Boris Johnson’s ‘Oven ready Deal’ turns out to be Brexit Fudge Cake after all

PM Boris Johnson is claiming victory for the deal struck with the EU but isn’t all this, including the run up to the deal, just posturing. The whole thing has just been posturing or more clearly just a Pantomime from start to finish. There never was doubt that a deal was going to be done because it had to be done to save face. A no deal would certainly have kicked the Tories into political oblivion by an act of suicide. Now in truth the whole exercise just looks like a vehicle used by Boris Johnson to ouwst Theresa May and obtain leadership and power in a egotistical political quest that smacks of ambition more than to be a political servant to the will of the people.

So in the run up to the deal we witnessed tough talk but it was all just empty posturing done as an act of showmanship. It was a complete act but equally transparent like the script of a Pantomine. The whole thing smacked of being rehearsed and all the characters were transparent. The truth is that Bodge it simply had no choice other than to strike some kind of deal. The EU would also have understood this but went along with the show almost like an audience at a Pantomime, but all the while ensuring that they would be the real winners. So how does the deal compare to what was promised? From what I have read it doesn’t bear much semblance to what was actually promised. It puts Northern Ireland in jeopardy of seeking actual independence from the UK and could mean a reintroduction of the tensions and troubles as the possibility of a unified Ireland takes focus. Goods in the UK are likely to be more expensive as a result of added red tape. Fisheries have been thrown to the lions as the sacrifice for retaining tariff free trading. Not to mention the chaos for businesses and movement that will happen as a result of leaving a mere week (less if you take into account the holidays) to sort out all the additional details and protocol required, and all because Boris Johnson and the government wanted to sort out the deal in the lowest possible profile hoping that it would slip by largely unnoticed. ‘Bodge it’ was in a tight corner but as usual he is attempting to claim victory where in actual fact there has been none at all. The reality is that the whole thing has been a rather embarrassing fiasco showing up, Boris Johnson, ‘ Bodge-it’ and his Government for what they are:incompetent.

Brexit was not a quest for Sovereignty it became a vehicle for personal political ambition and power

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Oven ready Brexit Deal now exposed as a lie to grab power

The electorate were promised a Brexit Deal which now looks like a lie because there clearly was no ‘Oven Ready Deal’ there at all. The electorate were clearly misled about Brexit and hence about the consequences of a no deal scenario.


The Tories now need to be taken to account on misleading the public. A no deal will be hugely consequential to the British economy and to the Tories who have to take the blame for mismanagement of the whole fiasco. The blame can be traced back to the incompetence of Cameron who mooted the whole idea in the first place. There is no one else to blame for the consequences of a no deal except the Tories and Bodge it himself in particular. No deal will cost jobs and lead to misery and a recession. The Tories will not be able to weather the storm that is coming.

‘Let’s get Brexit done’ is just an attempt to dumb down the General Election by the Tories

‘Let’s get Brexit done’ the General Election 2019 mantra from the Tories is just an attempt to dumb down the General Election 2019 into a single issue election. The reason they are doing this is primarily to avoid scrutiny of the key areas where the Tories have let down the British people whilst they have been in government and that amounts to every single area of policy. The Tories have failed Britain whilst in government in every single way possible. It was the Tories under Cameron that introduced this whole debacle. Now they are attempting to avoid proper scrutiny of their miserable failings by attempting to bring this General election down to a single issue Election. Don’t let them get away with it. The Tories should be held accountable for their miserable performance whilst in government by stating very clearly that we don’t want them back in power. Let’s get Brexit done should really be interpreted as let’s get Brexit dumb. 

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The SNP (Scottish National Party) are powerless to stop Brexit

The SNP (Scottish national Party) are powerless to stop Brexit and they will never be in a position to do so. In fact they are partially accountable for the success of the Tories in the General Election of 2017 and they continue to prop the Tories up in power in the UK. The SNP will never be in a position to govern the UK because they are primarily a regional Party. In fact the SNP is actually assisting the Tories by splitting the vote. This suits the Tories more than it suits Labour. As a result they have helped elect a political party that is actually detrimental to Scotland at the moment because they are assisting the Tories and helping them to hold on to power in the UK. As a result Scotland faces the unpopular scenario of leaving the EU with the rest of the UK. A vote for the SNP has resulted in a vote to keep the Tories in power.

Scottish devolution should be put on hold to deal with the more urgent matter of Brexit. 

Continue reading The SNP (Scottish National Party) are powerless to stop Brexit

The SNP is perhaps a luxury that Scotland cannot afford at the moment

This is my question for Scotland, do you hate the Tories more than you support the idea of devolution and which problem should you address first? It is all well and good supporting the ideal of devolution but until that opportunity arises which is your main concern, surely it must be who is likely to govern the UK in the interim period because these are the policies that will affect you in the short term. It would appear that a vote for the SNP is a luxury which you may not be able to afford if by doing so you put in place another Tory Government. Many in Scotland would prefer to remain in the EU but can this be achieved with a vote for the SNP? The SNP will not be in a position to govern the UK nor to determine whether or not the the UK remains in the EU. Which is the more immediate threat: a Tory Government that is hell bent on taking the UK out of the EU or the luxury of having the SNP govern Scotland whilst being unable to avert the impending and immediate danger

What is Scotland’s best chance of remaining in the EU?

If Scotland wants to avoid being taken out of the EU then surely it must place it’s hopes of devolution or another referendum on that subject on the back burner and deal instead with the more immediate threat by supporting a Party that can prevent the Uk’s departure from the EU. The SNP will not be able to prevent Scotland from being taken out of the EU before devolution so what is the more immediate danger either not getting another chance to vote on devolution or our impending departure from the EU? Scotland must make up it’s mind what is it’s biggest threat and where it’s priorities lie. It’s all very well voting for a Party promising devolution as it’s long term goal but this may come at a price of not being able to influence the outcome of the more immediate threat.

Is Nicola Sturgeon’s SNP indirectly supporting Tory Rule and aggravating Scotlands hopes of remaining in the EU?

Scottish voters need to ask themselves questions regarding whether or not they believe that by offering their support and loyalty to Nicola Sturgeon’s SNP they are not indirectly supporting continued Tory rule and perhaps even aggravating Scottish hopes of remaining in the EU. As I mentioned the SNP are powerless to alter the course of Brexit on their own and in their relative isolation. Perhaps then the luxury of voting in the SNP in Scotland should be put aside for the time being at least. Brexit is not a regional matter and all parts of the UK must unify if they are to have a chance of opposing it by voting for a cross border National Political Party that is willing to oppose Brexit. Regional matters must be shelved for the time being for the long term good of Scotland and the UK as a whole otherwise the Tories will triumph.

The ‘Special Relationship’ that seems to rely on Trump’s terms and tantrums

This special relationship between the US and the UK that is supposed to exit and that is so oft referred to seems to be nothing other than a one-sided promise that is dependent upon Donald Trump’s terms and tantrums. This special relationship was announced by Theresa May early on in her premiership and was supposed to be the foundation of the Brexit promise of better trading options post Brexit. It was held up as a model for likely trade agreements outside the EU. Recently we have seen 2 incidents which call this ‘Special Relationship’ into question and shows it up for what it really is: a one-sided attempt by the US to interfere in British Politics and an attempt to assuage power over the British Economy.

Trump lies in wait like a vulture for post Brexit Britain 

Continue reading The ‘Special Relationship’ that seems to rely on Trump’s terms and tantrums

Bodge-it Johnson promises everything but will deliver on nothing

Bodge-it certainly sees himself as a Churchill like figure and that is basically what he bases his image upon. He sees this as the moment of Britain’s  greatest need and he sees himself as the figure likely to step in to lead the Country out of it’s darkest hour towards a brighter future. All this really shows is that Bodge is full of his own importance and vanity and is in fact just a manipulative, self seeking individual from a privileged background. Also what Bodge-it fails to grasp is that Churchill reacted to circumstances brought about by other despotic figures in the world at that time. Bodge on the other hand is only trying to fix the mess of his own making and Cameron’s I should add. There is no real comparison between himself and Churchill. Churchill was a great man and Boris is well just a bit of a prat really. So when I hear statements from Bodge suggesting that he will make Britain the greatest place on Earth well you just have to laugh it is so absurd. This man cannot deliver on any of the outrageous promises he makes. He was only trusted with half a job by Theresa May and he managed to mangle and bodge that one up as well. Being a Mayor with little to do really and being a Prime Minister to lead and inspire are 2 very different roles. Bodge will just make a hash of being Prime Minister and lead the country towards ruin. Bodge has no compassion or understanding for those whose livelihoods will be wrecked as a result of his silly political meanderings. For Bodge-it it’s all just a game without serious consequences. He shows little understanding of the real world because he knows that he personally will not have to face the consequences of his silly public schoolboy pranks. Britain is certainly on the verge of catastrophe but the situation is in fact traceable back to Bodge-it-Johnson anyway and the misinformation of his Leave Campaign and it’s outrageous or liberal use of the truth and the figures during that Campaign.

Tories seem to want a quick fix Brexit by calling upon Hunt & Bodge it Johnson

Tories are desperate to rid themselves of the continuing embarrassment of Brexit so they seem to be placing their faith in the dodgy building firm of Hunt & Bodge it. They seem to want a quick fix to Brexit (a Rush Job) in order to rid themselves of the continued embarrassment of seemingly not being able to successfully get the job done. In order to hide their incompetence they have given the work to Hunt & Bodge it a dodgy local firm with a poor reputation which rumour has it will soon be going into liquidation anyway. But wasting public money by giving contracts to dodgy businesses has never really worried the Tories anyway.

Both Hunt and Bodge it claim that they can get the job done on time by the deadline but neither can guarantee the quality of their workmanship or that people will not suffer as a result of their labour’s. Health and Safety are not really matters of concern for Hunt & Bodge it!

Melanie Onn’s comments about a second Brexit referendum are not representative

Comments made today by Grimsby MP are not necessarily representative of the general feeling in the Labour Party towards a second Brexit referendum. Particularly because the Labour Party need to improve their support in Scotland if they are to have any serious chance of success in a General Election. Scotland is clearly in favour of remaining in the EU. The only way of achieving greater electoral success in Scotland is to offer at the very least a second Brexit referendum. Therefore there could be much to gain by offering a second referendum as a manifesto pledge. There are also many Party members who support Remain. For more details please see my post on this issue.

Phenomenal Trade Deal putting America first?

A Phenomenal Trade Deal but with conditions is this what Trump was implying yesterday when discussing trade with Theresa May. Judging from her body language she appears to be cringing when Trump seems to add certain preconditions to his statement along the lines of everything is on the table and everything is negotiable.

What are these preconditions likely to mean for Britain?

Continue reading Phenomenal Trade Deal putting America first?