Britain needs Socialism now more than ever before

Tory policies have caused Britain  to run aground. Thatcherite policies and values have now backed Britain  into a cul-de-sac. There is no route forward any longer and therefore  no reason to cling to the values of Thatcherism. Britain  has no income and longer is is also bankrupt of ideas. Now the only course of action available to the Tories  is to raise levels of government  income from  taxation. This was inevitable  as a result of privatisation  of Britain’s  assets. Recent Tory  governments  have relied upon borrowing  as a way of shoring up the facade that everything  was under control. Then along came Liz Truss who tore down the mirrors to reveal the true horror  show that the Tories  had created. Truss even managed to make matters worse and that takes some doing.

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Starmer threatens the UK Energy Market suggesting a Publicly Owned Energy Provider

Sir Kier Starmer sent a strong message to the UK Energy Providers  with an underlying threat made at the Labour Party Conference yesterday. If Labour gets elected it will set up a new publicly owned Energy Provider that will be in direct competition  with the current UK Energy Providers. However it will be run for the benefit of the public and not as a privatised enterprise.  This was initially  my idea that I provided to the Labour Party on 19th October 2017. See my post 

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Britain, for goodness sake wake up and call for re-nationalisation of the utilities, we need new thinking to tackle problems

What’s  wrong with British people? Why are British people so against re-nationalisation of our utilities: our infrastructure? In recent months we have seen how the Energy Providers are exploiting a situation to maximise their profits. We have seen that their actions have led to Inflation and Intertest Rate rises. The time has come to seek to re-nationalise the utilities and in particular the Energy Providers. How long can the British  avoid nationalisation  of the Energy Companies when it’s starring you in the face as the only solution to deal with Inflation  and the ‘ Cost of Living Crisis’. A Tory government  will not do this and without it there is not even a single glimmer of hope that a change in the leadership  of the Tories will help at all.

Liz Truss was a false hope and a mere waste of time.  Now she represents a source of embarrassment for the Tories.  A misguided and a desperate attempt to reverse the fortune of the Tories. A government  led by Liz Truss was a costly  misadventure for the Tories and something they have failed to live down. Liz Truss was a costly mistake both for the Tories  and the country as a whole. Through Liz Truss, the Tories  have shown that they cannot  be relied upon to do the right thing and nationalise the energy providers  in the U for the good of the country. The misadventure of the Tories  investing faith in Liz Truss’s  government just goes to show how desperately  ineffective  Tory  policies are. Obviously  renationalising and public ownership  in general are blind spot for all Tories and as long as it is then right thing to do will remain undone because the Tories still have belief in Thatcherite policies. But time after time we are now hearing about the failures of Thatcherism  that haunt the British  Economy and which continue to hold Britain  back.

Continue reading Britain, for goodness sake wake up and call for re-nationalisation of the utilities, we need new thinking to tackle problems