Tories Brexit dilemma: Caution or Recklessness

I initially wrote this regarding Theresa May’s unenviable Brexit dilemma however since her forced resignation I have decided to update it as of 05/06/19. In reality there will not be many changes to make because the dilemma for the Tories remains the same no matter who they choose to be their new Leader. To most of us it would appear a rather pointless excercise changing Leader at this Stage. It is like changing a Football Manger on the Last Game of the Season: it will make little difference. However for the unfortunate Prime Minister May her team was full of self serving opportunists, not really a team at all really so her demise this far on came as no real shock to anyone. It comes as no real surprise then that this Team has done so badly for the Country achieving almost nothing during it’s residency. Now the Tories are looking for a new Leader to unify the team but the challenges remain exactly as they were for Theresa May.

Problems lie ahead for any new Tory Leader and they need to choose very wisely who is going to be at the helm. May’s deal with the EU was not enough to unify her party behind her or enough for the support of the DUP either. These Problems remain and the EU is unlikly to offer any better deal to the incoming Prime Minister either. In fact only yesterday the EU released a statement toughening up their stance and drawing a clear line that Negotiations will not continue after the 31/10/19 and failure to reach agreement before that date will result in Britain leaving without any deal at all on that date. problems that face the new Tory leader still remain that EU will not give Britain the deal that it requires to satisfy Parliament and also will not be satisfactory to the  the British Public because of fudged proposals for the deal which is unlikely to satisfy what most Leavers voted for in the first place. Neither can any new Leader let the process continue to a ‘No Deal’ scenario mainly because this outcome puts the Conservative Party at incredible future risks of becoming non electable for a extended period should things go badly.  This is a huge Brexit dilemma for any new Leader of the the Conservative Party. The process is not just about getting Brexit done by some hard line ( reckless) Brexiteer it is about ensuring that the Tories have a future as a viable Party after we do go on to Leave the EU. It is more about the circumstances surrounding our departure and the implications for Britain as we do.  

Continue reading Tories Brexit dilemma: Caution or Recklessness

Boris Johnson – the Fly that wants his own dung heap

Theresa May has again shown her incompetence to be the Prime Minister in a decision that she took as far back as when she took office. Namely the appointment of Boris Johnson to her cabinet. Seemingly at the time this was a move that resurrected the doomed Mr Johnson. My previous article (18th July 2016) made at the time covered some of the assumed motivations behind this surprising decision to re-appoint Boris the Annoying Fly back into political office. It now appears that I may have been wrong and the more ridiculous explanation would be that she – actually believed that he could do the job of Foreign Secretary – a job role that requires both sensitivity and diplomacy. Of course, well why not because these are exactly the qualities that one would most likely associate with Boris Johnson – aren’t they?

However it now seems that Theresa May completely under-estimated the annoying insect’s abilities to show the levels of dis-loyalty that he has shown of late. Mr Johnson has now paid her back with his new dis-loyalties which have been timed to undermine Theresa May at a crucial time in what seems like the start of a new leadership challenge and  an embarrassingly blatant attempt at self promotion.

Continue reading Boris Johnson – the Fly that wants his own dung heap

May appoints the unpopular Gove to her Cabinet further undermining public opinion in her abilities to govern

What a bizarre choice of appointment Michael Gove is by the Prime Minister. Only just recovering from her defeat and humiliation in the General Election of 2017 she adds a minister who is likely to further alienate her from the public. By appointing the ever unpopular Michael Gove to her cabinet she is further undermining the public confidence in her abilities to govern as Prime Minister. It demonstrates yet again a severe lack of political judgement by the already beleaguered Prime Minister.

Michael Gove is probably the most despised and hated politician of a generation so why appoint him to the Cabinet?

Michael Gove was one of the most despised and hated politicians of recent years and when in positions of Minister of Education and Minister of Justice he managed to galvanise public opinion against him. He became probably the most unpopular Minister of recent years. In fact there was a sigh of relief when he was dropped from the Cabinet by Theresa May. Now he is back in again. On the face of it this appears to be another, yet another, act of political blindness on behalf of Theresa May. Mistakenly Theresa May believed herself to be popular amongst the electorate. She falsely assumed that the working classes would swallow her garbage about the Tories being the Party offering the greatest choice and representing the interests of the working classes now she scores yet another political own goal by appointing the most unpopular politician of a generation to her Cabinet. How many more political gaffs can this Prime Minister make before she exposed as incompetent?

My own view on the matter is more that Gove has been appointed to stem the threat to her leadership from BoJo.  Mr Gove clearly has some influence over Boris Johnson which became apparent in the leadership battle otherwise why did Mr Johnson drop out so easily to leave the field wide open for Gove himself? It may therefore be the case that May actually needs Gove at this moment in time and has been forced by circumstance to offer him a job in her Cabinet. This may be a dangerous move on her part as Gove may already be scheming to make his own leadership challenge and she may in fact have only served to strengthen his hand. It may also be a a strategy of keep your enemies close by giving Gove, at least in part, what he wants. The reality is that Michael Gove could never be palatable to the public as serious material for Prime Minister anyhow: he is just too unpopular and will always remain so but he is also: scheming, ambitious, greedy, and above all a major threat to the weakened Prime Minister at this moment in time.


Brexit News: Who’s to Blame?

Have you taken a moment to understand that Brexit will be bad for Britain. It’s now getting obvious that there will be no good deal for the U.K from our European partners and why should there be. Theresa May is emphatic that we will succeed in getting a good deal for Britain but this is mainly just Tory arrogance. Why should we believe that we are a special case deserving of the best or a better deal than anyone else. This has always been our attitude to Europe we somehow have this notion that we are more deserving or best placed to have special rights. Well no more because the European Union are going to make an example of us : how dare they leave. They will make it hard with no special deals. It is in their interests of survival that we are made an example of: isn’t that just so obvious. They are not going to make us a nice cosy deal otherwise all the other European Union Countries will want to leave under similar cosy little arrangements. Theresa May already knows this because she has been attempting to find friends in Europe since being given the messy job of being the Brexit Prime Minister. She can’t find friend nor favour and time is quickly running out. Despite this Theresa May is sitting pretty and brimming with confidence so you have to wonder why. Well the answer to this lies in the simple rule of Conservative Party undeclared policy: Simply blame someone else for the mess that they might find themselves in. So when it all goes horribly wrong and when the British Public are complaining that they have received a hard Brexit and prices have risen, people have lost jobs and Inflation has rocketed who will be to blame: Well You of course. The British Public will be to blame for making Theresa May do this economically Hara-Kiri. Theresa May is sitting pretty and pressing ahead with this economic suicide because you, the British Public, wanted her to. Yes your to blame for Brexit : you the bigots and small-minded people who actually bothered, probably for the first time in your lives, to go to the polling stations. Who else is to blame  well David Cameron of course for encouraging the small-minded bigots to rally for their cause and in letting them express their misguided opinions.

Then you have to ask yourselves who benefits from Brexit. Well Theresa May and the Conservatives stand to benefit from the stupidity of Brexit by inheriting a Thatcherite Utopia of a low wage economy with high unemployment and high inflation which Thatcher sought to bring about and exploited by eroding wages and working conditions for U.K. citizens and workers. This is what Theresa May wants for U.K citizens and when this happens the metamorphosis of may into Margerat Thatcher II ( no spelling mistake I assure you)  will be complete.

And finally to those of you who are saying that there will be a British Economic Boom as a result of Brexit and our isolationist stance  falsely believing that there will be more jobs and better opportunities for British workers well here is a small lesson in Economics.

Any downturn in the Economy such as higher levels of inflation reduces people’s spending power and as such sales are reduced. Higher inflation and a weak pound may make us appealing to exports but exactly who we will be exporting to is in serious doubt because the US will also be attempting economic isolation and Europe simply will not be playing ball with us. High inflation makes us all worse off so we spend less sending our economy into further decline and recession. Recession results in job losses and under Tory control will also result in erosion of wages and workers rights. Higher unemployment again results in less affluence and reduced spending which also results in more benefit payments and increased financial burdens on Central Government which then results in higher levels of taxation and or borrowing. Thus increasing the deficit.

More Jams but no Cream at Theresa May’s Tea Party

Well they have finally admitted it now there is not going to be any Christmas Cheer coming your way from Theresa May and her Conservative Party Government. They have finally been forced to release their unpleasant news in the Budget of last week. This is a gloomy forecast indeed and is in stark contrast to Theresa May‘s previous promise to be a Party for people and working people especially. There is no good news or hope to be taken from the November 2016 Budget and the financial forecasts: just more Jams (just about managing) and no Creams at all for the majority of people. Then add on to all this the stupidity of pressing ahead with Brexit and the resulting higher inflation and devaluing of people’s wages and living standards and you have more and more ‘jams'( Just About Managing). So there is no good news ahead for those that are presently ‘jams’ ( just about managing ) and those that are not currently ‘jams’ the bad news is that with a hard Brexit looming ahead you soon will be. The only sense that I can make of it all is that Theresa May in reality wants a low wage, high inflation and high unemployment economy the same as her cherished predecessor ‘Margaret Thatcher‘ , who is after all her idol and the politician she most aspires to resemble. This similar set of circumstances gave Margerat Thatcher (not a misspelling I assure you) the opportunity to punish the working classes and divide them to the point from which they are still yet to recover and come to their senses. Due to a set of very similar economic circumstances she was able to drive down wages, erode workers rights, divide traditional loyalties and worst of all she made snobs of the working class and all because of a high inflation, high unemployment economy which was favourable to her extreme policies. This was the Thatcherite Utopia to which Theresa May now also aspires to and this is why she is so keen to be pressing ahead with Brexit despite the gloomy economic forecasts. Theresa May and her Conservative Government cannot and should not be trusted as she is not acting in the interests of Great Britain or the UK Economy.

Is this the end for Boris Johnson?

Well in my opinion it probably is! Theresa May is certainly a very canny politician and her appointment of Boris Johnson into her new cabinet should have come as no real surprise. In fact I was baffled to see so many people who did not see this kind of appointment coming. In my opinion its a case for Ms May of keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Despite having been stitched right up by Michael Gove in the leadership contest which may, in the run of time, have proved to be only a small set-back in Mr Johnson’s ambitions to be leader: casting him into political wilderness it certainly did not achieve because in some respects there was a great deal of sympathy for Mr Johnson being seen as a victim at the hands of “Mr Nasty”. Many in fact did not blame Boris Johnson at all whereas Mr Gove certainly did seem to come off the worst, paying the price after his predictable return to his intrinsic personality. Now Mr Gove has himself become the victim to his own personality: just deserves having been served.

Boris the Annoying Fly

Continue reading Is this the end for Boris Johnson?