Forgive me if I am wrong but I was under the impression that the Brexit Referendum was an Opinion Poll and if the result would be in favour then exit from the European Union would be investigated to see if an exit was deemed favourable to Britain socially and economically, then if these conditions could be satisfied then we would leave. It was never my understanding that the outcome of the vote had to be followed to the letter. It appears that instead we have a knee jerk reaction to public opinion so we go running off like a headless chicken running into the darkness of the unknown.
The Brexit Circus is the only Show in Town
It seems that Britain has been mesmerised by the stupidity of Brexit, Cameron and Farage to the point where we are no longer able to make rational decisions. Britain is now a headless Body: a mere avatar for Nigel Farage’s and Boris Johnson’s own political ambitions. Now we have let utter stupidity take over over from common sense in the same way that Hitler came to power in Nazi Germany. Meanwhile the Politicians are falling over one another like a bunch of clowns showing a total lack of judgement because they are more concerned about being unpopular, so they now work for the Brexit Circus following the Brexit opinion: their concerns are more about worrying about hanging onto power than making shrewd and correct political judgements that are in the best interests of Britain as a whole. They should realise that even though Brexit came in as a yes to leave vote that not all those that voted to leave would necessarily show the same allegiance to a singular political party in a General Election situation.
Political integrity should be about demonstrating to the public that you are fit and proper to take charge of the county and make decisions that are in the best interests of the British Nation as a whole. This is a situation that David Cameron clearly relinquished in his desperation to get elected and seeking to buy his way into office by conceding to give the public a vote on matters of importance for which the public is inadequately qualified to make decisions on. From this point on politics became a madness of simply pleasing and appeasing public opinion or more importantly courting right-wing public opinion. Now we are following a path of madness down the road to ruin as a result of a mere Opinion Poll that was intended simply as a method of propelling David Cameron and the Tories back into office and letting the right-wing express their anger about matters of immigration and dislike of foreigners whilst at the same time appeasing the Euro-sceptics in his own Party and dealing with the UKIP threat to traditional Conservative Party support. From this moment on Political Judgement has been lost and even the new Prime Minister Theresa May is guilty of the same madness but I suspect this is more about having her own political agenda. David Cameron realising his folly instead of celebrating his victory in getting elected on the back of all this extreme right sentiment he chose to resign instead and that basically speaks volumes for the current state of affairs.
No Brexit should not be followed despite the strength of opinion. After all what does the common man really understand about Economics? My belief is that the majority of people voted for exit from the European Market simply based on the opinion that they do not like Foreigners coming into the country. This is a state of affairs that has been fuelled by the right-wing press in this country and a situation that has been endorsed and encouraged by the likes of Nigel Farage and his UKIP Party. Even the Tories and Cameron were forced along this rocky path forced to go along with this right-wing public sentiment: a very similar position to that which occurred in Nazi Germany. On a daily basis we are being reminded about the folly of Brexit and going through with it and we should also beware of giving in to extreme right-wing sentiment.
Brexit will result in High Inflation making us all worse off
The likely result of our hard Brexit will be high inflation and job losses resulting in high unemployment. Of these things high inflation is perhaps the worst and the biggest threat to the working classes. To spell this out this means that your wages will be devalued, your spending power curtailed and your weekly costs will rise: to sum it up you will be a lot worse off. Traditionally the Tories love these conditions it allows them to purse a hard line agenda similar to what Thatcher did in the late 70’s and 80’s. No wonder the Theresa May and her Tories are so keen to see it through it sounds like back to the 80’s all over again. The Tories would love an economic future like this. It would mean an ability to erode working conditions, workers rights, trade union power and drive down wages. No wonder Theresa May is so keen to press ahead despite this gloomy economic forecast: It’s Thatcher’s Utopia all over again. Parliament could and should still veto any Brexit and politicians need to start to employ reason in running the Country again. The Common Man and their Public Opinion has no place in running the Country. Managers manage business affairs and they do not consult shop floor staff in such decisions. We elect Governments to make decisions about stuff we are not qualified to make judgements on. Lets face it most people made decisions about which way to vote in Brexit on their dislike of foreigners and immigration and not upon what was necessarily in Britain’s Economic Best Interests.
Brexit and Theresa May
David Cameron was forced to abandon his public duty to make logical political decisions about our relationship with the European Union because of growing right wing pressures from the Euro-sceptics in his own Party and fuelled in part by the right wing pressures of Nigel Farage and his UKIP Party snapping at the heels of the Conservative Party and stealing ground (and seats) from them. He was forced to abandon the duty of his office in order to seek favour from public opinion and thus conceding to right wing pressures in the media and in the growing strength of feeling against foreigners in this country. In effect he was asking the country to do his job for him and to make choices about which the common man was perhaps the worst qualified to do because the majority of people would use the vote inappropriately in a subjective way to express their angers about only a small part of the larger debate.
The Madness of Brexit
The upshot of all this madness is that we should not let 2 of the most ridiculously stupid Politicians ever seen namely David Cameron and Nigel Farage lead this Nation into the abyss. Reason and good economics must prevail before disaster befalls on us all. We now know Brexit will be hard and Theresa May is getting nothing from her negotiations so really there is no further point in pursuing this strategy any longer. However Theresa May and the Conservatives stand to benefit the most from a hard Brexit by making the nation into a cheap source of labour where wages are low and unemployment is high.
Now we all have a clearer indication of what Brexit would mean I am sure that another referendum poll on the matter would most likely show less desire to leave the European Market given the extreme consequences. The days of ‘Great’ Britain and the British Empire are long gone now and the world has changed. Britain on its own in the big wide New World just does not make sense any longer. Let’s hope we can all come to our senses in time before it’s too late.