Ugly Thatcherism still casts a long dark shadow over Britain. The stench of Thatcher and her privatisations pollute many aspects of Britain not least the water that we drink, bathe in or seek our recreation in or near. Thatcherism still pollutes our water with the stench of privatisation. Much of Britain’s coastline is polluted as our many British beauty spots and for all this you can place the blame on the British water Companies. I say British in a very loose way because many have been taken over by foreign investors who care not a jot about the stinking foul mess that they have made of Britain.
So what should Britain do about these disgraced Water Companies
So what should Britain do about these disgraced Water Companies that are now asking the public to bail them out, by paying higher bills to compensate for their years of neglect and lack of investment , caring only about the greed of their shareholders?
This weak Labour government have ruled out taking these firms into public ownership so it is likely that they will eventually have to give into the demands of the Water Companies for higher bills. But there is another way.
Conceed absolutely nothing at all and let these companies fail. When they fail they are failing in their obligation to provide safe water and a safe and clean environment. If they can’t do there jobs then the Government will have to intervene as a matter of National Emergency just like they did in the War. Because water is a necessity and which the water companies cannot provide or refuse to because there is no profit in that for their shareholders, then the Government will have to remove these companies and take over as a National Emergency. Hence Public Ownership with no compensation to the these greedy water companies and no pay out to them. Simply take over because it is an Emergency to provide the public with water as a necessity. The public cannot be held to ransom without water because it is a necessity.