The politics of Boris Johnson are Infantile, childish and naive if he believes that the EU will give in to his demands. No one leaves a club then expects the same privileges of its membership whilst not paying the subscription. There is no possibility of Free trade once we leave. The EU will not leave its borders open in Ireland because smugglers will quickly take advantage of this area of weakness. And finally bills have to be paid. Is this really the best that Bodge-it can come up with? His political naivety and childishness is embarrassing. To go to the EU with a set of embarrassingly ill thought out demands is just going to be a waste of time. A deal has to be amenable to both sides in a negotiation not just a one sided petulant rant from a spoilt public schoolboy who wants his own way. All very well banging your fists on the table in the cabinet office of Downing Street for the cameras: that’s not going to get you very far in the real world of actually doing a deal with the EU. The Conservative Party may have given into his demands and petulant rants to give him the job which he is neither intellectually capable of nor temperamentaly qualified to do but he will not find the EU such a pushover. Just making himself a persistent nuisance is not a strategy that is going to work with the EU.