Well they have finally admitted it now there is not going to be any Christmas Cheer coming your way from Theresa May and her Conservative Party Government. They have finally been forced to release their unpleasant news in the Budget of last week. This is a gloomy forecast indeed and is in stark contrast to Theresa May‘s previous promise to be a Party for people and working people especially. There is no good news or hope to be taken from the November 2016 Budget and the financial forecasts: just more Jams (just about managing) and no Creams at all for the majority of people. Then add on to all this the stupidity of pressing ahead with Brexit and the resulting higher inflation and devaluing of people’s wages and living standards and you have more and more ‘jams'( Just About Managing). So there is no good news ahead for those that are presently ‘jams’ ( just about managing ) and those that are not currently ‘jams’ the bad news is that with a hard Brexit looming ahead you soon will be. The only sense that I can make of it all is that Theresa May in reality wants a low wage, high inflation and high unemployment economy the same as her cherished predecessor ‘Margaret Thatcher‘ , who is after all her idol and the politician she most aspires to resemble. This similar set of circumstances gave Margerat Thatcher (not a misspelling I assure you) the opportunity to punish the working classes and divide them to the point from which they are still yet to recover and come to their senses. Due to a set of very similar economic circumstances she was able to drive down wages, erode workers rights, divide traditional loyalties and worst of all she made snobs of the working class and all because of a high inflation, high unemployment economy which was favourable to her extreme policies. This was the Thatcherite Utopia to which Theresa May now also aspires to and this is why she is so keen to be pressing ahead with Brexit despite the gloomy economic forecasts. Theresa May and her Conservative Government cannot and should not be trusted as she is not acting in the interests of Great Britain or the UK Economy.