As we await the bold plan of the latest installment of the Tory Prime Minister number 4 , Liz Tuss, I am reminded of another bold and cunning plan by Baldrick of Black Adder fame. It might appear that the 2 have something in common with one another with the announcements of both that they have a bold and cunning plan. The similarities might not just end there though because Baldruck’s plans always came to nought and similarly those of Liz Truss’s may have the same auspicious ending as well. I suppose only time will tell. However during the leadership race I was pretty unconvinced by Truss whose wooly thinking often exposed her. I was also not convinced that Truss had any edge at all over Sunak and mostly to the contrary actually I thought Sunak gave the more convincing arguments. Remember that Truss’s plans to alter income tax actually didn’t benefit Pensioners at all. What struck me most about Truss’s win was that there must be a severe lack of any real talent at all in the Conservative Party at the moment if Truss was eventually crowned as the preferred candidate.
It now appears that Prime Minister, Truss, has decided to opt for a strategy which protects the interests and profits of the Energy Providers
So Our Prime Minister, Liz Truss, has opted for a strategy of borrowing which protects the interests and the profits of the Energy Providers. Thereby passing all the costs on to the taxpayers who will have to pay for all this borrowing eventually. She has opted for protecting the outrageous profits of the Energy Providers by ruling out both a windfall tax on the energy providers and a strategy of re-nationalisation of the energy providers.
Has Prime Minister Liz Truss got shares in any British Energy Provider?
One is led to actually wonder whether or not Liz Truss actually holds any shares in these Energy companies, that she seems so keen to protect, from which she could be personally benefitting from the dividends from their outrageous profiteering? Is there any vested interests that the Prime Minister Liz Truss is protecting from public scrutiny? Has Prime Minister Liz Truss got shares in any British Energy Provider? Her plans are certainly not in the national interest. Also increased borrowing could also lead to higher interest rates. Time will tell I suppose but at the moment I actually believe that Baldrick may have had a much better plan.