may be good for Boris but it’s bad for Britain. Given the recent admissions by the British Government that Brexit will severely weaken the British Economy is it still right to press ahead? Can the small majority of 3.8 % still survive the release of information, which only now reveals the true impact on the UK’s Economy of our departure from the EU. Having taken this reality check would not the vote now be much closer with a possible swing to the Remain Campaign instead?  Now having the correct information to hand would it now seem to be the time to question the validity of the Referendum Result taken in 2016 and press ahead with these messy Brexit negotiations? Should we not have been given this information before we made our voting choices in 2016 and would it have changed the way we voted if we had been given the correct information? Brexit now seems to be much less about common sense and the common good of UK citizens: and more about the politicians being mindful about a result that seemed more like an opinion poll and worried that by not carrying through Brexit they will suffer in future General Elections.

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The Labour Party need to reinstate Clause IV

The Labour Party need to reinstate Clause IV of the Labour Party Constitution in order to bind members to a common purpose and understanding of what Socialism actually represents to the Labour Party. At the moment we have a situation of chaos where each member seems to have a different interpretation of socialism there seems to be a lack of common understanding. The very meaning and understanding of socialism is open to interpretation in today’s Labour Party. This is an ill advised system in my opinion. In the past members knew instinctively where the Labour Party’s values were and they knew what was meant when referring to socialism. After Blair this all changed and there is now mass confusion and this is reflected in the mass confusion regarding the overall direction of the Party. The idea that socialism is an system of economic principles and values has seemingly been rather too conveniently forgotten about, and when many members refer to socialism they are simply referring to notions of fairness relative to the other political parties. Simply being nice and fair and listening to the opinions of others is not socialism. It should not be forgotten that socialism is actually a set of economic principles designed to bring about a greater distribution of wealth in an economic system and is something that challenges the notions of Adam Smith’s ideas regarding Capitalism. Socialism counters the greed of a purely Capitalist System of Economics and it gives people a stake in society through the benefits of the State owning some part of the economic system in order to obtain capital for the investment for the good of all the country’s citizens. In particular the key industries it targets are those that are essential for the running of the country such as Energy Supply and Transport. These are the key industries which socialism targets to generate capital for re-investment in the country’s health provision (NHS), to reduce the burden of taxation on the individual and to support local essential services, police and council provisions etc.

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Competition is the way forward for the public ownership of Gas and Electricity in Britain

A sure fire way to get the utilities and railways back into public ownership and the less costly way of achieving this.

Yes I admire the ambition of the Labour Party Manifesto and it’s aim to get the Gas and Electricity utilities and railways back into public ownership. Success of this would lead to a more prosperous and fairer Britain and it would be the start of a new era for Britain. Yes it is high time to reverse the failed privatisations of Margaret Thatcher and John Major, and this would be a move which would put Britain on track again. However the scale and the cost of the task is dauntingly enormous and Thatcher knew how difficult it would be to ever go backwards. She tried to make her privatisations irreversible in an attempt to frustrate any attempts to ever develop socialism in Britain. She thought that she had had the final word but despite this there was a fundamental flaw in her plan and one which the Labour Party could exploit if it is savvy enough.

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The real cost of Energy in Britain

We all know that we are paying too much for Gas, Electricity and Rail. But few think or understand the real cost of having these industries remain in private ownership. The cost to Britain and to British Citizens’s is immense. Whilst the profit’s from these industries are obscene and all drain away to the shareholders or owners whilst they could be working for Britain to improve the NHS for example or reducing the fiscal deficit that the Tories are so keen to bang on about. They could even be used to reduce the tax burden on the citizen’s of the UK and to improve public services. Think about it – where does all this money go and who is paying the price – well the answer to that is simple as long as these industries remain in the private sector rather than the public sector then they will not be working for us all – only for the few and the privileged who will continue to exploit our ignorance or apathy regarding the true cost of Energy. Competition, market forces and numerous watchdogs have done nothing at all to improve the situation. Customers have seen no benefits at all from the empty promises of the successive Tory Governments. The privatisation of these industries has proved to be a failed experiment for which every UK citizen has been paying the price ever since. All we have been left with are bewildering pricing structures and leaving consumers to waste their time wandering down dead-end streets looking for the best deals – which simply don’t exist.

So do let’s something about it let’s put in a government that supports a move towards public ownership of these industries. Give Britain what it needs – a future. Britain’s  successful future lies in adopting a more socialist economic model one that works for the benefit of all of us. The Tories are preventing this from happening so it’s time for them to move aside to bring in a new successful future for Britain.

Socialism is better for Britain. Socialism is neither Communism nor Militant

Socialism is better for Britain. Socialism offers Britain  a New start and a shining new path towards prosperity. Socialism is better for Britain  because it lowers the burden of taxation on tax payers. So why aren’t we embracing it.

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