So this is the life after Brexit: a taster of the special relationship and phenomenal trade deals that await after the UK after Brexit. Or will the UK be a disrespected nation subjected to the bullying behaviours of more stable and powerful economies like the US. The lack of respect shown towards Britain’s ambassador to the US more likely indicates the latter. As our position becomes one of beggar looking for trade deals anywhere we can find them ,we should be mindful that the Eagle of the US may actually be a vulture waiting to pick over the bones of the UK as it struggles along outside the EU. Without negotiating power or powerful friends we could find that the terms of any special relationships may be neither quite as favourable nor mutual beneficial or as respectful as we first naively believed.
Category: Brexit News
Some critical thoughts about the latest Brexit News stories with a bias towards the Remain Campaign. Keeping you up to date with the latest news from the Brexit process these posts look at what may be going on behind the scenes of the chief players in the Brexit process.
David Cameron was probably the worst Prime Minister in British history but could this be topped soon?
Let’s not forget the useless David Cameron who was probably the worst British Prime Minister of all time. David Cameron should not be let off easily fir his incompetency: but instead he has be allowed to profit from his profound incompetence and bad judgement. Let’s face it, David Cameron was most probably the worst Prime Minister that Britain has ever had. His lasting legacy of incompetence can still be witnessed today with the ongoing debacle of Brexit. Not only had he given opportunity to wreck his Country but he also opened the door to to wreck his own Conservative Party through a posthumous demonstration of their ineptness and inadequacies to cope with the stupid promises that he made in order to bribe his way into power. No wonder he legged it and disappeared under a rock as soon as the results of the Brexit Referendum were known.
Boris Johnson is a quitter: he is no Prime Minister!
Boris Johnson is a quitter; he is certainly no Prime Minister nor is he fit to be a British Prime Minister. In 2018 Boris Johnson quit Theresa May’s cabinet because he could not support her unwilling to rally to her cause he saw fit to quit because after all he is an opportunist. Johnson saw his future on the back of Theresa May’s demise and he certainly was not willing to offer his help to May because that have thwarted his ambition. No instead he was going to be disloyal to her and make himself as much as a nuisance to her as he possibly could. Boris Johnson is above all in it for himself. When the going gets tough he quits. He is a quitter which is certainly something that Britain does not need right now.
Continue reading Boris Johnson is a quitter: he is no Prime Minister!
Brexit’s 3.8 % has almost certainly gone but May carries on regardless
The Brexit 3.8 % has almost certainly eroded away now that the reality of the implications of EU are becoming clearer. News about the possible outcomes of Brexit is now becoming much clearer with investment in the UK declining and big businesses pulling up roots and walking. Prices of goods are set to rise and there is a possibility of food shortages. Public opinion and desire for Brexit, either with deal or no deal, has almost certainly eroded away the meagre 3.8% majority it had over 2 years ago. Despite all this Theresa May and the out of touch politicians in Government seem oblivious to this change in public opinion and are still determined to push through to complete Brexit regardless. How out of touch and blinkered can they be to this change in public opinion? Opinions change over 2 years + and the desire to leave the EU has now dwindled considerably. Besides which you would have only to look at the overall composition of the British people to realise that the outcome of the original vote should have been adjusted to account for the composition of that vote which was racist, or lacked understanding of the underlying issues. In reality there is at least 3.8 % + of the British people that are racists, bigots, illiterate and just plain stupid. So in reality the vote should have been adjusted accordingly by factoring in the overall composition of British Society to nullify their impact on the overall outcome of the vote. Instead we have been held to account by a small majority representing the most unpleasant and unsavoury side of British Society. Great Job!
Tories Brexit dilemma: Caution or Recklessness
I initially wrote this regarding Theresa May’s unenviable Brexit dilemma however since her forced resignation I have decided to update it as of 05/06/19. In reality there will not be many changes to make because the dilemma for the Tories remains the same no matter who they choose to be their new Leader. To most of us it would appear a rather pointless excercise changing Leader at this Stage. It is like changing a Football Manger on the Last Game of the Season: it will make little difference. However for the unfortunate Prime Minister May her team was full of self serving opportunists, not really a team at all really so her demise this far on came as no real shock to anyone. It comes as no real surprise then that this Team has done so badly for the Country achieving almost nothing during it’s residency. Now the Tories are looking for a new Leader to unify the team but the challenges remain exactly as they were for Theresa May.
Problems lie ahead for any new Tory Leader and they need to choose very wisely who is going to be at the helm. May’s deal with the EU was not enough to unify her party behind her or enough for the support of the DUP either. These Problems remain and the EU is unlikly to offer any better deal to the incoming Prime Minister either. In fact only yesterday the EU released a statement toughening up their stance and drawing a clear line that Negotiations will not continue after the 31/10/19 and failure to reach agreement before that date will result in Britain leaving without any deal at all on that date. problems that face the new Tory leader still remain that EU will not give Britain the deal that it requires to satisfy Parliament and also will not be satisfactory to the the British Public because of fudged proposals for the deal which is unlikely to satisfy what most Leavers voted for in the first place. Neither can any new Leader let the process continue to a ‘No Deal’ scenario mainly because this outcome puts the Conservative Party at incredible future risks of becoming non electable for a extended period should things go badly. This is a huge Brexit dilemma for any new Leader of the the Conservative Party. The process is not just about getting Brexit done by some hard line ( reckless) Brexiteer it is about ensuring that the Tories have a future as a viable Party after we do go on to Leave the EU. It is more about the circumstances surrounding our departure and the implications for Britain as we do.
Continue reading Tories Brexit dilemma: Caution or Recklessness
Theresa May manoeuvres to escape blamelessly for Brexit debacle
The Brexit Circus just goes around and around in circles getting us nowhere. The Prime Minister Theresa May and her clown, David Davis, seem to have no idea at all of how to negotiate with the EU. All we seem to be seeing from Theresa May is her abilities to annoy the EU with her misguided arrogance and insistence that Britain will dictate the terms of it’s departure from the EU, whilst the EU seems equally insistent that it will not submit to our demands. Pretty much everyone else with an ounce of sense in this Country knows that we just cannot dictate the terms of our departure and insist that we get everything that we want: it just does not work like that. The EU is also telling us the same message that Britain cannot dictate terms to them and insist that it gets all it wants. In reality we have a very weak hand to play whilst the EU holds a much stronger position. They have more to gain and less to loose from all this. Membership subscriptions bring rewards and privileges enjoyed by members and outside of the club you loose these rights and privileges and benefits associated with membership. It’s plain and simple and quite simply the message that the EU wants to send to other member countries that may think of leaving: that they should beware of what lies beyond the boundaries of the Membership Circle. Britain will no doubt suffer as a consequence of leaving this Membership Circle and the EU will be keen to reinforce this message. Any Leave Campaigners that had the notion that we could leave the EU and retain or cherry pick our terms of departure leaving in it’s place an arrangement that was more favourable to Britain was simply: delusional, misinformed or simply misguided.
Continue reading Theresa May manoeuvres to escape blamelessly for Brexit debacle
Brexit may be good for Boris but it’s bad for Britain
Brexit will be bad for Britain yet many of our politicians are still intent upon scuppering the British Economy by steering a course for a head on crash with this iceberg. Others are so worried about popularity and opinion polls that are unable and unwilling to raise the alarm even though they are supposed to represent the best interests of Britain.
Brexit will be bad for Britain
Yesterday saw Boris Johnson desperately rallying in front of press conference to gather support again for his cause, with sound bytes in response to the gloomy admissions made by the Government last week that Brexit will be bad for Britain. Rather than be a responsible politician who cares for Britain and it’s citizens by facing the facts, BoJo’s response is to further attempt to mislead, beguile and appeal to the right-wing sentiment that has placed us all in this stupid predicament. His rallying calls are now just a desperate attempt to brainwash and persuade his army of followers to charge into battle ill-equipped for the battle ahead. Sentiment alone will prove to be inadequate armour for the challenges of our exit from the EU. Here we are again with the age old British problem of a handful of toffs believing that they have God given rights to sacrifice ordinary Britain’s in their ill-thought out schemes and battles. It’s now high time to face facts Boris, that Brexit will be bad for Britain. It’s high time that his followers started to realise what a comic book pillock he actually is and started to put Britain first rather than believe in the lunacy of a egotistical politician that cares more for his own persona than he does for Britain.
Continue reading Brexit may be good for Boris but it’s bad for Britain
Brexit will be bad for Britain: the Government finally admits
Finally, this week, the Government have been forced to come clean and actually reveal to us the consequences of Brexit, if these were not already apparent before the Referendum. Yes they have confirmed that Brexit, in whatever form it takes, will make us all worse off and basically result in an economic slump for the UK which will lead to higher prices, inflation and job losses. So well done to the small majority of people who have voted for this course of disaster : or wait a minute did you not realise that this would be the outcome?
Continue reading Brexit will be bad for Britain: the Government finally admits
The sad reflection of Brexit is that reason and intelligence have been sacrificed
The sad reflection of the Brexit Vote is that reason and intelligence have been sacrificed in favour of a Popularist Vote and Majority rule. It has encouraged the small minded section of the British Public to believe that their opinions matter. In fact the Brexit Vote has endorsed this belief. Now it seems that Britain is being run not by elected governments with the expertise to run a country but instead by a misconceived Popularist Vote. What a way to run things! This sort of thing would simply not happen in business where people are selected for various tasks and duties based on expertise and competence. Instead we have the situation where the future of Britain and it’s economic status is being decided by a vote that was composed mainly of people who: latched onto only one aspect of the argument, saw an opportunity to openly express their prejudices and right wing views and who saw an opportunity to express an extreme dislike of foreigners entering the country. I would say that if a poll were to be taken the majority of British citizens would not have the least idea about topics such as Economics, Inflation, Trade Tariffs or International Trade so why have we what is basically an uneducated majority decide what is best for Britain on these matters?
Now we all have to face the consequences of David Cameron and the Tory parties desperate bid for power in seeking to appeal to the small minded biggots that unfortunately we find today in Britain. Cameron’s gamble backfired which ultimately led him to resign. Personally I do not take well to be told what to do by people when I neither respect their opinion nor credit them with a certain amount of intelligence or competence to do the job correctly. Now my whole future will be influenced by this decision taken by a majority that I have no faith in and together with me the fate of the whole country has been decided in this fashion as well. It is a prospect I am not looking forward to at all. This choice has been imposed upon me by a section of the public that most probably has no understanding of Economics at all.
Brexit is a gamble and Britain is now officially a Nation of Gamblers
Brexit is quite simply a gamble. It’s like backing a 100 to 1 outsider. Brexit has turned the whole country into a nation of gamblers betting irresponsibly on uncertainties. Many people who voted for Brexit did so based solely on: their own personal opinions and what effects them personally; what upsets them about Britain, their own prejudices, their uncharitableness towards others in need of assistance; their own interpretation of what Brexit meant to them without considering the larger picture and the long term consequences for Britain as a whole. Many of these people most probably voted for the first time and probably have little genuine interest in politics, fiscal policy and economics nor in General Elections. How can we trust this section of the public to make the right choices for Britain? How can it be that Britain could so willingly sacrifice: reason, intelligence and it’s economic future for the sake of prejudice and bigotry.
A desperate Theresa May hovers around the crumbs on offer at Trump’s Table
In some ways I feel sorry for Theresa May speeding off to the United States to meet Donald Trump. The reality is that she has no choice she has to be seen to be making the best of it. May has to be seen to getting a good deal otherwise Brexit is just going to look like the flop it already is. The EU is sticking to it’s guns and is going to make it hard for Britain. Yes it’s going to be a Hard Brexit after all but May feels that she deflect and distract from all this by harking back to the ‘Special Relationship’ that her predecessor forged with another questionable president running the USA. To me it all smacks of desperation since Trump has openly said that it will be ‘America First’ so really what does Theresa May really hope to gain from her US visit to Trump?
Continue reading A desperate Theresa May hovers around the crumbs on offer at Trump’s Table