What should the Labour Party do now? Nothing!

What  should the Labour Party do now following election defeat and a change in leadership? Quite simply the Labour Party needs to remain calm and stop itself from having inner doubts. It needs to avoid self doubt and sweeping changes to it’s  policies. The Labour  Party should be reminding  itself  that the last General Election  was fought and won on a single issue, that of Brexit. The last election  was not an election about policies or real politics: it was simply fought as a right wing agenda of getting Brexit done and past the winning post, which had been stalling for many months under the governance of the Tories. This single agenda election polarised the electorate or basically  turned off voters and put them in a state of apathy.

With election  defeat it has unquestionably left the many withbthe feeling about ‘ what should the Labour Party do to be more electable and bring back voters?’. In the last General Election the Labour  Party  was unable to define a credible policy about  Brexit and failed to get voters on board to the idea of having  further ballots. So sick of the  idea that Brexit should take up any more time, ideas of perhaps putting any further debate back to voters was a turn off for most voters who simply wanted a conclusion and end to debate. There was little scrutiny of  any other policies going on in this election: so Labour can rest assured it didn’t  loose the election because of it’s  policies.

Continue reading What should the Labour Party do now? Nothing!

Boris Johnson’s ‘Oven ready Deal’ turns out to be Brexit Fudge Cake after all

PM Boris Johnson is claiming victory for the deal struck with the EU but isn’t all this, including the run up to the deal, just posturing. The whole thing has just been posturing or more clearly just a Pantomime from start to finish. There never was doubt that a deal was going to be done because it had to be done to save face. A no deal would certainly have kicked the Tories into political oblivion by an act of suicide. Now in truth the whole exercise just looks like a vehicle used by Boris Johnson to ouwst Theresa May and obtain leadership and power in a egotistical political quest that smacks of ambition more than to be a political servant to the will of the people.

So in the run up to the deal we witnessed tough talk but it was all just empty posturing done as an act of showmanship. It was a complete act but equally transparent like the script of a Pantomine. The whole thing smacked of being rehearsed and all the characters were transparent. The truth is that Bodge it simply had no choice other than to strike some kind of deal. The EU would also have understood this but went along with the show almost like an audience at a Pantomime, but all the while ensuring that they would be the real winners. So how does the deal compare to what was promised? From what I have read it doesn’t bear much semblance to what was actually promised. It puts Northern Ireland in jeopardy of seeking actual independence from the UK and could mean a reintroduction of the tensions and troubles as the possibility of a unified Ireland takes focus. Goods in the UK are likely to be more expensive as a result of added red tape. Fisheries have been thrown to the lions as the sacrifice for retaining tariff free trading. Not to mention the chaos for businesses and movement that will happen as a result of leaving a mere week (less if you take into account the holidays) to sort out all the additional details and protocol required, and all because Boris Johnson and the government wanted to sort out the deal in the lowest possible profile hoping that it would slip by largely unnoticed. ‘Bodge it’ was in a tight corner but as usual he is attempting to claim victory where in actual fact there has been none at all. The reality is that the whole thing has been a rather embarrassing fiasco showing up, Boris Johnson, ‘ Bodge-it’ and his Government for what they are:incompetent.

Brexit was not a quest for Sovereignty it became a vehicle for personal political ambition and power

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Oven ready Brexit Deal now exposed as a lie to grab power

The electorate were promised a Brexit Deal which now looks like a lie because there clearly was no ‘Oven Ready Deal’ there at all. The electorate were clearly misled about Brexit and hence about the consequences of a no deal scenario.


The Tories now need to be taken to account on misleading the public. A no deal will be hugely consequential to the British economy and to the Tories who have to take the blame for mismanagement of the whole fiasco. The blame can be traced back to the incompetence of Cameron who mooted the whole idea in the first place. There is no one else to blame for the consequences of a no deal except the Tories and Bodge it himself in particular. No deal will cost jobs and lead to misery and a recession. The Tories will not be able to weather the storm that is coming.

Now is not the time for Britain to be alone

Coronavirus will bring with it an economic depression that will be felt worldwide. It is certainly not a good time for Britain to be on our own in the world. We all face an uncertain future. Now is certainly not the right time to be antagonistic towards our current, existing trading partners, the EU. Coronavirus has certainly cast a shadow of doubt over the feasibility of Brexit. Without alternative trading arrangements in place Britain faces a very uncertain and unstable economic future. Despite all of this the Tories continue to aggravate the EU with a non negotiable stance which is likely to lead to a hostile set of difficult negotiations upon which the economic future depends. Still we have no signals of any phenomenal trading agreements with the USA who are most likely to sticking to a policy of America first. Without any viable alternatives we should be taking more care of our existing partnerships.


SNP are more fearful of Labour than the Tories : Labour gains in Scotland would translate into the loss of SNP control

Nicola Sturgeon’s SNP sees a swing towards Labour as their biggest threat in the forthcoming General Election. This would undermine or postpone and prolong their ultimate ambition for devolution. This is why Sturgeon is trying to convince Scottish voters that she is closer to Labour than she and her party actually is in order to nullify any swing towards a national level political Party that can actually help Scotland defeat Brexit. It is obvious that Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP are more fearful of Labour than they are of the Tories: Labour gains in Scotland would undermine the SNP’s control of Scotland and might jeopardise or prolong Scottish Devolution. Conversely Sturgeon and the SNP have nothing to fear from the Tories. Defeat of Brexit is not a real concern for the SNP because Brexit is actually maintaining a stronger case for devolution in Scotland. Sturgeon and the SNP are really not interested in stopping Brexit nor are they in a position strong enough to do so but I believe there is an element of duplicity going on by the SNP by attempting to convince Scottish voters otherwise.

The Scottish are not the innocent victims of Brexit that they make themselves out to be 

Continue reading SNP are more fearful of Labour than the Tories : Labour gains in Scotland would translate into the loss of SNP control

The Tories are responsible for creating a Divided Britain and turning Britain into a decaying dump

In the run up to the General Election let’s be clear who has created a ‘Divided Britain’. The Tories are responsible for creating a Divided Britain and turning this country into a problem riddled decaying dump of a country. Cameron’s idea about let People have a say in determining the running of Britain has left it in a divided Shambles. It has overseen the rise of the extreme right in Britain and allowed the under-educated masses to influence Britain’s economic and political futures. there is simply no way of wriggling out of this the Tories have caused all this mess and chaos. The Tories and their policies are to blame for the Divided nation that we now live in. In truth their policies have been running Britain into the dump for years so surely now is the right time to address Britain’s problems and get rid of this untalented shambles and get someone better in to run Britain.

Tories are responsible for: poor public services, increase of food banks, and lack of investment in NHS 

The Tories have brought Britain nothing but misery. Their policies are directly responsible for the demise of public services through stifling investment in care, particularly when it comes to care for the elderly. Our communities are run down and Britain is looking like a dump. Investment is below levels which it was in 2010. Britain has been steadily going backwards under Tory rule. Food banks have been steadily on the increase as austerity measures have hit the poorest in society the hardest. The NHS is in the worst shape than it has ever been in. The Railways and public transport are in an awful state. The roads are both congested and antiquated. Rail fares have been on the increase and consumers have been receiving a worse service and being asked to pay more for it. What more do we need to know about the Tories. Whilst in government we have witnessed a long list of mismanagement and wastage of public finances and nobody has been held accountable for these fiascos. Disastrous policies for Britain. All this and the ill thought out Brexit and lack of ability to even get one of their own policies across the finishing line.

Britain deserves better than the Tories. Britain deserves better investment in our NHS and public services. Britain deserves a better transport system. Britain deserves better deals for energy consumers. Britain deserves a future.

No Special Relationship and No Phenomenal Trade Deals Post Brexit

There will be no special relationship and no phenomenal trade deals with the USA post Brexit that much is obvious now. The special relationship is just a sham and the phenomenal trade deals will be tailored to suit the USA to the detriment of the UK. Over the last week or so Donald Trump has shown that he simply cannot be trusted. He pulled American Forces out of Syria in what amounted to a betrayal of the Kurds and then stood by silently as Turkey took the opportunity for a land grab. Previously the Kurds had been an ally of the USA in Syria helping to fight Isis.

Next we have seen an example of the kind of special relationship that the USA has in store for us post Brexit. The imposition of a 25% import tax on a range of popular UK exports in a tit for tat trade war that has not been highlighted by the Uk’s Tory government. No wonder that they are not keen to highlight this because it demonstrates the kind of one sided trade agreements that we can expect from Trump’s USA post Brexit in the future. The special relationship seems to have been conveniently sidelined so that Trump can get his point across and Trump doesn’t like to loose. Let’s get a perspective on this Trump has been elected President of the USA on the premise that he will ‘put America first’ and that is certainly what he intends to do. The special relationship is nothing more than words, it is a sham. Trump cannot be trusted at all, he has shown this on 3 occasions in the space of only a week so why would we as the UK want to put any faith in dealing with him?

Post Brexit the UK will be in a desperate position looking for trade deals and this desperation will be exploited by countries like the USA who will see it as an opportunity rather than a mutually beneficial agreement. Trump is after all a businessman who is used to the ways of business. Not everything in business is always fair, good and proper and there are often winners and losers where business is concerned. Profiting from business often favours the more powerful protagonist. Exploitation is often a theme in business and the UK should be aware of that. Desperation and having a weak hand is not a good position to be in when negotiating.

Clumsy and Cynical Handling of the Anne Sacoolas Affair

The last example of untrustworthiness shown lately by Donald Trump was in his disrespectful handling of the parents of Harry Dunn ( the tragically killed teenager ). It appears that a meeting was set up at the Whitehouse with Donald Trump with the undisclosed purpose of actually and publicly (photographers were reportedly present at the meeting) putting the parents of Harry Dunn in the same room as Anne Sacoolas, the woman at the centre of the diplomatic controversy and the woman who is under suspicion of being implicated in the road accident that caused the tragic death of the teenager. This action of attempting to bring about this meeting against the wishes of the teenager’s parents and revealing this purpose only during the meeting between Tim Dunn and Charlotte Charles and Donald Trump seems to have been an calculated & underhand and cynical attempt to draw a line under the controversial diplomatic row going on between the UK and the USA about this matter. Rather than respect the wishes of Harry’s parents for justice to be done in the UK whereby Ann Sacoolas comes back to the UK and foregoes any diplomatic immunity to face up to the consequences of her actions: instead there seems to have been a cynical and clumsy attempt to swerve these issues and the wishes of Harry’s parents by attempting to get a meeting between the 2 parties and a quick and convenient resolution in a deceitful and untrustworthy fashion. The whole thing has the hallmark of Trump stamped all over it. This meeting and the possibility of a face to face between Harry Dunn’s parents and Anne Sacoolas would not have been possible without the knowledge and involvement of the the President. Arrangements had been made to make Sacoolas available to Harry Dunn’s parents at the time of the meeting so presumably she was in another room in the Whitehouse. The pressure put upon Tim Dunn and Charlotte Charles was quite unacceptable and unjustifiable and in extremely poor taste. I have the utmost respect for them for refusing to give into that kind of pressure at that level Quite simply Trump just cannot be trusted. Britain Post Brexit beware of what lies in wait for you!

Brexit equals job losses : Sunderland wakes up with a Brexit hangover

News is now filtering through of the realities of Brexit. It is perfectly clear now that Brexit equals job losses and motor vehicle manufacturing towns like Sunderland are waking up with a massive Brexit hangover. Many of the biggest Uk’s motor vehicle manufacturers are all saying the same thing that in the event of a no deal Brexit they may have to consider alternatives which may include Continue reading Brexit equals job losses : Sunderland wakes up with a Brexit hangover

Robotic Michael Gove was unconvincing regarding possible outcomes of a ‘No deal Brexit’

Micheal Gove appeared to be almost robotic yesterday when offering his appeasements regarding the possible outcomes of leaving the EU without a deal. He came across as completely unconvincing as he attempted to play down the possible outcomes of a no deal Brexit with all the emotion and conviction of a Robot. Gove lacks almost every quality that you would want in a politician. He is insincere, unreliable and a real flip-flopper if ever there was one. However you might believe that he is actually quite loyal: well at least to those willing to employ him that is. He did his best to stick up for the beleaguered Theresa May in her time as PM and was supportive towards getting a deal with the EU and her efforts to do so. Now he is equally loyal to a new master that of Bodge-it Johnson whose opinions about a deal with the EU are seemingly poles apart from those of May but despite all this Gove is still loyal even to the point of spreading a few mis-truths along the way as well.

It would appear that Micheal Gove has thrown himself into his new role with such enthusiasm and conviction that he is now barely recognisable as the Leadership Candidate who opposed Bodge it so recently. At that time he seemed to have some opinions which seemed to be different to that of Bodge-it but now he has seemingly just turned into Johnson’s Puppet. All this goes to show what a vacuous space Micheal Gove really is. He resembles an empty Billboard that rents out to the highest bidder. Seemingly he will have any opinions that you wish to give him for a price. Thus it must be said that Micheal Gove appears to be a politician who lacks any real convictions at all and is willing to go wherever the money is. This is yet another self promoting Conservative politician who you simply cannot trust. Why would you trust him he has demonstrated time and again that he is insincere and unreliable. He has no convictions other than to tow the Party line to serve his paymaster. Why would we believe his appeasements regarding a ‘No deal Brexit’: this man could not give you the truth if he tried. He is more servant than savant. He is robotic and insincere and simply going through the motions.

Britain left to drift for a month as an irresponsible Prime Minister prorogues Parliament

Like a spoilt child the Prime Minister Boris Johnson has prorogued parliament in order to try and get his own way. Have we ever encountered an act of irresponsibly as big as this. In a time of crisis for Britain the Prime Minister( and how much it pains me to have to refer to him as such) has simply chosen to abandon the normal functioning of government in order to silence his critics and to give him a better opportunity to press ahead with his own agenda without the limitations that parliament could impose on the crazy megalomaniac. Still intent on wrecking Britain and pressing ahead with no deal this prime minister cares nothing at all about Britain he only seems to recognise his own agenda and ambitions. Boris Johnson is bad for Britain! Parliament to him is not a democratic tool it is an obstacle. He still believes he can run the show like he did as London Mayor without opposition. Parliament is another matter and he has already been defeated. So now his idea is to silence parliament to make obstacles to obstruct parliament. This prime minister is just a childish Megalomaniac, a spoilt public schoolboy who is used to getting his own way. Bodge-it is certainly not going to face the horrible consequences of of a British recession and a one sided and exploitative trade deal with the USA. None of these Brexiteers will. Why do you think that the likes of the condescending Rees Mogg support Brexit? These are opportunistic venture capitalists hoping to erode working and living conditions. The likes of Rees Moog would have you living in a Victorian Slum if they could and working for nothing more than to pay them rent and enough food to give you the energy just enough to slave for them the next day. Jacob Rees Mogg is so obsessed with Victorian values he has even written a book about it this speaks volumes in itself. These are simply the people that you don’t  want running this country or telling us what’s best for Britain because what they are really saying is what’s best for them. The situation that can offer them the best possible opportunity and outcome is all that they are really interested in.

These Brexiteering venture capitalists see Brexit as an opportunity to destroy Britain and British institutions. They see it as an opportunity to attack and suppress the working classes and erode their rights. There is no better opportunity than a recession in order to do it, this much they have learnt from Margaret Thatcher who did the same. Economic factors play a large part in offering opportunities to impose change. In a period of uncertainty and desperation often bodes well to make sweeping changes in legislation relating to worker’s rights and conditions of service including pay and minimum wage. Through a recession these keen Brexiteers aim to drive down labour costs and increase unemployment. These are the economic variables that lead to desperation for the working classes which ultimately lead to a relaxation of labour laws and regulations. This is an erosion of conditions for the workers which leads to opportunity to exploit the workforce. High unemployment makes challenging the situation untenable which gives power to the bosses and venture capitalists. Brexit will therefore only lead to misery for the working classes with an erosion of your standards of living and your worker’s rights.

Bodge-it is hiding the truth from you that no deal suits him best

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