Even from beyond the grave Margaret Thatcher still retains her grip on British politics. Nothing much has changed: well nothing radical in political term since the days of Margaret Thatcher and Britain seems either unwilling or unable to move on from the grip of Thatcher’s snatch and grab politics. Nothing much has changed even despite the interim Labour Government that ended her reign. Despite this her legacy lives on which was to end socialism in British politics. Even the Labour Party have assisted her in her quest: largely helped on by the Labour Party’s biggest traitor ‘ Tony Blair’. Blair’s Labour government was a poor excuse for a proper Labour Government. Blair just shut his eyes and pretended that the damage done by years of Thatcherism just wasn’t there.
So why has the face of British Politics changed so little since the reign of Margaret Thatcher and in whose interests is this? Why do I get the feeling that she is still in control even from her grave? To my mind Margaret Thatcher and Adolf Hitler have got a lot in common. They have been the most divisive and right wing politicians in Europe of the last century but there the similarities end because The German Nation was quick to understand that after defeat in the War and the demise of Adolf Hitler it realised that it needed a new set of guiding values, principles and legislation. The old Germany of Hitler did not persist under new subsequent regimes. Germany had to re-invent itself and put right the wrong doing of those times and move forward. Conversely so for the U.K where the policies of a much despised premier have persisted outside her time in office through; many changes in Tory Prime Ministers, throughout a so called Opposition Government in office and well into the David Cameron years right up to present day. In fact with Theresa May we can virtually guarantee that we basically get more of the same Thatcherite Policies. So what is it about our nation that makes us such suckers for this kind of grotesque punishment. Why can’t we learn harsh lessons from the past and move on in the same way the German’s did revoking the legislation that was immoral, covetous, harmful and divisive.
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