Britain needs Socialism now more than ever before

Tory policies have caused Britain  to run aground. Thatcherite policies and values have now backed Britain  into a cul-de-sac. There is no route forward any longer and therefore  no reason to cling to the values of Thatcherism. Britain  has no income and longer is is also bankrupt of ideas. Now the only course of action available to the Tories  is to raise levels of government  income from  taxation. This was inevitable  as a result of privatisation  of Britain’s  assets. Recent Tory  governments  have relied upon borrowing  as a way of shoring up the facade that everything  was under control. Then along came Liz Truss who tore down the mirrors to reveal the true horror  show that the Tories  had created. Truss even managed to make matters worse and that takes some doing.

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The Tories have no answer to the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’

The Tories  have no answer to the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’. Now as a last resort they have turned to taxation as their preferred ( and only available) method of attempting to deal with the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’. Taxation  and more taxation  is their response to dealing with the gap in public finances largely  caused by their election of an inept leader which they imposed on the Country and for which we all must now pay for her mistakes. The Tories  are now the party of high taxation because  they haven’t  anything else in their locker. For the last 12 years in Government  they have been forced to rely on borrowing to keep taxation  down. Now in the time of crisis  all their ineptitude is showing. The Tories  have no other strategy available  to them besides taxation. They have nothing that generates any substantial income for them because  they have sold it all off. This is the legacy  of Thatcherism. Sell off all your assets and by so doing the only income you will be left with is through taxation. Thatcherism has caused Britain  to become bankrupt.

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How to tackle the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’

How to tackle the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’. Well the first obstacle is to remove the Tory Government because  they are not equipped, ethically  or ideologically, to deal effectively  with the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’. In fact many of their policies have contributed to this situation. The legacy  of Thatcherism is also a contributory factor. The current  situation  of having our Energy and other utilities  in the private sector is a major factor contributing to the high levels of Inflation that we are seeing. These Energy  Providers  have just got increasingly  greedy and any attempts  to moderate this by Tory  Government  Policies has been ineffectual.

Continue reading How to tackle the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’

The Conservative Clown Show goes on and on

The Conservative  Clown Show goes on and on and just keeps giving. The Conservatives  have managed to turn both politics and economics into a standing joke. Forget ‘Live at the Apollo’ and just watch the news. Now we hear that their main Clown is to rejoin the Show. The bungling buffoon is coming back so the plot gets even more ridiculous. I have previously  highlighted the lack of talent in the Conservative  Party and this has been confirmed  by recent events. They just can’t  think of anyone except to be their leader except a failed Prime Minister. Poor Rishi Sunak who appears to the only one with an ounce of talent  and credibility. Sunak was the main man behind Boris Johnson and whilst Johnson was donning the hard hats and pretending to be a working class person it was Sunak who steered the ship economically. Sunak was the sensible one whilst Boris was the Clown performing for the media. Johnson has little grasp on economics and even less grasp on the  truth. Without Sunak Johnson was nothing but a buffoon. Johnson is incapable  of the serious  stuff. Johnson will not be capable of steering a course through the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’.

Johnson has not got things done: Brexit remains unfinished and ‘Levelling up’ was a lie to obtain power

Let’s  think about what Boris Johnson has not finished. Brexit remains undone and as a result Northern Ireland has no functioning  government because of questions  that remain unfinished regarding the Northern  Ireland  protocol and the questions  remaining about the transfer of goods without a hard border with the rest of Ireland. There had also been no evidence of ‘Levelling Up’. As I have said this was always  just a slogan and attempt to derail real Socialist values. It was an attempt to steal traditional  Labour Party votes and a blatant attempt  to mislead by lying to voters with empty promises.

The Bank of England and the Government at loggerheads

The Bank of England and Liz Truss’s government are at loggerheads. Both seem to be working  against each other and seem to be opponents. Meanwhile despite this Liz Tuss’s government plays a risky game with people’s pensions and livelihoods. Liz Truss continues to put pensions at risk and puts homeowners  in a vulnerable  position with their mortgages. This is politics playing  with people’s lives. Her actions only compound the ‘Cost of Living Crisis ‘ and make it worse for most people. This is the most irresponsible government that has been seen. This government  and Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng in particular continue to demonstrate lack of insight  and incompetence. The Tories  need to go now.  The selection  of a bunch of amateurs  to steer the country demonstrates and reinforces what I have said previously, that the Tories lack any talent in their ranks and are bereft of real insights into ways in which to tackle the current issues of ‘Inflation’ and ‘The Cost of Living Crisis’.

Starmer threatens the UK Energy Market suggesting a Publicly Owned Energy Provider

Sir Kier Starmer sent a strong message to the UK Energy Providers  with an underlying threat made at the Labour Party Conference yesterday. If Labour gets elected it will set up a new publicly owned Energy Provider that will be in direct competition  with the current UK Energy Providers. However it will be run for the benefit of the public and not as a privatised enterprise.  This was initially  my idea that I provided to the Labour Party on 19th October 2017. See my post 

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Britain, for goodness sake wake up and call for re-nationalisation of the utilities, we need new thinking to tackle problems

What’s  wrong with British people? Why are British people so against re-nationalisation of our utilities: our infrastructure? In recent months we have seen how the Energy Providers are exploiting a situation to maximise their profits. We have seen that their actions have led to Inflation and Intertest Rate rises. The time has come to seek to re-nationalise the utilities and in particular the Energy Providers. How long can the British  avoid nationalisation  of the Energy Companies when it’s starring you in the face as the only solution to deal with Inflation  and the ‘ Cost of Living Crisis’. A Tory government  will not do this and without it there is not even a single glimmer of hope that a change in the leadership  of the Tories will help at all.

Liz Truss was a false hope and a mere waste of time.  Now she represents a source of embarrassment for the Tories.  A misguided and a desperate attempt to reverse the fortune of the Tories. A government  led by Liz Truss was a costly  misadventure for the Tories and something they have failed to live down. Liz Truss was a costly mistake both for the Tories  and the country as a whole. Through Liz Truss, the Tories  have shown that they cannot  be relied upon to do the right thing and nationalise the energy providers  in the U for the good of the country. The misadventure of the Tories  investing faith in Liz Truss’s  government just goes to show how desperately  ineffective  Tory  policies are. Obviously  renationalising and public ownership  in general are blind spot for all Tories and as long as it is then right thing to do will remain undone because the Tories still have belief in Thatcherite policies. But time after time we are now hearing about the failures of Thatcherism  that haunt the British  Economy and which continue to hold Britain  back.

Continue reading Britain, for goodness sake wake up and call for re-nationalisation of the utilities, we need new thinking to tackle problems

Re-nationalise the Energy Providers is the only option to deal with Inflation: the Tories are the only obstacle

It is evident  that the only solution  to deal with Inflation  is to re-nationalise the Energy Providers in the UK: the only obstacle  to be removed is the Tories. It is now in the national interest to re- nationalise these Energy Providers to deal with Inflation and to prevent the gross profiteering by these utilities which is against the national interests. Quite simply the current situation is intolerable and is the only factor  driving inflation higher  and higher. The Tories  have lost any control and regulation  of the utilities and Ofgen is defunct  and unfit for purpose. Continue reading Re-nationalise the Energy Providers is the only option to deal with Inflation: the Tories are the only obstacle

Energy Companies and Utilities are laughing at you all the way to the Bank

The energy companies and the utilities are laughing at you all the way to the bank. As you struggle to meet your fuel and energy  bills these companies continue to drive inflation higher and higher whilst maximising  their ever increasing  profits and paying huge dividends to their shareholders. It is immoral that they are making huge profits and not simply passing on costs to consumers. Instead they are adding huge profit margins  to their prices. In this way they are fixing prices and driving inflation  without regards. Their behaviour is immoral and wrong. They are exploiting consumers and laughing at them whilst the Tory government  does nothing at all.

To tackle inflation you must reel in the profiteering of the Energy and Utilities who are driving inflation upwards for their own ends

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Conservative politics has led Britain down a dead-end street and into the mess it now finds itself in

When will the British people come to the realisation that the mess that Britain now finds itself in is as a direct result of putting in power successive inept and incompetent Conservative governments. The Conservative Party has led Britain down a dead-end street to the mess that it now finds itself in. The most recent manifestations of these governments have shown that they lack any ideas or ambition to turn Britain around. Conservative Party policies lack any ambition for Britain, instead clinging onto the outdated ideologies of thatcherism which have been shown not to work. Britain needs a fresh set of ideas to tackle the issues of today. The Tories lack these ideas and they lack leadership: they are barren and dysfunctional. They are unrepresentative of the majority of the British people who stand to gain nothing at all by voting Conservative. So why aren’t people catching on to this? Is it something so endemicaly British that says we must suffer and put up with incompetence? Why should we put up with attacks on all the things that are good or were good about Britain like the NHS for example. Don’t let the Tories fool you with their rhetoric they hate the NHS: they see it only as a tax burden. The recent austerity program that they imposed upon Councils was in reality just a ‘blessing in disguise’ for the Tories in that it allowed them to go further with cuts to public funding than even Margaret Thatcher could have dreamed of. With these cuts they have drawn a line in the sand and there will be no return to the excellence of our public services not under the Tories.

And if you didn’t think that this was bad enough we now have the prospect of Boris Johnson as Prime Minister