Theresa May manoeuvres to escape blamelessly for Brexit debacle

The Brexit Circus just goes around and around in circles getting us nowhere. The Prime Minister Theresa May and her clown, David Davis, seem to have no idea at all of how to negotiate with the EU. All we seem to be seeing from Theresa May is her abilities to annoy the EU with her misguided arrogance and insistence that Britain will dictate the terms of it’s departure from the EU, whilst the EU seems equally insistent that it will not submit to our demands. Pretty much everyone else with an ounce of sense in this Country knows that we just cannot dictate the terms of our departure and insist that we get everything that we want: it just does not work like that. The EU is also telling us the same message that Britain cannot dictate terms to them and insist that it gets all it wants. In reality we have a very weak hand to play whilst the EU holds a much stronger position. They have more to gain and less to loose from all this. Membership subscriptions bring rewards and privileges enjoyed by members and outside of the club you loose these rights and privileges and benefits associated with membership. It’s plain and simple and quite simply the message that the EU wants to send to other member countries that may think of leaving: that they should beware of what lies beyond the boundaries of the Membership Circle. Britain will no doubt suffer as a consequence of leaving this Membership Circle and the EU will be keen to reinforce this message. Any Leave Campaigners that had the notion that we could leave the EU and retain or cherry pick our terms of departure leaving in it’s place an arrangement that was more favourable to Britain was simply: delusional, misinformed or simply misguided.

Continue reading Theresa May manoeuvres to escape blamelessly for Brexit debacle

If Bexit was applied to Football

Brexit should be having a profound effect on football if we apply the same logic to football matches as we have done to the Brexit Process! This sounds pretty daft and vague doesn’t it but if you think about it there are similarities and if we applied to same rules then football might be quite a different game. The process is about winners and losers and how we determine which is which. The Brexit process is being taken forward based on the fact that the Leave Campaign managed to secure a 3.8 % majority over the Remain Campaign.

So lets apply this to a Football Match situation and say that despite what happens on the pitch the outcome and final result will actually be determined by the relative amounts of fans present from each of the respective teams. Footballing skills and reasonable argument caused by the scoring of goals on the field of play become meaningless. Also a draw is impossible to achieve. Success is simply measured by the amounts of fans participating/attending. The Team with the most fans in attendance wins no matter what takes place on the field of play. If your team has the most fans it wins. There is no competition to see which team is the most determined or skillful, these have no consequence on the outcome of the game and do not figure in the assessment. The majority will always win in this situation and logic and reasonable argument based upon gameplay and skillfulness can be disregarded. The same applies to Brexit, where reasonable argument and consequence have been ignored in favour of Majority Rule.

So next time I want to make a decision that effects me and my family should I go and consult a cross section of the public which takes no notice of their educational background, occupation or abilities to make choices based on the information that I provide to them. Should I then base my final choices and decisions upon what may be their very unlearned opinion about matters of which they have no understanding or knowledge but of which instead they may just have an opinion? Is majority decision the right choice to make simply because it is based on numbers? We elect Governments to make learned choices for us. Our democratic system elects those that we choose through a majority voting system but the difference here and after that is we elect them in a contest but then we expect them to make the right choices after that and not to have to consult us and seek a majority. We empower them to make choices on our behalf that which we would hope represents our best interests and the interests of Britain as a whole. What we can learn from the recent EU Referendum in 2016 is that Majority decisions do not always work in our interest and our democratic system is not supposed to act in that way either.

Customs Union would be a Brexit Fairy Tale Ending for delusional Britain

Lets face it we all like a Fairy Tale Ending but the reality for our Brexit is that this is extremely unlikely to happen. Instead politicians are trying their hardest to make us believe that this could actually happen. Yes politicians from all sides seem to have lost their grip on reality and are placing their faith in a goodwill process and departing gesture from the European Union (EU). I find it hard to believe that politicians like Jeremy Corbyn actually believe in what they are promoting: it’s just absurd and ridiculous. Not that Jeremy Corbyn is either of these because I can envisage it from his perspective he is only trying to be reasonable and seem to be acting in the best interests of his country. A Customs Union would be the best thing and the best outcome from this messy Brexit process but this is extremely unlikely to happen. A Customs Union represents the arrangements that we currently have in place. It is a benefit of being a member state of the EU. The likelihood of the EU granting us the same set of privileges upon our departure from the EU is highly unlikely unless they are prepared to let other member states leave the EU with the same arrangements. The idea and notion that we will get a Customs Union upon our departure from the EU is nothing more than a fary tale that will never happen. Departure from a club by failing to pay our subscriptions from any club would mean a loss of benefits of being a member of that club: it’s plain and simple and this will be the perspective of the EU member states that remain a part of that club: to believe otherwise would be to delude ourselves. As a consequence Britain will loose all advantages of being a member state and others who still remain in the membership group will benefit from our departure. Is that clear enough for delusional Britain because I cannot spell it out any clearer? Yes we all want the current benefits and the lack of Borders but that is not what will actually occur.

Continue reading Customs Union would be a Brexit Fairy Tale Ending for delusional Britain

Brexit: reckless Blindness and Bloody-mindedness

Brexit may be good for Boris but it’s bad for Britain. Given the recent admissions by the British Government that Brexit will severely weaken the British Economy is it still right to press ahead? Can the small majority of 3.8 % still survive the release of information, which only now reveals the true impact on the UK’s Economy of our departure from the EU. Having taken this reality check would not the vote now be much closer with a possible swing to the Remain Campaign instead?  Now having the correct information to hand would it now seem to be the time to question the validity of the Referendum Result taken in 2016 and press ahead with these messy Brexit negotiations? Should we not have been given this information before we made our voting choices in 2016 and would it have changed the way we voted if we had been given the correct information? Brexit now seems to be much less about common sense and the common good of UK citizens: and more about the politicians being mindful about a result that seemed more like an opinion poll and worried that by not carrying through Brexit they will suffer in future General Elections.

Continue reading Brexit: reckless Blindness and Bloody-mindedness

Brexit may be good for Boris but it’s bad for Britain

Brexit will be bad for Britain yet many of our politicians are still intent upon scuppering the British Economy by steering a course for a head on crash with this iceberg. Others are so worried about popularity and opinion polls that are unable and unwilling to raise the alarm even though they are supposed to represent the best interests of Britain.

Brexit will be bad for Britain

Yesterday saw Boris Johnson desperately rallying in front of press conference to gather support again for his cause, with sound bytes in response to the gloomy admissions made by the Government last week that Brexit will be bad for Britain. Rather than be a responsible politician who cares for Britain and it’s citizens by facing the facts, BoJo’s response is to further attempt to mislead, beguile and appeal to the right-wing sentiment that has placed us all in this stupid predicament. His rallying calls are now just a desperate attempt to brainwash and persuade his army of followers to charge into battle ill-equipped for the battle ahead. Sentiment alone will prove to be inadequate armour for the challenges of our exit from the EU. Here we are again with the age old British problem of a handful of toffs believing that they have God given rights to sacrifice ordinary Britain’s in their ill-thought out schemes and battles. It’s now high time to face facts Boris, that Brexit will be bad for Britain. It’s high time that his followers started to realise what a comic book pillock he actually is and started to put Britain first rather than believe in the lunacy of a egotistical politician that cares more for his own persona than he does for Britain.

Continue reading Brexit may be good for Boris but it’s bad for Britain

Brexit will be bad for Britain: the Government finally admits

Finally, this week, the Government have been forced to come clean and actually reveal to us the consequences of Brexit, if these were not already apparent before the Referendum. Yes they have confirmed that Brexit, in whatever form it takes, will make us all worse off and basically result in an economic slump for the UK which will lead to higher prices, inflation and job losses. So well done to the small majority of people who have voted for this course of disaster : or wait a minute did you not realise that this would be the outcome?

Continue reading Brexit will be bad for Britain: the Government finally admits