Conservative’s Party Conference shows that they lack: credibility, imagination and unity and that they are terrified of Corbyn

The Conservative Party Conference has left them looking embarrassingly weak. Seeming to lack any imagination, unity and credibility they are struggling to convince both themselves and the public they represent a credible government working for the benefit of Great Britain. The obvious truth of the matter is that they don’t. They claim to be championing the working people: they don’t. This is old rhetoric that we heard when  the Prime Minister, Theresa May, took over from David Cameron after he ran away unceremoniously embarrassed by his huge political gamble that had exploded in his face.

So we have heard it all before and the recent General Election 2017 showed that the public will not swallow it either. So the Conservative Party Conference sees them trying to win the same argument in which they have already been embarrassingly defeated. What this Conference has shown is that the Conservatives are unimaginative with no real vision for the future of Great Britain. They are unwilling to tackle head on the main issues which effect the British Public namely: huge profiteering of the utility providers, high rail fares, welfare, the NHS, and where the British Economy will be post Brexit. These are the issues to which the British Public want real change and real answers and these are the areas where there is high public dissatisfaction. Instead the Conservatives remain totally uninspiring, seemingly attempting to convince us they they represent the interests of working people and the working classes whilst doing very little to deserve this high accolade that they have foisted upon themselves. Well the public will not be deceived and duped so easily especially by a political party that cannot even manage their own conference properly. No the Conservative Party Conference 2017 has shown us that they are not unitedthey are divided and that Theresa May is not strong enough to cope with the dissidence within her own Party and in particular she is unwilling and unable to discipline it’s loose cannon:Boris Johnson. But what this week has shown most of all is that they are totally terrified of Jeremy Corbyn and of Socialism in particular. Reference the speech of the Chancellor of Exchequer- Phillip Hammond on 03/10/17. This  speech shows how much the Tories are fearfulness of socialism and fairness for Great Britain. They have little answer to it other than to pretend that they themselves represent fairness and prosperity but in truth they do not. So fearful are the Conservatives and this is indicated by the amount of time and reference he gave to attacking Jeremy Corbyn and his policies on a very personal level. By default this showed a great fear for what Mr Corbyn represents to his followers and in the long run it only served to give Mr Corbyn even more kudos.

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May appoints the unpopular Gove to her Cabinet further undermining public opinion in her abilities to govern

What a bizarre choice of appointment Michael Gove is by the Prime Minister. Only just recovering from her defeat and humiliation in the General Election of 2017 she adds a minister who is likely to further alienate her from the public. By appointing the ever unpopular Michael Gove to her cabinet she is further undermining the public confidence in her abilities to govern as Prime Minister. It demonstrates yet again a severe lack of political judgement by the already beleaguered Prime Minister.

Michael Gove is probably the most despised and hated politician of a generation so why appoint him to the Cabinet?

Michael Gove was one of the most despised and hated politicians of recent years and when in positions of Minister of Education and Minister of Justice he managed to galvanise public opinion against him. He became probably the most unpopular Minister of recent years. In fact there was a sigh of relief when he was dropped from the Cabinet by Theresa May. Now he is back in again. On the face of it this appears to be another, yet another, act of political blindness on behalf of Theresa May. Mistakenly Theresa May believed herself to be popular amongst the electorate. She falsely assumed that the working classes would swallow her garbage about the Tories being the Party offering the greatest choice and representing the interests of the working classes now she scores yet another political own goal by appointing the most unpopular politician of a generation to her Cabinet. How many more political gaffs can this Prime Minister make before she exposed as incompetent?

My own view on the matter is more that Gove has been appointed to stem the threat to her leadership from BoJo.  Mr Gove clearly has some influence over Boris Johnson which became apparent in the leadership battle otherwise why did Mr Johnson drop out so easily to leave the field wide open for Gove himself? It may therefore be the case that May actually needs Gove at this moment in time and has been forced by circumstance to offer him a job in her Cabinet. This may be a dangerous move on her part as Gove may already be scheming to make his own leadership challenge and she may in fact have only served to strengthen his hand. It may also be a a strategy of keep your enemies close by giving Gove, at least in part, what he wants. The reality is that Michael Gove could never be palatable to the public as serious material for Prime Minister anyhow: he is just too unpopular and will always remain so but he is also: scheming, ambitious, greedy, and above all a major threat to the weakened Prime Minister at this moment in time.


Socialism is better for Britain. Socialism is neither Communism nor Militant

Socialism is better for Britain. Socialism offers Britain  a New start and a shining new path towards prosperity. Socialism is better for Britain  because it lowers the burden of taxation on tax payers. So why aren’t we embracing it.

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Lets consign Tony Blair to the Anus of Labour Party History

Yes you have read it correctly it is not a spelling mistake. The Labour Party really needs to expel the effluent and flatulence of the Blair legacy. It needs to purge itself of this effluent and flatulence that it developed when it sat to the right, gorging itself, at the same privileged table that was also occupied by the Tories. The bloating that the Party received under Tony Blair’s leadership is still constraining and constipating the Party. It is now misshapen and bloated and un-recognizable as a Labour Party. It needs to expel as waste the Tony Blair and Gordon Brown years. Indeed Labour would have done better not to have held office under Blair and the conditions he set out for the Party, instead it would have done better to hang onto it’s principles and wait for the right moment in time when it could have assumed power unconditionally without the need to sell out on all it’s principles. What we have now is a Labour Party without a proper set of values and principles. This is a distorted Labour Party that does not even recognise itself in the mirror anymore and it is unsure to whom it appeals or who it represents. Traditional values are gone and it lacks any socialist soul anymore. Labour now needs desperately to find a set of values with a re-instatement of Clause IV as a part of its current constitution. It needs to regain it’s socialist soul and purge itself of the influence and history of Tony Blair.

Why is Jeremy Corbyn so important to Labour Party Supporters?

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