PM Boris Johnson is claiming victory for the deal struck with the EU but isn’t all this, including the run up to the deal, just posturing. The whole thing has just been posturing or more clearly just a Pantomime from start to finish. There never was doubt that a deal was going to be done because it had to be done to save face. A no deal would certainly have kicked the Tories into political oblivion by an act of suicide. Now in truth the whole exercise just looks like a vehicle used by Boris Johnson to ouwst Theresa May and obtain leadership and power in a egotistical political quest that smacks of ambition more than to be a political servant to the will of the people.
So in the run up to the deal we witnessed tough talk but it was all just empty posturing done as an act of showmanship. It was a complete act but equally transparent like the script of a Pantomine. The whole thing smacked of being rehearsed and all the characters were transparent. The truth is that Bodge it simply had no choice other than to strike some kind of deal. The EU would also have understood this but went along with the show almost like an audience at a Pantomime, but all the while ensuring that they would be the real winners. So how does the deal compare to what was promised? From what I have read it doesn’t bear much semblance to what was actually promised. It puts Northern Ireland in jeopardy of seeking actual independence from the UK and could mean a reintroduction of the tensions and troubles as the possibility of a unified Ireland takes focus. Goods in the UK are likely to be more expensive as a result of added red tape. Fisheries have been thrown to the lions as the sacrifice for retaining tariff free trading. Not to mention the chaos for businesses and movement that will happen as a result of leaving a mere week (less if you take into account the holidays) to sort out all the additional details and protocol required, and all because Boris Johnson and the government wanted to sort out the deal in the lowest possible profile hoping that it would slip by largely unnoticed. ‘Bodge it’ was in a tight corner but as usual he is attempting to claim victory where in actual fact there has been none at all. The reality is that the whole thing has been a rather embarrassing fiasco showing up, Boris Johnson, ‘ Bodge-it’ and his Government for what they are:incompetent.
Brexit was not a quest for Sovereignty it became a vehicle for personal political ambition and power
What Brexit has shown us is that, despite the Coronavirus Pandemic, Panto Season can go ahead anyway. In Panto timing is everything and so is the importance of having a predictable plot. So potentially the most important piece of economic news for Britain in decades was, in my opinion, intentionally released to slip by, almost unnoticed, in order to save embarrassment for this government and to stifle proper public scrutiny of the deal. The timing of the deal done on Christmas Eve of all days speaks volumes about how embarrassed about this deal the Tories and Bodge it really are about it. Although it comes as no real shock that the announcement of the deal was designed to slip by the majority of the British Public in such an anonymous manner really comes as no shock at all. To release the most important economic news for Britain when nobody is really paying any attention was shambolic and despicable but also calculated . This was no mere coincidence at all it had been planned to be finalised down to the day and hour when everyone had gone into holiday mode and had no interest in such matters and no time or resource to inspect the detail of the deal. This is what had been planned and calculated for all along in order to spare both the PM and the Tory Government from embarrassment. I seriously think that this was no mere coincidence and had been planned for some time. Up until that point we saw a charade of: posturing, gesturing and empty tough talk designed to hoodwink the public into believing that the PM had integrity on matters of Sovereignty when all the time we knew that ‘Bodge it’ would be just a push over who would ultimately cave in to the more grown up and sophisticated bargaining power of the EU. The whole thing concluded on Christmas eve in an attempt by Bodge it and this Government to save face and avoid public scrutiny of the deal whilst the public was distracted from the whole fiasco by the holiday spirit and general lack of interest in current affairs.
Well some of us expected no less from the whole debacle and it was generally in keeping with the whole proceedings from start to finish. The Government’s hope is that the whole thing will be old news and forgotten about by the end of the holiday period after which the damage has already been done. Some of us already knew that a deal was inevitable because the alternative was disaster for Britain with a no deal so Bodge it, despite his posturing and any attempts at sham tough talk, really had no other options at his disposal and the EU knew this and exploited the situation. Boris Johnson knew that he must save political embarrassment through timing and the Christmas holidays gave him the ideal opportunity to do just that. Most people in Britain did not even know that a deal had been at all and as to the details of the deal they remain pretty vague even 3 days after Christmas. What we are coming to realise is that this deal lacks a commitment to the pledges and promises made pre election and falls far short of even the deal that Theresa May was promoting. The whole thing has just been deceit and illusion all the way to the final scene which in truth was just a disappointing conclusion made by a second rate illusionist.