The Conservative Clown Show goes on and on

The Conservative  Clown Show goes on and on and just keeps giving. The Conservatives  have managed to turn both politics and economics into a standing joke. Forget ‘Live at the Apollo’ and just watch the news. Now we hear that their main Clown is to rejoin the Show. The bungling buffoon is coming back so the plot gets even more ridiculous. I have previously  highlighted the lack of talent in the Conservative  Party and this has been confirmed  by recent events. They just can’t  think of anyone except to be their leader except a failed Prime Minister. Poor Rishi Sunak who appears to the only one with an ounce of talent  and credibility. Sunak was the main man behind Boris Johnson and whilst Johnson was donning the hard hats and pretending to be a working class person it was Sunak who steered the ship economically. Sunak was the sensible one whilst Boris was the Clown performing for the media. Johnson has little grasp on economics and even less grasp on the  truth. Without Sunak Johnson was nothing but a buffoon. Johnson is incapable  of the serious  stuff. Johnson will not be capable of steering a course through the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’.

Johnson has not got things done: Brexit remains unfinished and ‘Levelling up’ was a lie to obtain power

Let’s  think about what Boris Johnson has not finished. Brexit remains undone and as a result Northern Ireland has no functioning  government because of questions  that remain unfinished regarding the Northern  Ireland  protocol and the questions  remaining about the transfer of goods without a hard border with the rest of Ireland. There had also been no evidence of ‘Levelling Up’. As I have said this was always  just a slogan and attempt to derail real Socialist values. It was an attempt to steal traditional  Labour Party votes and a blatant attempt  to mislead by lying to voters with empty promises.

Clueless Kwarteng borrowing time and giving to the rich

Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng delivered a mini budget unfit to purpose by giving away a large slice of the government’s current income to rely heavily on borrowing instead. Cuts in government  income and National  Insurance  is sure to have an impact on this government’s  abilities to deliver on previous  promises of improvements to the NHS  and the  seemingly  forgotten pledge of ‘ levelling-up’. What’s  also gone from the mandate of  which this government  was elected to do is the commitment to ‘Net Zero’ by scrapping  or postponing the funding which was set aside to do this. So on almost all mandates from the 2019 Conservative  Election  Manifesto they have broken almost every Election  Pledge. This goes to show that the Tories  can’t be trusted to deliver.

Trickle Down Economics doesn’t work

Now Kwarteng is gambling with the economy. He has tried to convince us that he is a genius but instead he has shown that he has only a rudimentary  grasp of economics. His most recent  attempt shows that he can master smoke and mirrors. The majority  of us in the UK will receive a mere 1 penny in the pound amounting to 2 bars of soap and a litre of milk over the course of a month and we are supposed  to be grateful for that: whilst the rich benefit disproportionately. This is another attempt  to install a failed economic theory first tried out by Margaret Thatcher. It didn’t  work then and it won’t  work now. It’s  not a new idea it’s  a rehash of Thatcherism. Trickle down economics doesn’t  work. All it does is increase the divide between  the rich and the poor and opens the door for the richest to exploit the poorest with unemployment  and wage slashing.

To achieve this Kwarteng  has sacrificed the government’s income and instead has reverted to borrowing  to keep the County  afloat. This equates to a situation  of being afloat in the middle of the ocean in a boat full of holes which is sinking, whilst sending out a Mayday  call to the Super Rich to come and rescue us. I doubt there will be much interest  as the Rich will just remain at home counting their increased riches which this mini budget has so kindly  laid at their doorstep.

Continue reading Clueless Kwarteng borrowing time and giving to the rich

It is widely expected that the Bank of England will raise interests rates today : why is this wrong to do so?

This post has been made in response to Kevin Peachey’s article that appeared today on the BBC’s App and website  .It is widely  expected that the Bank of England will raise interest rates today in order to tackle Inflation. This is a very predictable text book response to Inflation and seen by many as the preferred method  to tackle  Inflation. The BBC has inferred  that this Inflation is as a result of the lack of goods in the Economy after the Pandemic. From what I remember of the Pandemic is wasn’t goods availability that was problematic it was just that there appeared to be a shift away from people actually going to get goods to a situation whereby goods were being mainly ordered and delivered. Sure enough there was some drop in production but this didn’t impact greatly on availability. There was however more of a drop in services in that sector of the Economy.  However today all I ever see down our street and on our estate is loads and loads of delivery vans constantly  shuffling about and delivering goods to people’s  homes via Amazon and DPD to name but a few. Also I myself  have ordered much since the Pandemic  ended and have enjoyed taking advantage  of one day delivery schemes. So when the BBC state lack of goods as a cause of this current period of Inflation , I simply have to  laugh. I have never recently gone onto the Internet and Amazon, in particular, where I remember being informed that the goods that I wished to order were out of stock. This has been my recent experience.  So where is this shortage of goods driving this Inflation? It simply does not exist but has become an easy  scapegoat to avoid the real finger of suspicion.

The real cause of Inflation is the greedy energy and utilities  companies hiking up profits and disguising these as pass on costs.

Continue reading It is widely expected that the Bank of England will raise interests rates today : why is this wrong to do so?