Britain needs Socialism now more than ever before

Tory policies have caused Britain  to run aground. Thatcherite policies and values have now backed Britain  into a cul-de-sac. There is no route forward any longer and therefore  no reason to cling to the values of Thatcherism. Britain  has no income and longer is is also bankrupt of ideas. Now the only course of action available to the Tories  is to raise levels of government  income from  taxation. This was inevitable  as a result of privatisation  of Britain’s  assets. Recent Tory  governments  have relied upon borrowing  as a way of shoring up the facade that everything  was under control. Then along came Liz Truss who tore down the mirrors to reveal the true horror  show that the Tories  had created. Truss even managed to make matters worse and that takes some doing.

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The Tories have no answer to the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’

The Tories  have no answer to the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’. Now as a last resort they have turned to taxation as their preferred ( and only available) method of attempting to deal with the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’. Taxation  and more taxation  is their response to dealing with the gap in public finances largely  caused by their election of an inept leader which they imposed on the Country and for which we all must now pay for her mistakes. The Tories  are now the party of high taxation because  they haven’t  anything else in their locker. For the last 12 years in Government  they have been forced to rely on borrowing to keep taxation  down. Now in the time of crisis  all their ineptitude is showing. The Tories  have no other strategy available  to them besides taxation. They have nothing that generates any substantial income for them because  they have sold it all off. This is the legacy  of Thatcherism. Sell off all your assets and by so doing the only income you will be left with is through taxation. Thatcherism has caused Britain  to become bankrupt.

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How to tackle the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’

How to tackle the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’. Well the first obstacle is to remove the Tory Government because  they are not equipped, ethically  or ideologically, to deal effectively  with the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’. In fact many of their policies have contributed to this situation. The legacy  of Thatcherism is also a contributory factor. The current  situation  of having our Energy and other utilities  in the private sector is a major factor contributing to the high levels of Inflation that we are seeing. These Energy  Providers  have just got increasingly  greedy and any attempts  to moderate this by Tory  Government  Policies has been ineffectual.

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What a Blunder: Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng trips up over his own ego

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It is widely expected that the Bank of England will raise interests rates today : why is this wrong to do so?

This post has been made in response to Kevin Peachey’s article that appeared today on the BBC’s App and website  .It is widely  expected that the Bank of England will raise interest rates today in order to tackle Inflation. This is a very predictable text book response to Inflation and seen by many as the preferred method  to tackle  Inflation. The BBC has inferred  that this Inflation is as a result of the lack of goods in the Economy after the Pandemic. From what I remember of the Pandemic is wasn’t goods availability that was problematic it was just that there appeared to be a shift away from people actually going to get goods to a situation whereby goods were being mainly ordered and delivered. Sure enough there was some drop in production but this didn’t impact greatly on availability. There was however more of a drop in services in that sector of the Economy.  However today all I ever see down our street and on our estate is loads and loads of delivery vans constantly  shuffling about and delivering goods to people’s  homes via Amazon and DPD to name but a few. Also I myself  have ordered much since the Pandemic  ended and have enjoyed taking advantage  of one day delivery schemes. So when the BBC state lack of goods as a cause of this current period of Inflation , I simply have to  laugh. I have never recently gone onto the Internet and Amazon, in particular, where I remember being informed that the goods that I wished to order were out of stock. This has been my recent experience.  So where is this shortage of goods driving this Inflation? It simply does not exist but has become an easy  scapegoat to avoid the real finger of suspicion.

The real cause of Inflation is the greedy energy and utilities  companies hiking up profits and disguising these as pass on costs.

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Competition is the way forward for the public ownership of Gas and Electricity in Britain

A sure fire way to get the utilities and railways back into public ownership and the less costly way of achieving this.

Yes I admire the ambition of the Labour Party Manifesto and it’s aim to get the Gas and Electricity utilities and railways back into public ownership. Success of this would lead to a more prosperous and fairer Britain and it would be the start of a new era for Britain. Yes it is high time to reverse the failed privatisations of Margaret Thatcher and John Major, and this would be a move which would put Britain on track again. However the scale and the cost of the task is dauntingly enormous and Thatcher knew how difficult it would be to ever go backwards. She tried to make her privatisations irreversible in an attempt to frustrate any attempts to ever develop socialism in Britain. She thought that she had had the final word but despite this there was a fundamental flaw in her plan and one which the Labour Party could exploit if it is savvy enough.

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