If Assad thinks he’s safe in Russia then think again

Deposed Syrian tyrant Assad is probably in the worst place ever in Russia. He is likely to be under armed guard but not for the purpose of protecting him and  his family but more so to keep him in Russia. It is likely that Putin will see Assad as a bargaining chip to be traded for some influence in Syria. Russia is likely to be distrusted in Syria and as such right now they haver no major influence in the region of the Middle East. Under Assad they had bases and influence but since Assad was deposed and fled they have very little other than links to Iran. To get influence Assad can be traded to face justice in Syria or even perhaps killed in Russia. If Assad thinks that he has escaped to asylum in Russia he may wish to think again.

3 weeks in and Labour is already giving ammunition to the Tories

Well it won’t  be long before the Tories are fully recovered  from their embarrassing  Election defeat  if Kier Starmer  and the Labour  Party have anything to do with it. They are already providing the Tories  with a source of ammunition with which to fight Labour again by scrapping  the use of the Bibby Stockholm refugee barge. This is a move which is likely  to ask why illegal  immigrants  are to be housed in costly hotel accommodation again.

Meanwhile much of both council and privately rented accommodation in this country  remains substandard and in many documented cases is in an appalling state which is unfit for habitation. Many people  in this type of accommodation would welcome accommodation which is safe and dry where facilities  included heated rooms, abilities to get nourishing  food and where there is communal  access  to gyms and games rooms.

Many of this country’s citizens are living in conditions  far worse than those experienced  by the illegal  immigrants on the Bibby Stockholm. Also consider that there is both a housing shortage in this country  and there is a considerable  homelessness problem in almost all, if not all, our major cities. So pardon me if I just cannot sympathise with the moans of the people,who have come to this country  illegally, about the conditions of the more than adequate  accommodation  on the Bibby Stockholm. I do not support the Labour  Party’s  stance on closing down the Bibby Stockholm  and moving these people  back into hotels which are the more costly  option is in my opinion  a backward step which will cost the taxpayers  considerably  more and which gives the Tories  ammunition  to fire back at Labour on the issue of immigration.

Isreal has no respect for human life

Isreal’s  actions in Gaza show no respect  for human life at all. Also the actions of the IDF  seem at complete odds with the  religious beliefs of Judaism. It is more and more apparent  that the actions of the IDF in Gazza amount to genocide with no regard to the sanctity of human life at all. More and more we receive information  that the IDF has targeted schools, nurseries, hospitals and civilian  populated areas. We also have heard of incidents  where the civilian  population  has been  targeted in areas that the Isrealis themselves have declared as Safe Zones. In most cases Isreal has attempted  to legitimise these outrageous  actions by suggesting  that they were targeting legitimate  targets and by mentioning  that they were reviewing the information. This simply isn’t  good enough. Isreal must be held accountable for what consists of war crimes and genocide and all ties must now be severed by governments  from other countries who have been supporting Isreal.

One man causing misery to thousands

What’s  the deal when one man causes the deaths and misery to hundreds  of thousands  of people?  People being uprooted and forced to move because  they are in fear is a lesson that we should have moved on from because  of the lessons of the last Century. Surely it’s  best to sacrifice that one person in order to stop or alleviate the deaths of thousands? That’s  where we are going wrong letting one man cause misery and upsets to many thousands  of others. Doing things at the behest of others is wrong. That one person is just a man. Today’s  events show that those in power can be got at and brought down. Leaders are not indestructible.

Isreal must be stopped now and a 2 state solution put in place that is no longer policed by Isreal

Isreal cannot be  trusted to police what is left of Gazza. There is no constraints on the IDF who have lost their credibility to act as a peace keeping force in the Gazza strip. In fact the whole area including the West Bank should be made to be off limits to the IDF. Following Isreali “s incursions into Gazza and what looks like the indescriminate bombing targeting  the civilian population there is certainly  no way that Isreal could act as a peacekeeping agent in Gazza. There is also some suggestions  that Isreal’s motivations are changing with some promoting an agenda for settlement of Isreali’s  in Gazza where there has been talk of land grabbing and purchase of prime locations in Gazza for the habitation of Isreali settlers. This would be a totally unacceptable outcome of the war and of Isreal’s incursions  into Gazza via the IDF.

For further reading on this matter See this article by Orla Guerrin of the BBC

What’s the purpose of ‘Reform UK’ political party?

What’s  the purpose of the ‘Reform UK’ political  party. Well given the amount of Tories defecting to ‘Reform UK’ it would appear that it’s  main purpose is the give jobs to Tory Ministers who have either lost position or favour in their previous political  party or as an insurance  policy to try and protect their jobs because they are aware of their upcoming defeat in the next General Election.

‘Reform  UK’ are the last bastion of the Tories. It’s  a party that exists for disaffected Tory  voters who just cannot bring themselves  to actually vote for Labour because that would be going too far. Many disaffected Tory Ministers are recognising this. They have assessed  that their chances of re-election under the Sunak administration is pretty slim so they are beginning to hedge their bets and to seek refuge and place hopes of  reelection and having a job in the future by moving into the ‘Reform  UK’ party. Desperate to retain at least some job in Parliament  in the future.

Reform UK or UKIP used to be the thorn in the side of the Tories provoking Cameron into taking the drastic and disastrous Brexit vote.  So what do they actually  stand for now that Brexit has been unleashed?

The IDF kill indiscriminately without constraints

It’s  becoming more and more obvious that Isreal’s IDF kill innocent women and children indiscriminately. Isreal’s  Prime Minister  Benjamin Netanyahu has shown no restraints. It’s  time to withdraw any international support for Isreal and impose sanctions on them instead to curb Isreal’s rampage and make them conform to international law.

Isreal can no longer justify It’s  aims in Gazza. They are unreasonable and there is no consideration  for the vulnerability  of the civilian population. Instead Isreal has been using starvation as a weapon against the civilian population of Gazza.

For years Isreal has been either encouraging or turning a blind eye to the activities  of the IDF and settlers involved in land grabs in the West Bank which in turn has been fuelling resentment  against Isreal. The IDF has been acting with impunity and without constraints. It appears to be doing the same in Gazza now. International  opinion must now change in a swing against Isreal. America and Britain  and whoever  must withdraw support for Isreal and put tough sanctions  in place to curb the actions of Isreal. This is not to be seen as support for Hamas by any means. It is just a humanitarian act. The peoples of Palestine and Gazza must be given a voice independent  of the controls exerted by Isreal and the IDF. Isreal should not be left in a place whereby they are policing Gazza in the future. Isreal should have no control of either Gazza or West Bank any longer. To leave it like that only instigates future problems  for the area.

Support for Israel must stop because this is no path towards obtaining peace

When will Israel stop? What we are seeing is the indiscriminate anger of a madman on a rampage. It’s  unreasonable to cause this level of destruction to a civilian population. Israel  seems to be content and intent on eliminating and controlling  the whole of Gazza at any cost.  Israel’s anger is unhumane and disproportionate and should no longer be supported  by the American  Government nor the British  Government. Yes Hamas must be taken down but this can only be achieved by taking away Hamas’s power from within the population it serves. Isreal’s actions are simply serving as a recruiting campaign for Hamas and a justification. It’s  up to the Palestinians themselves to act to defeat Hamas and find a leadership which better serves it population. To do this Isreal must stop persecuting the people of Palestine in thiis war on Gazza. Israel’s strategy is actually fuelling more anger against Israel and as such is counterproductive. The conditions in Gazza must be improved and the expecctation of Isreal must become more realistic and sane.  Isreal cannot expect the population to continally be on the move at their will. Intense bombing of civilian areas has to stop. Already there is no where for these people to return to. Housing is now a huge issue as is obtaining and maintaining  the basic fundamentals for health and life.  Isreal has no right to bomb schools , nurseries nor hospitals and any such bombing should be seen as a war crime.

Saturday Night TV on the BBC all repeats, whats going on?

Sat here on a Saturday  night wondering if I had been travelling in time with Dr Who. All repeats of the Wheel and Blankety Blank. I even knew the outcome of the Wheel because  my mindvhad been refreshed by watching Gogglebox earlier in the week which had the very same episode. So what’s  going on with Saturday  Night entertainment  on the BBC? It’s  really no fun watching repeats of game shows when you know what’s  going to happen. Either give us a new series of the Wheel or something completely  new. Watching predictable TV is certainly  not on during prime viewing.

A.I. Just because we can do it doesn’t mean we should

Artificial Intelligence (AI) could determine our roles in the future and determine human societies. AI has the potential to undermine societies  and destabilise human relationships. At present we have the ability to decide which way we wish to go with A.I but we should understand the consequences of using A.I. before we go any further with it’s implementation.

Just because  we can do something doesn’t  necessarily  mean that we should do it

Artificial Intelligence (A.I) is a case in point here and just because we can do it doesn’t  necessarily mean that we should do it. To progress an implement A.I means taking away a humans ability  to do the same thing and give it to a machine of a chunk of code (or both). To progress like this and measure it in only profit and efficiency  terms could be irresponsible. To consider the implementation of A.I. there has to be more consideration given other than just implementation for profit and efficiency gains. We have to learn to consider this topics of  ethics, social  responsibility, macro economics, social factors and even matters of world order. At present the world and various big players ( companies) are pressing ahead with A.I regardless. There seems to be a free laissez-faire attitude among Government’s to just let A.I happen. Nobody  seems to be envisaging the future and what our increasing obsession with A.I. could potentially  lead to.

Continue reading A.I. Just because we can do it doesn’t mean we should

Putin most likely is disappointed by talks with China

Talks without allegiance and without commitment for towards armourments are likely  to be a huge disappointment for Putin. China remains uncommitted towards Putin’s crusade. A show of strength yes but a commitment it is not. China will benefit  from trading arrangements with  Russia to replace some of what it has lost through the sanctions imposed upon Putin by the West but the deals made are not mutually  beneficial. Putin is running out of options so any deals are better than no deals but it is also a sign of Russia and Putin diminished world currency. China remains aloof and certainly  doesn’t  wish to get drawn into a possible  set of sanctions itself. China has to face it is reliant on exports to the West. To face large sanctions and boycotts on Chinese made goods would put his own regime at risk. People in China are being kept sweet and dormant by financial success. To risk upsetting that would most likely  be a huge destabilising factor putting his regime at risk. The People’s  Republic of China could be a very real possibility if this tyrannical regime were to upset those that they rule over. That Western trade are actually  shoring up this regime is a political  irony in itself. Take away this scaffolding and the Chinese are likely  to implode.

There may be dangers ahead for the Labour Party and they should not become complacent

Kier Starmer’s  Labour Party needcto be aware that the job is not done yet and there is still a long way to go. Yes the Tories  have certainly  given them a good head start but success is not assured. Here are the things that the Labour  Party must get in order to be assured of winning the next General Election. They should not rely on the Tories  to do it all for them.