3 weeks in and Labour is already giving ammunition to the Tories

Well it won’t  be long before the Tories are fully recovered  from their embarrassing  Election defeat  if Kier Starmer  and the Labour  Party have anything to do with it. They are already providing the Tories  with a source of ammunition with which to fight Labour again by scrapping  the use of the Bibby Stockholm refugee barge. This is a move which is likely  to ask why illegal  immigrants  are to be housed in costly hotel accommodation again.

Meanwhile much of both council and privately rented accommodation in this country  remains substandard and in many documented cases is in an appalling state which is unfit for habitation. Many people  in this type of accommodation would welcome accommodation which is safe and dry where facilities  included heated rooms, abilities to get nourishing  food and where there is communal  access  to gyms and games rooms.

Many of this country’s citizens are living in conditions  far worse than those experienced  by the illegal  immigrants on the Bibby Stockholm. Also consider that there is both a housing shortage in this country  and there is a considerable  homelessness problem in almost all, if not all, our major cities. So pardon me if I just cannot sympathise with the moans of the people,who have come to this country  illegally, about the conditions of the more than adequate  accommodation  on the Bibby Stockholm. I do not support the Labour  Party’s  stance on closing down the Bibby Stockholm  and moving these people  back into hotels which are the more costly  option is in my opinion  a backward step which will cost the taxpayers  considerably  more and which gives the Tories  ammunition  to fire back at Labour on the issue of immigration.

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