‘A Changed Labour Party’ pursueing Electoral Credibility but at what cost to policies?

‘A Changed Labour Party’ as Kier Starmer likes to call it, pursueing electoral credibility but at what cost to policies? Sir Kier Starmer keeps dropping in phrases about the Labour Party’s  electoral  credibility but what is unclear about his focus on this issue is the cost to the Labour  Party’s policies  and ambitions.

The last time we saw ‘A changed Labour Party’ was that of Tony Blair: and what a disaster that was

The last time we saw ‘A Changed Labour Party’ was that of Tony Blair’s ‘New Labour’: and what a disaster that was. So is Starmer wanting to take Labour back to the uninspiring and instantly forgettable Tony Blair years? Well on the face of it it would appear to be so. So even though the Tories are gifting the next General Election to Labour, nervous Starmer still seems intent on watering the Labour Party policies down to worthlessness.

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What should the Labour Party do now? Nothing!

What  should the Labour Party do now following election defeat and a change in leadership? Quite simply the Labour Party needs to remain calm and stop itself from having inner doubts. It needs to avoid self doubt and sweeping changes to it’s  policies. The Labour  Party should be reminding  itself  that the last General Election  was fought and won on a single issue, that of Brexit. The last election  was not an election about policies or real politics: it was simply fought as a right wing agenda of getting Brexit done and past the winning post, which had been stalling for many months under the governance of the Tories. This single agenda election polarised the electorate or basically  turned off voters and put them in a state of apathy.

With election  defeat it has unquestionably left the many withbthe feeling about ‘ what should the Labour Party do to be more electable and bring back voters?’. In the last General Election the Labour  Party  was unable to define a credible policy about  Brexit and failed to get voters on board to the idea of having  further ballots. So sick of the  idea that Brexit should take up any more time, ideas of perhaps putting any further debate back to voters was a turn off for most voters who simply wanted a conclusion and end to debate. There was little scrutiny of  any other policies going on in this election: so Labour can rest assured it didn’t  loose the election because of it’s  policies.

Continue reading What should the Labour Party do now? Nothing!

Tories won the election with a weak hand and a Trump Card

It’s pretty unpleasant to find that you have been scammed but face the facts the Tories won the election with a weak hand, a bluff and the Trump Card of Brexit. They have been elected with the biggest bluff ever seen in British politics and you have all bought into it. Comparison between what the Tories have offered you to what was on offer from the Labour Party you might actually have grounds to believe that you have actually been scammed by the Tories. So let’s compare what you would have got under a Labour government to what you will get from the Tories and you will have to admit that you have been scammed and sold yourselves off very cheaply in order to get Brexit done.

The Tories were holding the Trump Card of Brexit

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PM Johnson just shot himself in the foot

Is it just me or have people also already realised that the PM Boris Johnson has just shot himself in the foot through his reaction and statements regarding the leaked Government documents that Jeremy Corbyn presented to last night’s debate. Johnson’s statement regarding the leaked documents and suggestions that an investigation is needed to address possible Russian involvement basically lends authenticity to the documents which suggest that the NHS is at risk from dealings with the USA in possible future trade negotiations. This is in conflict with previous statements made by Johnson in which he claims that this is not the case and untrue. So it appears that the NHS could be at risk in future trade negotiations with the USA. Johnson has denied this but his reaction to the leak has also given authenticity to Jeremy Corbyn’s claims that this is the case. If the documents were fake then why would he be bothered at all?

Labour : it’s not radical socialism it’s a logical solution to Britain’s problems: Britain needs a new path and new ideas to tackle it’s problems

Labour’s plans are being referred to as radical socialism but that is misleading because it is simply about getting a fairer Britain, putting an end to poverty and exploitation. Labour’s plans are not radical socialism they are a new path for Britain: a set of fresh ideas to tackle Britain’s problems including Brexit. Firstly who is actually calling it radical socialism: that would be the Press which actually has a vested interest to attack socialism because mostly all the press in this country is owned by greedy Tory supporting capitalists owners with a vested interest to discredit new ideas to tackle Britain’s problems and curtail and limit the ambitions of the working classes. You think that ‘The Sun’ newspaper for example supports you when in actual fact it is taking the piss out of you by pretending to represent your interests when in actual fact it is attacking and discrediting working class institutions designed to benefit and help the working class. Do yourself and favour read this article and come to your senses and stop believing all the rubbish and lies and misinformation that these newspapers spread. Labour are actually offering the most logical solutions to Britain’s problems including Brexit.

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‘Let’s get Brexit done’ is just an attempt to dumb down the General Election by the Tories

‘Let’s get Brexit done’ the General Election 2019 mantra from the Tories is just an attempt to dumb down the General Election 2019 into a single issue election. The reason they are doing this is primarily to avoid scrutiny of the key areas where the Tories have let down the British people whilst they have been in government and that amounts to every single area of policy. The Tories have failed Britain whilst in government in every single way possible. It was the Tories under Cameron that introduced this whole debacle. Now they are attempting to avoid proper scrutiny of their miserable failings by attempting to bring this General election down to a single issue Election. Don’t let them get away with it. The Tories should be held accountable for their miserable performance whilst in government by stating very clearly that we don’t want them back in power. Let’s get Brexit done should really be interpreted as let’s get Brexit dumb. 

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Get Brexit done is a joke : 3 Tory Prime Ministers and they still haven’t accomplished their own idea

Get Brexit done is the new Tory mantra in the run up to the forthcoming General Election but why should we trust them when so far they haven’t accomplished anything at all. Let’s not forget that Brexit and the EU referendum was their idea. Since then all the Tories have accomplished is 3 changes of Leadership: 3 Tory Prime Ministers and nothing at all to show for it other than a stream of incompetences.