PM Boris Johnson is claiming victory for the deal struck with the EU but isn’t all this, including the run up to the deal, just posturing. The whole thing has just been posturing or more clearly just a Pantomime from start to finish. There never was doubt that a deal was going to be done because it had to be done to save face. A no deal would certainly have kicked the Tories into political oblivion by an act of suicide. Now in truth the whole exercise just looks like a vehicle used by Boris Johnson to ouwst Theresa May and obtain leadership and power in a egotistical political quest that smacks of ambition more than to be a political servant to the will of the people.
So in the run up to the deal we witnessed tough talk but it was all just empty posturing done as an act of showmanship. It was a complete act but equally transparent like the script of a Pantomine. The whole thing smacked of being rehearsed and all the characters were transparent. The truth is that Bodge it simply had no choice other than to strike some kind of deal. The EU would also have understood this but went along with the show almost like an audience at a Pantomime, but all the while ensuring that they would be the real winners. So how does the deal compare to what was promised? From what I have read it doesn’t bear much semblance to what was actually promised. It puts Northern Ireland in jeopardy of seeking actual independence from the UK and could mean a reintroduction of the tensions and troubles as the possibility of a unified Ireland takes focus. Goods in the UK are likely to be more expensive as a result of added red tape. Fisheries have been thrown to the lions as the sacrifice for retaining tariff free trading. Not to mention the chaos for businesses and movement that will happen as a result of leaving a mere week (less if you take into account the holidays) to sort out all the additional details and protocol required, and all because Boris Johnson and the government wanted to sort out the deal in the lowest possible profile hoping that it would slip by largely unnoticed. ‘Bodge it’ was in a tight corner but as usual he is attempting to claim victory where in actual fact there has been none at all. The reality is that the whole thing has been a rather embarrassing fiasco showing up, Boris Johnson, ‘ Bodge-it’ and his Government for what they are:incompetent.
Brexit was not a quest for Sovereignty it became a vehicle for personal political ambition and power
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