Socialist economic theory is green not red: Socialism is certainly better for the Environment

Socialist economics are green not red which is an important  point to make in the week when COP26 is taking place. Socialist economic theory can have a valid position in any economy  striving to take care of both it’s citizens, it’s  global citizens and the local and global environments. This is unlikely to be the case when referring to a free market economy  based on inequality, exploitation and free for all of capitalist systems of economic theory. This point should not be overlooked by COP26.

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Conservative’s Party Conference shows that they lack: credibility, imagination and unity and that they are terrified of Corbyn

The Conservative Party Conference has left them looking embarrassingly weak. Seeming to lack any imagination, unity and credibility they are struggling to convince both themselves and the public they represent a credible government working for the benefit of Great Britain. The obvious truth of the matter is that they don’t. They claim to be championing the working people: they don’t. This is old rhetoric that we heard when  the Prime Minister, Theresa May, took over from David Cameron after he ran away unceremoniously embarrassed by his huge political gamble that had exploded in his face.

So we have heard it all before and the recent General Election 2017 showed that the public will not swallow it either. So the Conservative Party Conference sees them trying to win the same argument in which they have already been embarrassingly defeated. What this Conference has shown is that the Conservatives are unimaginative with no real vision for the future of Great Britain. They are unwilling to tackle head on the main issues which effect the British Public namely: huge profiteering of the utility providers, high rail fares, welfare, the NHS, and where the British Economy will be post Brexit. These are the issues to which the British Public want real change and real answers and these are the areas where there is high public dissatisfaction. Instead the Conservatives remain totally uninspiring, seemingly attempting to convince us they they represent the interests of working people and the working classes whilst doing very little to deserve this high accolade that they have foisted upon themselves. Well the public will not be deceived and duped so easily especially by a political party that cannot even manage their own conference properly. No the Conservative Party Conference 2017 has shown us that they are not unitedthey are divided and that Theresa May is not strong enough to cope with the dissidence within her own Party and in particular she is unwilling and unable to discipline it’s loose cannon:Boris Johnson. But what this week has shown most of all is that they are totally terrified of Jeremy Corbyn and of Socialism in particular. Reference the speech of the Chancellor of Exchequer- Phillip Hammond on 03/10/17. This  speech shows how much the Tories are fearfulness of socialism and fairness for Great Britain. They have little answer to it other than to pretend that they themselves represent fairness and prosperity but in truth they do not. So fearful are the Conservatives and this is indicated by the amount of time and reference he gave to attacking Jeremy Corbyn and his policies on a very personal level. By default this showed a great fear for what Mr Corbyn represents to his followers and in the long run it only served to give Mr Corbyn even more kudos.

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Socialism is better for Britain. Socialism is neither Communism nor Militant

Socialism is better for Britain. Socialism offers Britain  a New start and a shining new path towards prosperity. Socialism is better for Britain  because it lowers the burden of taxation on tax payers. So why aren’t we embracing it.

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Can Theresa May really deliver a ‘fairer Britain’?

In my opinion the word fairness has no place in any sentence which mentions or is related to the Tories. However I watched Theresa May deliver her opening gambit on 13/07/16 when she accepted the role of Prime Minister and Conservative Party Leader outside No 10 Downing Street. Splattered all over this speech were the words ‘fair’, ‘fairness’ and ‘caring’ in an attempt to convince us that her new government will adopt these concepts and somehow be more compassionate and more caring than the previous administration. This speech was so constipated with the word ‘fair’ that  if it had been written for the internet it would have been penalised by Google for having been utterly cluttered up with a glut of keywords and would have received an accordingly low page ranking. The speech left me thinking about whether or not any  Conservative Government leave alone this one could deliver Theresa May’s promises of ‘a fairer Britain’ and ‘fairness for all’ these ideas and catchphrases that so littered this Prime Ministers opening speech outside No 10 Downing Street as she assumed office.

The Metamorphosis of Theresa May

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