The Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick Maker none of these have a valid opinion about Brexit

The Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick Maker none of these have a valid opinion about Brexit and in reality none should have been sought out to give their opinion on matters over which they knew nothing, had no understanding of nor expertise in. Such is the mess that Britain now finds itself in because it sought the opinions of the people who knew nothing about what they were voting for outside their own limited scope. Britain is now in a mess because the government of the day usurped on it’s responsibility to govern and manage but instead sought council from the majority. What is the point of having a team of managers if all they can do is make decisions that reflect public opinion. The only thing that Brexit has been good for is to demonstrate the the errors of judgment by allowing majority rule. Unfortunately the composition of society is biased towards having damaging opinions or under educated viewpoints. Never again should the people be consulted about matters of such importance. In life there are leaders and followers and there is a good reason for that as this has clearly demonstrated. Democratic principles should be used wisely and only to elect managers and representatives who have the skills required to make the decisions.

If you shop at Aldi or Lidl then you should certainly not be supporting Brexit

If you currently shop at either Aldi or Lidl it would appear that you are a shopper that likes to find the best value for the best price so if you fall into this category then you should certainly not be supporting Brexit. 

Brexit will lead to higher prices even in these supermarkets. the estimated increase of prices of goods from the European Union is likely to be between 5-10% therefore you can expect to pay around 10% more for your shopping from these supermarkets. So if your average weekly shopping amounts to £100 that’s and extra £10 a week. £520 increase alone on your weekly shopping bill.

Britain left to drift for a month as an irresponsible Prime Minister prorogues Parliament

Like a spoilt child the Prime Minister Boris Johnson has prorogued parliament in order to try and get his own way. Have we ever encountered an act of irresponsibly as big as this. In a time of crisis for Britain the Prime Minister( and how much it pains me to have to refer to him as such) has simply chosen to abandon the normal functioning of government in order to silence his critics and to give him a better opportunity to press ahead with his own agenda without the limitations that parliament could impose on the crazy megalomaniac. Still intent on wrecking Britain and pressing ahead with no deal this prime minister cares nothing at all about Britain he only seems to recognise his own agenda and ambitions. Boris Johnson is bad for Britain! Parliament to him is not a democratic tool it is an obstacle. He still believes he can run the show like he did as London Mayor without opposition. Parliament is another matter and he has already been defeated. So now his idea is to silence parliament to make obstacles to obstruct parliament. This prime minister is just a childish Megalomaniac, a spoilt public schoolboy who is used to getting his own way. Bodge-it is certainly not going to face the horrible consequences of of a British recession and a one sided and exploitative trade deal with the USA. None of these Brexiteers will. Why do you think that the likes of the condescending Rees Mogg support Brexit? These are opportunistic venture capitalists hoping to erode working and living conditions. The likes of Rees Moog would have you living in a Victorian Slum if they could and working for nothing more than to pay them rent and enough food to give you the energy just enough to slave for them the next day. Jacob Rees Mogg is so obsessed with Victorian values he has even written a book about it this speaks volumes in itself. These are simply the people that you don’t  want running this country or telling us what’s best for Britain because what they are really saying is what’s best for them. The situation that can offer them the best possible opportunity and outcome is all that they are really interested in.

These Brexiteering venture capitalists see Brexit as an opportunity to destroy Britain and British institutions. They see it as an opportunity to attack and suppress the working classes and erode their rights. There is no better opportunity than a recession in order to do it, this much they have learnt from Margaret Thatcher who did the same. Economic factors play a large part in offering opportunities to impose change. In a period of uncertainty and desperation often bodes well to make sweeping changes in legislation relating to worker’s rights and conditions of service including pay and minimum wage. Through a recession these keen Brexiteers aim to drive down labour costs and increase unemployment. These are the economic variables that lead to desperation for the working classes which ultimately lead to a relaxation of labour laws and regulations. This is an erosion of conditions for the workers which leads to opportunity to exploit the workforce. High unemployment makes challenging the situation untenable which gives power to the bosses and venture capitalists. Brexit will therefore only lead to misery for the working classes with an erosion of your standards of living and your worker’s rights.

Bodge-it is hiding the truth from you that no deal suits him best

Continue reading Britain left to drift for a month as an irresponsible Prime Minister prorogues Parliament

Nicola Sturgeon of the SNP should move aside because she is not doing Scotland any favours at the moment

Nicola Sturgeon of the SNP should move aside because she is not doing Scotland any favours at the moment. She claims to have the interests of Scotland and Scottish people to heart but in fact she is the worst thing that could happen to Scotland at the moment because she and the SNP are powerless to stop Brexit happening. Her obsession with devolution for Scotland is putting Scotland at risk of departure from the EU which is not the outcome favoured by most Scottish voters. However alone the SNP are powerless to prevent Scotland’s departure from the EU and a likely ‘No-deal Brexit’. If she cared about Scotland shouldn’t she put her ambitions for devolution aside for the moment and deal with the bigger issue regarding Scotland’s imminent departure from the EU along with the rest of the UK. Step aside Sturgeon and let a bigger more national party handle this bigger issue. You can always take up your cause and quest again at a later stage. The crisis facing Scotland and the UK is very real and needs to be dealt with by a Party that can challenge and defeat the Tories in a General Election. This position cannot be achieved by a single issue party with a regional agenda. Sturgeon’s position and presence is actually assisting the Tories and thereby has grave consequences for Scotland.

The UK faces a one-sided trade deal with the USA with Trump dictating terms to an isolated Britain

The UK faces a one-sided trade deal with the USA after it leaves the EU without a deal. To be sure Trump will use this situation to dictate terms which are more favourable to the USA than they would be to the UK. Trump is after all a businessman who will see opportunity when it arises. The UK will be alone and isolated and desperate after a ‘No-deal Brexit’. Basically we will have no negotiating powers to draw upon and Trump will exploit this to his advantage. This is just the way of the world and the UK will be assisting this situation by leaving the EU without a deal in place. Thus far Bodge-it has failed to get any real commitments from the USA regarding future trade other than a gentleman’s agreement which is not binding. The USA has not given firm assurances and seem to be waiting to see what happens which could turn to their advantage if Britain looks desperate and that is why they are offering Bodge no real assurances. Meanwhile Bodge-it has very little left of the 30 days he promised Angela Merkel after which he said that he would be in a position to present a viable alternative to the ‘Backstop’ to the EU. That meeting with Merkel took place on 21/08/19 so he has basically reached the half way point and still there is no sign of any new proposals coming forward to move the process along.