The Tories have no answer to the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’

The Tories  have no answer to the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’. Now as a last resort they have turned to taxation as their preferred ( and only available) method of attempting to deal with the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’. Taxation  and more taxation  is their response to dealing with the gap in public finances largely  caused by their election of an inept leader which they imposed on the Country and for which we all must now pay for her mistakes. The Tories  are now the party of high taxation because  they haven’t  anything else in their locker. For the last 12 years in Government  they have been forced to rely on borrowing to keep taxation  down. Now in the time of crisis  all their ineptitude is showing. The Tories  have no other strategy available  to them besides taxation. They have nothing that generates any substantial income for them because  they have sold it all off. This is the legacy  of Thatcherism. Sell off all your assets and by so doing the only income you will be left with is through taxation. Thatcherism has caused Britain  to become bankrupt.

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How to tackle the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’

How to tackle the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’. Well the first obstacle is to remove the Tory Government because  they are not equipped, ethically  or ideologically, to deal effectively  with the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’. In fact many of their policies have contributed to this situation. The legacy  of Thatcherism is also a contributory factor. The current  situation  of having our Energy and other utilities  in the private sector is a major factor contributing to the high levels of Inflation that we are seeing. These Energy  Providers  have just got increasingly  greedy and any attempts  to moderate this by Tory  Government  Policies has been ineffectual.

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What a Blunder: Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng trips up over his own ego

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Clueless Kwarteng borrowing time and giving to the rich

Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng delivered a mini budget unfit to purpose by giving away a large slice of the government’s current income to rely heavily on borrowing instead. Cuts in government  income and National  Insurance  is sure to have an impact on this government’s  abilities to deliver on previous  promises of improvements to the NHS  and the  seemingly  forgotten pledge of ‘ levelling-up’. What’s  also gone from the mandate of  which this government  was elected to do is the commitment to ‘Net Zero’ by scrapping  or postponing the funding which was set aside to do this. So on almost all mandates from the 2019 Conservative  Election  Manifesto they have broken almost every Election  Pledge. This goes to show that the Tories  can’t be trusted to deliver.

Trickle Down Economics doesn’t work

Now Kwarteng is gambling with the economy. He has tried to convince us that he is a genius but instead he has shown that he has only a rudimentary  grasp of economics. His most recent  attempt shows that he can master smoke and mirrors. The majority  of us in the UK will receive a mere 1 penny in the pound amounting to 2 bars of soap and a litre of milk over the course of a month and we are supposed  to be grateful for that: whilst the rich benefit disproportionately. This is another attempt  to install a failed economic theory first tried out by Margaret Thatcher. It didn’t  work then and it won’t  work now. It’s  not a new idea it’s  a rehash of Thatcherism. Trickle down economics doesn’t  work. All it does is increase the divide between  the rich and the poor and opens the door for the richest to exploit the poorest with unemployment  and wage slashing.

To achieve this Kwarteng  has sacrificed the government’s income and instead has reverted to borrowing  to keep the County  afloat. This equates to a situation  of being afloat in the middle of the ocean in a boat full of holes which is sinking, whilst sending out a Mayday  call to the Super Rich to come and rescue us. I doubt there will be much interest  as the Rich will just remain at home counting their increased riches which this mini budget has so kindly  laid at their doorstep.

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Baldrick also had a bold and cunning plan: which like Truss’s will come to nothing

As we await the bold plan of the latest installment of the Tory Prime Minister number 4 , Liz Tuss, I am reminded of another bold and cunning plan by Baldrick of Black Adder fame. It might appear that the 2 have something  in common with one another with the announcements of both that they have a bold and cunning plan. The similarities  might not just end there  though because  Baldruck’s plans  always came to nought and similarly those of Liz Truss’s may have the same auspicious ending as well. I suppose  only time will tell. However during the leadership  race I was pretty unconvinced by Truss whose wooly  thinking often exposed her. I was also not convinced that Truss had  any edge at all over Sunak and mostly to the contrary actually I thought Sunak gave the more convincing arguments. Remember  that Truss’s plans to alter income tax actually  didn’t  benefit Pensioners at all. What struck me most about Truss’s  win was that there must be a severe lack of any real talent  at all in the Conservative  Party at the moment if Truss was eventually  crowned as the preferred  candidate.

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‘Levelling up’ was always just a slogan

Video evidence exposes ‘ Levelling Up’ as a fraud. Boris Johnson’s  policy exposed as a cover up to divert funds away from urban areas to wealthy Tory rural areas. Rishi Sunak was filmed admitting that he personally  diverted money allocated to urban areas to more wealthy rural areas under Tory control. So this is what  the Tories meant  by levelling up.

‘Levelling  up was always  just a slogan without substance.  Levelling  up was just a slogan designed to attract Labour Party  voters with empty promises. Levelling up  was a slogan designed to divide loyalties in a blatant attempt to defraud voters and grab power.

It is widely expected that the Bank of England will raise interests rates today : why is this wrong to do so?

This post has been made in response to Kevin Peachey’s article that appeared today on the BBC’s App and website  .It is widely  expected that the Bank of England will raise interest rates today in order to tackle Inflation. This is a very predictable text book response to Inflation and seen by many as the preferred method  to tackle  Inflation. The BBC has inferred  that this Inflation is as a result of the lack of goods in the Economy after the Pandemic. From what I remember of the Pandemic is wasn’t goods availability that was problematic it was just that there appeared to be a shift away from people actually going to get goods to a situation whereby goods were being mainly ordered and delivered. Sure enough there was some drop in production but this didn’t impact greatly on availability. There was however more of a drop in services in that sector of the Economy.  However today all I ever see down our street and on our estate is loads and loads of delivery vans constantly  shuffling about and delivering goods to people’s  homes via Amazon and DPD to name but a few. Also I myself  have ordered much since the Pandemic  ended and have enjoyed taking advantage  of one day delivery schemes. So when the BBC state lack of goods as a cause of this current period of Inflation , I simply have to  laugh. I have never recently gone onto the Internet and Amazon, in particular, where I remember being informed that the goods that I wished to order were out of stock. This has been my recent experience.  So where is this shortage of goods driving this Inflation? It simply does not exist but has become an easy  scapegoat to avoid the real finger of suspicion.

The real cause of Inflation is the greedy energy and utilities  companies hiking up profits and disguising these as pass on costs.

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Tories seem to want a quick fix Brexit by calling upon Hunt & Bodge it Johnson

Tories are desperate to rid themselves of the continuing embarrassment of Brexit so they seem to be placing their faith in the dodgy building firm of Hunt & Bodge it. They seem to want a quick fix to Brexit (a Rush Job) in order to rid themselves of the continued embarrassment of seemingly not being able to successfully get the job done. In order to hide their incompetence they have given the work to Hunt & Bodge it a dodgy local firm with a poor reputation which rumour has it will soon be going into liquidation anyway. But wasting public money by giving contracts to dodgy businesses has never really worried the Tories anyway.

Both Hunt and Bodge it claim that they can get the job done on time by the deadline but neither can guarantee the quality of their workmanship or that people will not suffer as a result of their labour’s. Health and Safety are not really matters of concern for Hunt & Bodge it!

Conservative’s Party Conference shows that they lack: credibility, imagination and unity and that they are terrified of Corbyn

The Conservative Party Conference has left them looking embarrassingly weak. Seeming to lack any imagination, unity and credibility they are struggling to convince both themselves and the public they represent a credible government working for the benefit of Great Britain. The obvious truth of the matter is that they don’t. They claim to be championing the working people: they don’t. This is old rhetoric that we heard when  the Prime Minister, Theresa May, took over from David Cameron after he ran away unceremoniously embarrassed by his huge political gamble that had exploded in his face.

So we have heard it all before and the recent General Election 2017 showed that the public will not swallow it either. So the Conservative Party Conference sees them trying to win the same argument in which they have already been embarrassingly defeated. What this Conference has shown is that the Conservatives are unimaginative with no real vision for the future of Great Britain. They are unwilling to tackle head on the main issues which effect the British Public namely: huge profiteering of the utility providers, high rail fares, welfare, the NHS, and where the British Economy will be post Brexit. These are the issues to which the British Public want real change and real answers and these are the areas where there is high public dissatisfaction. Instead the Conservatives remain totally uninspiring, seemingly attempting to convince us they they represent the interests of working people and the working classes whilst doing very little to deserve this high accolade that they have foisted upon themselves. Well the public will not be deceived and duped so easily especially by a political party that cannot even manage their own conference properly. No the Conservative Party Conference 2017 has shown us that they are not unitedthey are divided and that Theresa May is not strong enough to cope with the dissidence within her own Party and in particular she is unwilling and unable to discipline it’s loose cannon:Boris Johnson. But what this week has shown most of all is that they are totally terrified of Jeremy Corbyn and of Socialism in particular. Reference the speech of the Chancellor of Exchequer- Phillip Hammond on 03/10/17. This  speech shows how much the Tories are fearfulness of socialism and fairness for Great Britain. They have little answer to it other than to pretend that they themselves represent fairness and prosperity but in truth they do not. So fearful are the Conservatives and this is indicated by the amount of time and reference he gave to attacking Jeremy Corbyn and his policies on a very personal level. By default this showed a great fear for what Mr Corbyn represents to his followers and in the long run it only served to give Mr Corbyn even more kudos.

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