Sincerely you would have thought that as a previous Foreign Secretary that Bodge-it-Johnson would have had at least some grasp of how the Foreign Office works and the respectively roles of Foreign Ambassadors well it seems not. Bodge-it’s casual remarks no doubt in some way contributed to the resignation of Sir Kim Darrock. By kowtowing down to President Trump in an attempt to ingratiate himself and his ever growing political ambition Bodge-it seems to have ripped up the Rule Book regarding the respective roles and qualities needed to the job of foreign ambassador and in the process made us as a nation look weak by giving in to bullying behaviours, all this on the eve of his supposedly greatest triumph. What appears to be the case is that Sir Kim Darrock was actually too good at his job because he was doing it very well indeed and because of this it seems to have caused others offence, he was simply the victim of the incompetence and ignorance of others who were less good at their jobs. So Trump throws a tantrum and Bodge just caves in and as a result others have to clean up the mess left behind. So begins Bodge’s first exploit into the world of ‘Kindergarten Politics’. I am pretty sure he will fit in well! Will this just be the first in a long string of similar incompetent gaffs by Bodge-it, I think it probably will be so.