Category: The Conservative Party moves a step closer to political oblivion
The Conservative Party moves a step closer to political oblivion by taking a huge gamble of putting in charge a childish megalomaniac. It now appears that they are willing to take a huge gamble with the wellbeing of the British Economy and the livelihood of British people. This reckless gamble has the potential to backfire. Maybe we should be asking if the Conservative Party is actually fit to lead this country at all. After all the they has caused this crisis which appears to be likely to conclude in a very unfavourable way by leaving the EU without any deal. During this crisis the Conservative Party has brought about 3 changes in leadership and direction and none of which have led to any success or resolution. They have proven to be irrelevant, incompetent and reckless. So isn’t it about time the Conservatives just disappeared into the political oblivion that they seem to be heading towards anyway. Nobody likes a gambler when they are loosing. The Conservative Party seems to have a gambling addiction that it cannot shake off but should we really let them gamble with the economic future of Britain? I think not!
The Conservative Party is now just irrelevant and will be remembered only for bringing about damage and crisis to British democracy.
Bodge, the childish megalomaniac, thinks that by sulking he will get his own way & make Europe give in
Bodge-it thinks that by sulking he will get his own way and Europe will just give in to his demands. Well this is a fine strategy and one more worthy of a kindergarten and really less becoming of a so called statesman or Prime Minister. Meanwhile it has given Bodge the chance to pretty much resume his role of London Major and that means pretty much going around doing nothing much at all. This is what Bodge-it does best of course. Now he has taken to going around with his imaginary chequebook promising everyone large sums of cash in an attempt to please everyone and buy his election votes.
Putting a childish megalomaniac in charge of the country and the Brexit negotiations is irresponsible
Boris’s Infantile, childish and naive belief that he can get his demands
The politics of Boris Johnson are Infantile, childish and naive if he believes that the EU will give in to his demands. No one leaves a club then expects the same privileges of its membership whilst not paying the subscription. There is no possibility of Free trade once we leave. The EU will not leave its borders open in Ireland because smugglers will quickly take advantage of this area of weakness. And finally bills have to be paid. Is this really the best that Bodge-it can come up with? His political naivety and childishness is embarrassing. To go to the EU with a set of embarrassingly ill thought out demands is just going to be a waste of time. A deal has to be amenable to both sides in a negotiation not just a one sided petulant rant from a spoilt public schoolboy who wants his own way. All very well banging your fists on the table in the cabinet office of Downing Street for the cameras: that’s not going to get you very far in the real world of actually doing a deal with the EU. The Conservative Party may have given into his demands and petulant rants to give him the job which he is neither intellectually capable of nor temperamentaly qualified to do but he will not find the EU such a pushover. Just making himself a persistent nuisance is not a strategy that is going to work with the EU.
Conservative politics has led Britain down a dead-end street and into the mess it now finds itself in
When will the British people come to the realisation that the mess that Britain now finds itself in is as a direct result of putting in power successive inept and incompetent Conservative governments. The Conservative Party has led Britain down a dead-end street to the mess that it now finds itself in. The most recent manifestations of these governments have shown that they lack any ideas or ambition to turn Britain around. Conservative Party policies lack any ambition for Britain, instead clinging onto the outdated ideologies of thatcherism which have been shown not to work. Britain needs a fresh set of ideas to tackle the issues of today. The Tories lack these ideas and they lack leadership: they are barren and dysfunctional. They are unrepresentative of the majority of the British people who stand to gain nothing at all by voting Conservative. So why aren’t people catching on to this? Is it something so endemicaly British that says we must suffer and put up with incompetence? Why should we put up with attacks on all the things that are good or were good about Britain like the NHS for example. Don’t let the Tories fool you with their rhetoric they hate the NHS: they see it only as a tax burden. The recent austerity program that they imposed upon Councils was in reality just a ‘blessing in disguise’ for the Tories in that it allowed them to go further with cuts to public funding than even Margaret Thatcher could have dreamed of. With these cuts they have drawn a line in the sand and there will be no return to the excellence of our public services not under the Tories.