Conservative Party’s policies are a Dead-end Street for Britain

The Conservative Party’s policies are finally revealed to be a Dead-end Street for Britain. Their policies and ideas are stagnated and simply not relevant for a Britain struggling to develop and struggling under insurmountable Inflation being driven by the immoral  greed and profiteering  of the Energy and utilities companies in the UK.

Privatisations have spawned  monsters with ideas that they can milk demand to death without impunity or consequences. These monster energy  and utilities  companies are driven by greed acting outside of the national  interests without a conscience  or any remorse. There sole purpose  being to maximise their profits whilst driving Inflation  in the UK higher  and higher. No longer restrained  by governments they can act outside of concerns like fair pricing for energy and act beyond any national concerns. They even set their own prices and Price Cap (joke) without any government intervention. They are quite simply a law unto themselves. And whose fault is it? Well fault can be traced back over many decades to the ill thought out and possibly  illegal sale of the resources to private concerns and profiteers. And who wad to blame  for that: well previous  and current Conservative governments because they did it and the current Conservative governments  continue to endorse it. Privatisation  was always going to be a Dead-end Street for Britain  and we are now at it upper limits with no where else to go other than backwards to find a brighter future without these shambolic  profiteering  energy  and utilities companies dictating the economic situation and profiteering and causing misery and mayhem thanks to the ill thought out policies  of consecutive  Tory Governments.

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