Privatisations have not worked for the British Public. Privatisations have only been successful only for the shareholders and fatcats. It is now a failed experiment that needs to be addressed. The time for apathy about this issue is over. The privatisations of Margaret Thatcher and John Major have bankrupted Britain robbing money from the public purse and taking away any abilities of subsequent governments to invest in the infra-structure of Britain. The public have been cheated and robbed of their assets by these privatisations which now continue to hold their customers in contempt with massive price rises to satisfy the insatiable greed of the shareholders. These are Britain’s money making assets which have been taken away. It is time to come to our senses and put pressure on, or better still elect a government that is willing to tackle the issue head on and do the right thing. The public need action not some tinkering and adjustment to tariffs : empty promises that never seem to come to anything. This issue needs a complete overhaul and reversal of these privatisations which occurred under Margaret Thatcher and John Major regimes. In all cases the public was mis-sold these privatisations on the promise that it would be good for the consumer and that it was in the consumers best interests to have and benefit from increased competition. However in all cases this has not proved to be the case at all. All we have seen instead is Cartel like behaviour and confusing and mis-leading and expensive pricing structures. The public need to own the Gas Supply Industry, the Electricity Supply Industry and the Railways. It is firmly in the interests of the British Public to do so. With the Capital that public ownership would generate we could improve the NHS, improve public services and start to significantly reduce the National Debt in the UK. It could spell an quicker end to Austerity Measures, which have been unnecessarily imposed on us by a Tory Government and Coalition which lacks any real vision or ambition for Britain.
Tag: Energy Companies UK
Socialism is better for Britain. Socialism is neither Communism nor Militant
Socialism is better for Britain. Socialism offers Britain a New start and a shining new path towards prosperity. Socialism is better for Britain because it lowers the burden of taxation on tax payers. So why aren’t we embracing it.
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