Let’s not forget the useless David Cameron who was probably the worst British Prime Minister of all time. David Cameron should not be let off easily fir his incompetency: but instead he has be allowed to profit from his profound incompetence and bad judgement. Let’s face it, David Cameron was most probably the worst Prime Minister that Britain has ever had. His lasting legacy of incompetence can still be witnessed today with the ongoing debacle of Brexit. Not only had he given opportunity to wreck his Country but he also opened the door to to wreck his own Conservative Party through a posthumous demonstration of their ineptness and inadequacies to cope with the stupid promises that he made in order to bribe his way into power. No wonder he legged it and disappeared under a rock as soon as the results of the Brexit Referendum were known.
Category: Was David Cameron the worst Prime Minister in British History?
Brexit: reckless Blindness and Bloody-mindedness
Brexit may be good for Boris but it’s bad for Britain. Given the recent admissions by the British Government that Brexit will severely weaken the British Economy is it still right to press ahead? Can the small majority of 3.8 % still survive the release of information, which only now reveals the true impact on the UK’s Economy of our departure from the EU. Having taken this reality check would not the vote now be much closer with a possible swing to the Remain Campaign instead? Now having the correct information to hand would it now seem to be the time to question the validity of the Referendum Result taken in 2016 and press ahead with these messy Brexit negotiations? Should we not have been given this information before we made our voting choices in 2016 and would it have changed the way we voted if we had been given the correct information? Brexit now seems to be much less about common sense and the common good of UK citizens: and more about the politicians being mindful about a result that seemed more like an opinion poll and worried that by not carrying through Brexit they will suffer in future General Elections.
Continue reading Brexit: reckless Blindness and Bloody-mindedness