Britain needs Socialism now more than ever before

Tory policies have caused Britain  to run aground. Thatcherite policies and values have now backed Britain  into a cul-de-sac. There is no route forward any longer and therefore  no reason to cling to the values of Thatcherism. Britain  has no income and longer is is also bankrupt of ideas. Now the only course of action available to the Tories  is to raise levels of government  income from  taxation. This was inevitable  as a result of privatisation  of Britain’s  assets. Recent Tory  governments  have relied upon borrowing  as a way of shoring up the facade that everything  was under control. Then along came Liz Truss who tore down the mirrors to reveal the true horror  show that the Tories  had created. Truss even managed to make matters worse and that takes some doing.

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How to tackle the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’

How to tackle the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’. Well the first obstacle is to remove the Tory Government because  they are not equipped, ethically  or ideologically, to deal effectively  with the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’. In fact many of their policies have contributed to this situation. The legacy  of Thatcherism is also a contributory factor. The current  situation  of having our Energy and other utilities  in the private sector is a major factor contributing to the high levels of Inflation that we are seeing. These Energy  Providers  have just got increasingly  greedy and any attempts  to moderate this by Tory  Government  Policies has been ineffectual.

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Starmer threatens the UK Energy Market suggesting a Publicly Owned Energy Provider

Sir Kier Starmer sent a strong message to the UK Energy Providers  with an underlying threat made at the Labour Party Conference yesterday. If Labour gets elected it will set up a new publicly owned Energy Provider that will be in direct competition  with the current UK Energy Providers. However it will be run for the benefit of the public and not as a privatised enterprise.  This was initially  my idea that I provided to the Labour Party on 19th October 2017. See my post 

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Clueless Kwarteng borrowing time and giving to the rich

Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng delivered a mini budget unfit to purpose by giving away a large slice of the government’s current income to rely heavily on borrowing instead. Cuts in government  income and National  Insurance  is sure to have an impact on this government’s  abilities to deliver on previous  promises of improvements to the NHS  and the  seemingly  forgotten pledge of ‘ levelling-up’. What’s  also gone from the mandate of  which this government  was elected to do is the commitment to ‘Net Zero’ by scrapping  or postponing the funding which was set aside to do this. So on almost all mandates from the 2019 Conservative  Election  Manifesto they have broken almost every Election  Pledge. This goes to show that the Tories  can’t be trusted to deliver.

Trickle Down Economics doesn’t work

Now Kwarteng is gambling with the economy. He has tried to convince us that he is a genius but instead he has shown that he has only a rudimentary  grasp of economics. His most recent  attempt shows that he can master smoke and mirrors. The majority  of us in the UK will receive a mere 1 penny in the pound amounting to 2 bars of soap and a litre of milk over the course of a month and we are supposed  to be grateful for that: whilst the rich benefit disproportionately. This is another attempt  to install a failed economic theory first tried out by Margaret Thatcher. It didn’t  work then and it won’t  work now. It’s  not a new idea it’s  a rehash of Thatcherism. Trickle down economics doesn’t  work. All it does is increase the divide between  the rich and the poor and opens the door for the richest to exploit the poorest with unemployment  and wage slashing.

To achieve this Kwarteng  has sacrificed the government’s income and instead has reverted to borrowing  to keep the County  afloat. This equates to a situation  of being afloat in the middle of the ocean in a boat full of holes which is sinking, whilst sending out a Mayday  call to the Super Rich to come and rescue us. I doubt there will be much interest  as the Rich will just remain at home counting their increased riches which this mini budget has so kindly  laid at their doorstep.

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Energy Companies and Utilities are laughing at you all the way to the Bank

The energy companies and the utilities are laughing at you all the way to the bank. As you struggle to meet your fuel and energy  bills these companies continue to drive inflation higher and higher whilst maximising  their ever increasing  profits and paying huge dividends to their shareholders. It is immoral that they are making huge profits and not simply passing on costs to consumers. Instead they are adding huge profit margins  to their prices. In this way they are fixing prices and driving inflation  without regards. Their behaviour is immoral and wrong. They are exploiting consumers and laughing at them whilst the Tory government  does nothing at all.

To tackle inflation you must reel in the profiteering of the Energy and Utilities who are driving inflation upwards for their own ends

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Levelling up was just a slogan to defuse the power of real Socialist Economic Principles

The idea of levelling up was just a slogan  to diffuse the power of real Socialist Economic Principles. This is how the Tories  were using it to divide tradional voting loyalties in an attempt to grab power away from Labour. There was no substance to their claims that they can level up Britain. The Tories  were hinting or trying to convince voters that they were offering some form of socialism which simply isn’t true. Using the ‘levelling  up’ slogan and banner was an attempt to steal ground from various political parties  with a bona-fide claim to real socialist policies. The Tories  were obviously pretty scarred of socialism and socialist policies which have become increasingly important  to the British  voters. It is a clever ploy with the intention of making you believe that The Tories are something which they definitely are not. The Tories are not socialists nor will they ever be but ‘levelling up ‘ was simply a slogan and a ploy to make you believe they could be. However the General Election of 2019 was simply a single policy election and not many voters actually looked beyond that. The only issue for voters was who they believed could get Brexit done as swiftly as possible: because everyone was fed up with hearing about it.

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Socialist economic theory is green not red: Socialism is certainly better for the Environment

Socialist economics are green not red which is an important  point to make in the week when COP26 is taking place. Socialist economic theory can have a valid position in any economy  striving to take care of both it’s citizens, it’s  global citizens and the local and global environments. This is unlikely to be the case when referring to a free market economy  based on inequality, exploitation and free for all of capitalist systems of economic theory. This point should not be overlooked by COP26.

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British People are worse off year by year and it’s about to get worse

What is wrong with the British People and why are they such gluttons for punishment. Year by year our incomes become diminished through: utility price rises, spurious taxes (Sugar Tax), Rail Fare hikes and; the costs of goods, food and basic services increasing. Yet still our pay remains frozen or rises at a significantly lower rate than inflation and yet we still put up with it and muddle through. Britain is reverting back to the Victorian times again where we see: charities helping out the poorest sectors of society with a reliance upon philanthropy rather than state policies to support the poorest (which are more often than not the actual cause of the problems), massive rises in homelessness; and the belligerent exploitation of the plight of the poorest by wealthy landlords or unscrupulous employers. Most of us have become victims to this predatory behaviour from the wealthier classes either through our working conditions/practices or simply as a result of the all encompassing feedback we all get from Tory policies and their ideologies. Many of us are caught in a poverty trap just scrapping by and unable to afford to save to buy a home of our own. This simply will not do despite the sham, shallow concern expressed by Prime Minister Theresa May during her ‘JAM’ period, where she tried to convince you that she was concerned but time has revealed this not to be the case. This is position for which she has no real concerns for the plight of the exploited at all. Instead whole generations are being doomed to exist in this lifestyle: being exploited by low wages, few opportunities, dead end jobs or zero hours contracts.  The Tories have always insisted that work should pay and they have oft used this as their justification and rallying cry to persecute the poorest unfortunate enough to have to rely on the Benefits System with repeated systematic attacks on the Benefits System in the UK. Yet despite this for the majority in low paid employment work simply is not paying nor bringing about any sort of rewards at all that you would associate with the effort required. This is not good enough! There is really no hope in sight for change: or is there?

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China gives socialism a bad name

Socialism is not commonly a word I would associate with China yet the BBC seem to be using it. This association is bad press for socialism in the UK. Socialism is a set of ideas based upon economic principles to ensure economic fairness. Socialism is therefore just a set of economic principles. In China, by contrast, the state own everything – well all the infrastructure of the Country. China is not a model for Socialism. Socialism in its purely economic interpretation would not seek to erase democracy or political debate. In China there is no political debate tolerated – it is a One Party System and as such it is undemocratic. This is really just Communism or Totalitarianism going under the guise of being socialist. There is no dissent and no contrary opinion allowed and those that do are dealt with severely and not tolerated. People in the UK should not base their ideas or opinions about socialism on what is happening in China at the present time.