The sad reflection of the Brexit Vote is that reason and intelligence have been sacrificed in favour of a Popularist Vote and Majority rule. It has encouraged the small minded section of the British Public to believe that their opinions matter. In fact the Brexit Vote has endorsed this belief. Now it seems that Britain is being run not by elected governments with the expertise to run a country but instead by a misconceived Popularist Vote. What a way to run things! This sort of thing would simply not happen in business where people are selected for various tasks and duties based on expertise and competence. Instead we have the situation where the future of Britain and it’s economic status is being decided by a vote that was composed mainly of people who: latched onto only one aspect of the argument, saw an opportunity to openly express their prejudices and right wing views and who saw an opportunity to express an extreme dislike of foreigners entering the country. I would say that if a poll were to be taken the majority of British citizens would not have the least idea about topics such as Economics, Inflation, Trade Tariffs or International Trade so why have we what is basically an uneducated majority decide what is best for Britain on these matters?
Now we all have to face the consequences of David Cameron and the Tory parties desperate bid for power in seeking to appeal to the small minded biggots that unfortunately we find today in Britain. Cameron’s gamble backfired which ultimately led him to resign. Personally I do not take well to be told what to do by people when I neither respect their opinion nor credit them with a certain amount of intelligence or competence to do the job correctly. Now my whole future will be influenced by this decision taken by a majority that I have no faith in and together with me the fate of the whole country has been decided in this fashion as well. It is a prospect I am not looking forward to at all. This choice has been imposed upon me by a section of the public that most probably has no understanding of Economics at all.
Brexit is a gamble and Britain is now officially a Nation of Gamblers
Brexit is quite simply a gamble. It’s like backing a 100 to 1 outsider. Brexit has turned the whole country into a nation of gamblers betting irresponsibly on uncertainties. Many people who voted for Brexit did so based solely on: their own personal opinions and what effects them personally; what upsets them about Britain, their own prejudices, their uncharitableness towards others in need of assistance; their own interpretation of what Brexit meant to them without considering the larger picture and the long term consequences for Britain as a whole. Many of these people most probably voted for the first time and probably have little genuine interest in politics, fiscal policy and economics nor in General Elections. How can we trust this section of the public to make the right choices for Britain? How can it be that Britain could so willingly sacrifice: reason, intelligence and it’s economic future for the sake of prejudice and bigotry.