The Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick Maker none of these have a valid opinion about Brexit and in reality none should have been sought out to give their opinion on matters over which they knew nothing, had no understanding of nor expertise in. Such is the mess that Britain now finds itself in because it sought the opinions of the people who knew nothing about what they were voting for outside their own limited scope. Britain is now in a mess because the government of the day usurped on it’s responsibility to govern and manage but instead sought council from the majority. What is the point of having a team of managers if all they can do is make decisions that reflect public opinion. The only thing that Brexit has been good for is to demonstrate the the errors of judgment by allowing majority rule. Unfortunately the composition of society is biased towards having damaging opinions or under educated viewpoints. Never again should the people be consulted about matters of such importance. In life there are leaders and followers and there is a good reason for that as this has clearly demonstrated. Democratic principles should be used wisely and only to elect managers and representatives who have the skills required to make the decisions.