Putin wins as Biden fails to reach a decision

Putin wins again as Biden fails to reach a decision. President Biden has shown just how dithering he really is as President  of the USA and has again given another significant win to Putin. Putin was worried like a cornered rat and Biden has let him escape. The necessity to let Ukraine defend itself properly against Putin was important and could have both indicated an end to the war in Ukraine and an opportunity  to depose Putin or severely weaken him.

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Time to expel Russia from UN

Surely  it’s time to expel Russia from the UN. Russia have demonstrated a willingness to breach human rights and are quite prepared to lie to the UN Council. Therefore they are unfit to be in attendance at voting that they can and will veto. It is imperative  that the UN acts in support of the non aggressor, in this case the Ukraine 🇺🇦.  Russia is clearly unfit to be a part of the United Nations Council therefore it must be expelled. The UN cannot condone a nation that is prepared to tell lies to the Council and is unwilling to address it’s  infringements of human rights and what looks like war crimes committed in the Ukraine 🇺🇦.  Russia’s presence in the UN is a huge embarrassment which prevents the UN from carrying out it’s  intended purpose.