Take one thing away from the latest Labour Party Conference and that is Kier Starmer is basing his election Manifesto on wishful thinking. Labour has dropped all pretences of renationalising the key industries and has instead turned it’s favours towards businesses and market forces. Again distancing itself from it’s key Labour Values of re-nationalisation it moves closer and closer to the policies and ambitions of Tony Blair. In fact Starmer actually celebrated Blair in his speech. So now we have a Labour Party again bereft of real ambition and purpose, which is prepared to easily throw away or disregard key Labour Party Values.
Category: Blairites in the Labour Party
The Labour Party is still so far from being a Socialist Party with real Socialist values and a model of economics which supports it’s aspired to set of Socialist values due to Tony Blair’s reform of Clause IV of it’s constitution. Many in the Labour Movement remain still loyal to Blair values (Blairites) but in effect this is the main reason that the Labour Party is still stuck in a mire unable to appeal to traditional Labour Supporters and unable to make any real statement or contribution to the British Political Landscape.
‘A Changed Labour Party’ pursueing Electoral Credibility but at what cost to policies?
‘A Changed Labour Party’ as Kier Starmer likes to call it, pursueing electoral credibility but at what cost to policies? Sir Kier Starmer keeps dropping in phrases about the Labour Party’s electoral credibility but what is unclear about his focus on this issue is the cost to the Labour Party’s policies and ambitions.
The last time we saw ‘A changed Labour Party’ was that of Tony Blair: and what a disaster that was
The last time we saw ‘A Changed Labour Party’ was that of Tony Blair’s ‘New Labour’: and what a disaster that was. So is Starmer wanting to take Labour back to the uninspiring and instantly forgettable Tony Blair years? Well on the face of it it would appear to be so. So even though the Tories are gifting the next General Election to Labour, nervous Starmer still seems intent on watering the Labour Party policies down to worthlessness.
The insidious and odorous Alan Johnson could not wait to put the knife into Corbyn
Alan Johnson could not wait to put the knife into Corbyn could he? No sooner had the Exit Poll been declared and he is there with his snide remarks and calls for a resignation. He really is a snide and insidious cuckoo. Well what do you expect from a person who hasn’t even got the guts to admit that he is actually a Tory anyway. Resentful of the fact that the Labour Party has actually become a true Labour Party again under Corbyn, Johnson sees fit to attempt to steer the Labour Party towards becoming a watered down version of the Tories again. Hopefully that will never happen again. Under the likes of Blair and Johnson the Labour Party simply frittered away it’s chances of doing any good or having a lasting and memorable legacy for the time it spent in office. It postured about claiming to be a socialist party whilst in truth it had more in common with the Conservatives. Johnson is a has been and needs to switch to the political party that he has most in common with now and that would be the Tories. Hopefully Labour will not loose sight of it’s key values as it did under the stewardship of the likes of Blair and Johnson. Even in defeat Labour should stick to it’s key principles and we should be thanking Jeremy Corbyn for doing that. Even if there were to be a change of leadership then the Labour Party should stick with it’s core principles and not be misled by the likes of a cuckoo like Johnson.
The Labour Party has not lost it’s way: the electorate has
This election was lost on Brexit and because of Brexit and nothing else. The principles and the policies that Labour put in front of the electorate were sound and different from their rivals as they needed to be. Its not that Labour has lost it’s way: the electorate has. Seats that would have been Labour’s traditionally have been persuaded to become Tory seats because of Brexit. Leadership and policies simply had no part to play in this election. 5 more years of Tory abuse and the possibility of a massive economic collapse might be what is needed to bring voters back to reality and to stop them seeing the Tories through rose tinted glasses. After such a point in time the electorate may actually come to realise that it is policy that matters and not personality nor Brexit. At such a point in time Labour’s policies may come to have relevance to the voters. What Labour must avoid is the mistakes of the likes of Blair and Johnson who simply changed to suit the voters in order to obtain power and sacrificed key principles and socialist credence in order to do that. Labour should stick with it’s manifesto and wait for the disillusionment of the voters and allow them to come and seek them out as the next viable alternative to the abuse of Tory power. Besides which what’s the point in fighting like with like as did Blair and Johnson? History has proved that Labour under Blair was inconsequential as is Johnson now. Keep your opinions to yourself or join a party more in line with your beliefs.
The General Election 2017 should be the time for Labour to take a new path
The General Election 2017 should be the time for the Labour Party to take some risks. It’s chance of winning at the moment may be quite slim. Jeremy Corbyn has so far failed to deliver any significant left wing policies or principles. Time and time again Labour have failed to offer the voters any significant differences between them and the Tories. The Conservatives will always win battles for middle and the right so is it high time now that the Labour Party took the left wing path instead of sticking to the middle path. I believe so and so do many of the Labour Party Membership who have returned to the Labour Party believing that Jeremy Corbyn would steer the Party towards the left again. However so far we have seen no real change of course.
Labour now need to be more radical and experimental in this 2017 General Election after all what is there to lose because the middle path will only lead to another election defeat and may cost Jeremy Corbyn his position as leader.
Continue reading The General Election 2017 should be the time for Labour to take a new path
The Labour Party is dead and finished according to Alan Johnson
I am responding here to statements made by Alan Johnson in an article to Politics Home where he suggests that the Labour Party is dead and finished and where he lays the blame squarely at the feet of Jeremy Corbyn. This is really just sour grapes from a defeated right wing moderate as he struggles to adapt to the much needed change happening within the Labour Party and is probably more about his own line of personal questioning and doubts about whether there is actually a place for him in the Labour Party of the future.
Firstly who does Alan Johnson think he is pontificating on such matters. Johnson, himself now a discredited politician, is a part of the unfortunate legacy of the now dying Labour Party. He is right to say that the Labour Party is dead which it most probably is but guess what: far from being Mr Corbyn’s fault the death of the Labour Party is actually because of people like Alan Johnson and Tony Blair who have killed the Labour Party. The autopsy is now on-going but it will surely be found to be the case that the death of the Labour Party was already a sealed fait accompli as soon as traitors like you and Tony Blair were able to meddle with its Constitution. Mr Corbyn now only presides over the dying corpse of the Labour Party perhaps in a vain attempt to bring back life to the already departed.
Continue reading The Labour Party is dead and finished according to Alan Johnson
Does Jeremy Corbyn deserve all his Left Wing Support?
Since winning another Labour Party Leadership Challenge it may appear to some that Jeremy Corbyn is unassailable. He may even believe so himself. It appears that the promise of change and a possible swing to the left helped propel Jeremy Corbyn back into the leadership post. In my opinion this was because he came across as the most left wing of the candidates. He had a longer left wing legacy that the newcomers. However so far we have seen nothing that radical from Mr Corbyn and nothing really that justifies all the left wing support he received to secure him another term as the Leader of the Labour Party.
Continue reading Does Jeremy Corbyn deserve all his Left Wing Support?
Is the Labour Party fit for purpose ?
Well in my opinion it is not. The Labour Party is no longer a Socialist Party nor will it be again until the day it brings back a proper obligation to follow the principles of Sidney Webb and adopt a proper Webb style interpretation of Clause IV of the Labour Party Constitution as it was intentioned. Until it does this it will be no more that another Party cluttering up the ground on the political right. I was hoping that Jeremy Corbyn might be the man to change all this. However this remains to be seen whether or not he has a strong commitment to do this.
Lets consign Tony Blair to the Anus of Labour Party History
Yes you have read it correctly it is not a spelling mistake. The Labour Party really needs to expel the effluent and flatulence of the Blair legacy. It needs to purge itself of this effluent and flatulence that it developed when it sat to the right, gorging itself, at the same privileged table that was also occupied by the Tories. The bloating that the Party received under Tony Blair’s leadership is still constraining and constipating the Party. It is now misshapen and bloated and un-recognizable as a Labour Party. It needs to expel as waste the Tony Blair and Gordon Brown years. Indeed Labour would have done better not to have held office under Blair and the conditions he set out for the Party, instead it would have done better to hang onto it’s principles and wait for the right moment in time when it could have assumed power unconditionally without the need to sell out on all it’s principles. What we have now is a Labour Party without a proper set of values and principles. This is a distorted Labour Party that does not even recognise itself in the mirror anymore and it is unsure to whom it appeals or who it represents. Traditional values are gone and it lacks any socialist soul anymore. Labour now needs desperately to find a set of values with a re-instatement of Clause IV as a part of its current constitution. It needs to regain it’s socialist soul and purge itself of the influence and history of Tony Blair.
Why is Jeremy Corbyn so important to Labour Party Supporters?
Continue reading Lets consign Tony Blair to the Anus of Labour Party History