Britain needs Socialism now more than ever before

Tory policies have caused Britain  to run aground. Thatcherite policies and values have now backed Britain  into a cul-de-sac. There is no route forward any longer and therefore  no reason to cling to the values of Thatcherism. Britain  has no income and longer is is also bankrupt of ideas. Now the only course of action available to the Tories  is to raise levels of government  income from  taxation. This was inevitable  as a result of privatisation  of Britain’s  assets. Recent Tory  governments  have relied upon borrowing  as a way of shoring up the facade that everything  was under control. Then along came Liz Truss who tore down the mirrors to reveal the true horror  show that the Tories  had created. Truss even managed to make matters worse and that takes some doing.

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Starmer threatens the UK Energy Market suggesting a Publicly Owned Energy Provider

Sir Kier Starmer sent a strong message to the UK Energy Providers  with an underlying threat made at the Labour Party Conference yesterday. If Labour gets elected it will set up a new publicly owned Energy Provider that will be in direct competition  with the current UK Energy Providers. However it will be run for the benefit of the public and not as a privatised enterprise.  This was initially  my idea that I provided to the Labour Party on 19th October 2017. See my post 

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Is Britain a now a classless society or is this just another strategy in British Class Warfare?

Some newspapers and the Tories are trying to convince us that Britain is now a classless society with class mobility to all levels but is this true and in whose interests is it to make us actually believe this? Is this simply a strategy in the ongoing Class War in Britain.

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Socialism is better for Britain. Socialism is neither Communism nor Militant

Socialism is better for Britain. Socialism offers Britain  a New start and a shining new path towards prosperity. Socialism is better for Britain  because it lowers the burden of taxation on tax payers. So why aren’t we embracing it.

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The General Election 2017 should be the time for Labour to take a new path

The General Election 2017 should be the time for the Labour Party to take some risks. It’s chance of winning at the moment may be quite slim. Jeremy Corbyn has so far failed to deliver any significant left wing policies or principles. Time and time again Labour have failed to offer the voters any significant differences between them and the Tories. The Conservatives will always win battles for middle and the right so is it high time now that the Labour Party took the left wing path instead of sticking to the middle path. I believe so and so do many of the Labour Party Membership who have returned to the Labour Party believing that Jeremy Corbyn would steer the Party towards the left again. However so far we have seen no real change of course.

Labour now need to be more radical and experimental in this 2017 General Election after all what is there to lose because the middle path will only lead to another election defeat and may cost Jeremy Corbyn his position as leader.

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The Labour Party is dead and finished according to Alan Johnson

I am responding here to statements made by Alan Johnson in an article to Politics Home where he suggests that the Labour Party is dead and finished and where he lays the blame squarely at the feet of Jeremy Corbyn. This is really just sour grapes from a defeated right wing moderate as he struggles to adapt to the much needed change happening within the Labour Party and is probably more about his own line of personal questioning and doubts about whether there is actually a place for him in the Labour Party of the future.

Firstly who does Alan Johnson think he is pontificating on such matters. Johnson, himself now a discredited politician, is a part of the unfortunate legacy of the now dying Labour Party. He is right to say that the Labour Party is dead which it most probably is but guess what: far from being Mr Corbyn’s fault the death of the Labour Party is actually because of people like Alan Johnson and Tony Blair who have killed the Labour Party. The autopsy is now on-going but it will surely be found to be the case that the death of the Labour Party was already a sealed fait accompli as soon as traitors like you and Tony Blair were able to meddle with its Constitution. Mr Corbyn now only presides over the dying corpse of the Labour Party perhaps in a vain attempt to bring back life to the already departed.

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Forget being mis-sold PPI what about the mis-selling of Gas, Electricity and Railways

It’s true the British Public were pick-pocketed by Margaret Thatcher and John Major. Forget being mis-sold PPI that’s nothing in comparison to the robbery and mis-selling that occurred and was directed by the Margaret Thatcher and John Major administrations. If I had enough money I would take the matter to court to expose the treachery that occurred and to prove that the privatisations were orchestrated to make a lot of money for vested interests and were not in the interests of the British citizens nor the British Economy.

Britain is  bankrupt

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