Micheal Gove appeared to be almost robotic yesterday when offering his appeasements regarding the possible outcomes of leaving the EU without a deal. He came across as completely unconvincing as he attempted to play down the possible outcomes of a no deal Brexit with all the emotion and conviction of a Robot. Gove lacks almost every quality that you would want in a politician. He is insincere, unreliable and a real flip-flopper if ever there was one. However you might believe that he is actually quite loyal: well at least to those willing to employ him that is. He did his best to stick up for the beleaguered Theresa May in her time as PM and was supportive towards getting a deal with the EU and her efforts to do so. Now he is equally loyal to a new master that of Bodge-it Johnson whose opinions about a deal with the EU are seemingly poles apart from those of May but despite all this Gove is still loyal even to the point of spreading a few mis-truths along the way as well.
It would appear that Micheal Gove has thrown himself into his new role with such enthusiasm and conviction that he is now barely recognisable as the Leadership Candidate who opposed Bodge it so recently. At that time he seemed to have some opinions which seemed to be different to that of Bodge-it but now he has seemingly just turned into Johnson’s Puppet. All this goes to show what a vacuous space Micheal Gove really is. He resembles an empty Billboard that rents out to the highest bidder. Seemingly he will have any opinions that you wish to give him for a price. Thus it must be said that Micheal Gove appears to be a politician who lacks any real convictions at all and is willing to go wherever the money is. This is yet another self promoting Conservative politician who you simply cannot trust. Why would you trust him he has demonstrated time and again that he is insincere and unreliable. He has no convictions other than to tow the Party line to serve his paymaster. Why would we believe his appeasements regarding a ‘No deal Brexit’: this man could not give you the truth if he tried. He is more servant than savant. He is robotic and insincere and simply going through the motions.