Backward thinking Donald Trump won’t make America great

Backward  thinking Donald Trump won’t make  America  great again. Quite the opposite  he has relegated America  to become  a second rate nation without significance and without a role to play.  MAGA  is a phrase not worthy of the Trump government.  Once America  used to show  the way for the rest of the world  to follow but now it shows the world what not to do like electing a power crazy leader who is Backward thinking on issues like the environment, world trade and resolution of world’s major conflicts. He has colluded with the greedy jews to hatch a plan to turn Gazza into a desirable real estate for the greedy Jews whilst ethnically  cleansing the area of Palestinians.

Under Trump MAGA is just bullshit

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Waterways Pollution in Britain: Thatcher’s privatisations come to a shitty end

Last weeks admissions  of failure by the British  Water Companies are the perfect demonstration of the failure of Margaret  Thatcher’s privatisations. Water pollution  in the UK  reflects and reveals decades  of mismanagement by these water companies and exposes once and for all the failures of Britain’s privatisations  brought about by the Thatcher and Major governments.

Now the final cost of these privatisations  include polluted rivers and the coastline of the British  Isles. Years of lack of investment and mismanagement have surfaced to show us the extent of the problems of privatisation. These companies have been creaming off profits to shareholders and investing in other business interests  whilst neglecting their primary purpose. The stench of corruption and malpractice is as bad as the stench left by them in our polluted rivers and our beaches. Companies such as these have the obligation to look after the resources they are managing not to trash them. This obligation should be a prerequisite to the nature of there work. Hence by increasing pollution in our rivers and upon our beaches they have failed to execute their duties properly and should be removed as a liability as quickly as possible. It wouldn’t take long to do this and to prove this in a court of law and the British Government should be pressed to do so as a matter of obligation. However we have a Conservative Government in power that still supports these failed privations dating back to the Thatcher and Major Governments so any action on the matter seems remote.

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Human waste now even extends beyond Earth

It’s  official, human waste now even extends beyond Earth. As another triumph for humanity we have now officially colonised a part of our galaxy with human waste. We have officially crashed some space debris into our Moon. Could this unhappy  accident actually  be a solution to the expanding waste problems on Earth? Maybe there is actually  a purpose to space exploration that could help us with our own dilemma about what to do with our waste?

COP26 and government policies won’t necessarily stop environmental degradation

COP26 and government policies aren’t  necessarily  going to stop environmental degradation instead focus should equally  be falling on individual  responsibilities and the activities  of businesses.  The activities  of these aren’t  necessarily  going to be directly influenced  by either the decisions  of COP26 or government  policies resulting from this conference.

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Socialist economic theory is green not red: Socialism is certainly better for the Environment

Socialist economics are green not red which is an important  point to make in the week when COP26 is taking place. Socialist economic theory can have a valid position in any economy  striving to take care of both it’s citizens, it’s  global citizens and the local and global environments. This is unlikely to be the case when referring to a free market economy  based on inequality, exploitation and free for all of capitalist systems of economic theory. This point should not be overlooked by COP26.

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The stench of BRITISH privatisation is becoming evident in the run up to COP26

The stench of British  privatisation is becoming evident in the run up to COP26. Government ministers  are running for cover and attempting to hide under stones after a Government motion was defeated which would have forced the private water companies to clean up their act. However what happened was actually very embarrassing for the government because the bill  was defeated which actually  looked liked a huge endorsement for the behaviour of the private water companies and a signal that it was OK to keep discharging untreated sewage in the rivers of Britain  and into the seas around the UK. This is a huge embarrassment to the government in the run up to COP26. Again it is a stench resulting  from the privatisations of the water companies  pioneered by previous Conservative governments.

It appears that ministers voted on the matter in the way that they did mainly  because of huge investments in the infrastructure that would be needed to update the antiquated system currently  in place. Cost in this case was prohibitive to improving and maintaining the environment  so the choice preferred was to continue to pollute and degrade the environment.

So why haven’t these private companies  been investing in making these improvements themselves and why are they still reliant on funding from the government  and the tax payers? What has gone wrong with privatisation? Surely  the idea of privatisation was to become independent of the tax payer and yet these companies  still manage to bother the tax payers to subsidise their profiteering  enterprises.

Boris Johnson’s environmental credibility is exposed as fraudulent

Boris Johnson’s environmental credibility  was exposed as fraudulent yesterday by the derogatory comments he published in the Sun newspaper.

Sadly I cannot  understand  why his terms of reference were not picked up and discussed  more fully in the general media. In Johnson’s  belief ithe announcement was made to give more weight to his credibility  as an environmental  campaigner but in reality it simply exposed him as a fraud who believes that those with environmental  concerns belong to a class of hippies who basically  walk around  in sandals and who are all obviously vegetarian in Johnson’s  eyes. To have his utter garbage pedalled by the Sun is really  no surprise  because Johnson knows  who his mindless audience is and as such is pandering to their prejudices as well. To have these kind of beliefs and assumptions coming from our Prime Minister is unhelpful and not the kind of language that helps to unify us all behind a valid and urgent cause. It makes a mockery of and belittles the debate on the environment and polarises one side against another and it is now quite  obvious in which camp Boris Johnson actually has a foot in.

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Dog owners are major contributors to plastic pollution problems

Dog owners are major contributors to plastic pollution and as such are bad for the environment. Dog owners are adding to plastic pollution problems by insisting on wrapping dog feces in plastic. Also the manufacturers of the plastic dog poo bags are contributing to the problem by making claims that these bags are biodegradable,  which they may be but only after about a million years under the right set of environmental conditions. These false claims are leading to a situation whereby some ignorant dog owners are taking this labelling at face value and leaving used bags lying around on the ground thinking that they will magically disappear. However even the more responsible dog owners are also being misled and are perhaps unknowing still contributing to the problems of environmental plastic pollution by putting these used dog poo bags into waste bins which will eventually end up as landfill. Landfill is only a way of hiding a problem without  addressing it. Even the more responsible dog owners they are still contributors to the plastic pollution problems and are contributors to the environmental  plastic pollution albeit in a more disguised and less obvious way.

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ASDA take a backward step on environmental plastic pollution

ASDA take a backward step on environmental plastic pollution by reintroducing plastic packaging for their own egg brand. This replaces the previously used paper/cardboard packaging thus adding even more plastic packaging waste to the environment. This is a backwards step that is in contrast with the efforts of many of the other supermarkets who have taken steps to reduce plastic packaging on their lines. ASDA seem to be completely out of step with these trends. People should avoid purchasing products which potentially add to environmental pollution this being one of them.