Is Line 6 Helix any good or is it manufacturer’s hype?

I have been following the development  of amp modelling  effects  from the start. Many of which I have previously  owned . I have found though  that I get quite  dissatisfied with them quite quickly not long after a struggle  with them to get authentic  sounding tones. All sounded quite digital, sterile and false

 After a while I gave up on the hope of them ever sounding right. For me the frustration culminated  when Line 6 claimed that the Pod HD was the business  and a step up the modelling  ladder from the earlier versions of Pod

This claim was quickly exposed as false and it actually  proved  to be a step backwards with inferior amp models and  a poor choice of amps in both variety and functionality. It was this that exposed Line 6 as manufacturer willing to hype up their latest product with misleading  claims. So why would I trust them with their claims regarding Helix? Many people have but are they giving an honest account  of Helix’,s performance  and capabilities? Customers  don’t  like to admit that they have  been  duped. Ghd Helix is a relatively  big investment and it has been noted that the release  of every new product had an incremental  price based upon the manufacturer ‘s claims about how the new product  stacks up against  previous products. For these  new units we have seen a massive  price jump. Customers  are now making bigger investments so is it any wonder that we are not seeing  too many negative reviews because bond likes  go admit that they may have been duped so they may well convince  themselves that they  actually got a good return  for their investment. How reading between the lines reveals  some dissent  going on. Manh have said that they had to purchase 3rd party IRs to make Helix truly  playable which suggests that the Cabinet IRs that are supplied by Line 6 are inferior. Chipping  away  at their armour then it appears that Helix may not be true  to it’s  claims of accurate representation of amps and effects. I personally  would be disappointed to have to make additional purchases  to make a product as expensive as Helix sound adequate. I know I am picking a fight here with Helix users  who will and must defend their investment  but many have broken ranks and expressed  some level of dissatisfaction. So is Helix any better than offerings from cheaper sources such as Nux mg. I am personally  blown away with the Mg. Having tried many from the usual suspects I can compare and say that the Nux Mg is so far  streets ahead of this group although I cannot  make claims in relation  to Helix because I have no first hand experience of it!

Now is not the time for Britain to be alone

Coronavirus will bring with it an economic depression that will be felt worldwide. It is certainly not a good time for Britain to be on our own in the world. We all face an uncertain future. Now is certainly not the right time to be antagonistic towards our current, existing trading partners, the EU. Coronavirus has certainly cast a shadow of doubt over the feasibility of Brexit. Without alternative trading arrangements in place Britain faces a very uncertain and unstable economic future. Despite all of this the Tories continue to aggravate the EU with a non negotiable stance which is likely to lead to a hostile set of difficult negotiations upon which the economic future depends. Still we have no signals of any phenomenal trading agreements with the USA who are most likely to sticking to a policy of America first. Without any viable alternatives we should be taking more care of our existing partnerships.


Us and Them in the fight against Coronavirus: reasons to be ashamed to be British

The last couple of weeks has not shown the British Public in a very good light, highlighting just how selfish we really are. Selfishly thinking only of themselves and completely oblivious to the fact that we are all in this together but instead we are seeing completely selfish individuals willing to put themselves first at the expense of others: it’s enough to make you feel ashamed of being British. It just makes you wonder if this government’s message will get through at all and it makes you realise that it’s simply not worth putting your faith in people at all. If this is the behaviour of the British at the very start of this Coronavirus outbreak what will it be like as the situation worsens? Will we see people being mugged in the street for their toilet tissue?

Another reason that I have to be doubtful that the government’s plans to tackle the virus, which relies on people first understanding the government guidelines about proper cleanliness, is an incident that happened to me this week. I am a taxi driver and over the weekend I picked up a fare. I noticed this young lady, I use the term in the broadest sense, was sucking a toffee when she got into the back of my car. Other than the horrible noise she was making whilst sucking on it, I had no reason to glance at her again. The next day I used the car for a  personal shopping trip. I then had cause to go in the rear of the vehicle for some reason and as I surveyed the state of the car to ascertain if it would need to be cleaned, I couldn’t help noticing a half eaten toffee sweet, stuck firmly down on the carpet under the back of the front passenger seat. There was no doubt in my mind who had done this and left it there for removal instead of taking some responsibility for it’s disposal themselves. So how can we put faith in people doing the right thing and taking responsibility when amongst us here in Britain live this type of lazy individuals who care nothing for others and are quick to pass on their individual responsibility to others just because they are darn right too lazy to take any responsibility upon themselves and they are just fundamentally dirty scumbags. I can’t help thinking what a big mistake it was allowing people like these to determine the economic future of Britain. This last few weeks I have felt ashamed to be British and can’t help thinking that the EU must actually be sighing with relief and saying to themselves ‘thank God that they have actually gone’, now that we have left the EU. I for one am lamenting that I can no longer refer to myself as European and have now to defer back to being just British.

‘Putting faith in a selfish bunch of people willing to clear supermarket shelves to ensure that they don’t go without whilst many others may have to, as a result of their  behaviour,  seems simply to be a misguided strategy in the fight against Coronavirus.

Cringe worthy Conservative Party political broadcast 05/02/20

The Conservative Party Political Broadcast last night was cringe worthy in true Boris style. It was more like a confessional and featured some sap that was prepared to go on national TV and admit that he had betrayed his working class roots by admitting to having voted Tory in the last election. The style of the interview was like a confessional having admitted to having committed the ultimate sin by voting Tory. Then to add to the public humiliation and embarrassment he then actually got to meet the ‘devil’ himself. The message seemed to be that you live on even after committing the ultimate sin and the devil welcomes sinners. The whole set up was so false and again deviates from serious politics in true Bodge-it style. That poor bloke who appeared in that garbage is going to have to live with that for the rest of his life and live with the knowledge of his very public betrayal of his working class background. No matter how you want to look at it, it is still wrong. Please do not wrestle with your demons in public it is embarrassing!

There is no ‘oven ready Brexit deal’

There is and never was any ‘Oven ready Brexit deal’, instead it transpires that it was merely an agreement in principle with the EU. Trading terms have not been sorted out and agreed to at all and there still remains the possibility that Britain could still crash out of the EU without any deal. Michael Gove recently confirmed that ‘No Deal’ was still on the table in order to force the EU to offer the UK a better bargaining position with the EU. Trading terms have certainly not been finalised which suggests that agreements on certain issues have only been agreed in principle hence no ‘oven ready Brexit deal’ as Bodge-it claimed in the run up to the General Election.

There never was any ‘Oven ready Brexit Deal’: it was just a political bluff designed to seize power

This is therefore not the first campaign that Bodge-it has won on a bluff and fudging of the actual facts and figures. In fact it seems to be part of a trend of his: being economical with the truth in order to get his own way. There never was any ‘Oven Ready Brexit Deal’: it was just a political bluff designed to seize power and to hoodwink the voters in the General Election. I am pretty sure that many people who decided to vote Tory in the last general election were not voting for a ‘No Deal Brexit‘. Instead they were told that there was an oven ready deal waiting and ready to proceed. Now it looks as if this was an empty promise because a’No Deal Brexit’ still remains firmly on the table and there is still a distinct possibility that we could leave the EU in December without any trade deal at all. So if there could still be a ‘No Deal Brexit‘ now at this stage how could there have possibly been an ‘Oven ready Brexit Deal’ at the time before the Election as Johnson claimed? Because both are a paradox which means that cancel each other out; they cannot coexist together it had to be one or the other. Either there was a deal or not a deal. It now appears that in reality there was no ‘Oven Ready Brexit Deal’ at all.

Would voters have still voted for the Tories if there was still a possibility of a ‘No Deal’ exit from the EU? This is not the first time nor will it be the last that Johnson has made claims in order to get his own way. It seems like his whole political mission is to be economical with the truth in order to press ahead with his own agenda in the way that he sees fit regardless of democratic processes and accountability.

Tories won the election with a weak hand and a Trump Card

It’s pretty unpleasant to find that you have been scammed but face the facts the Tories won the election with a weak hand, a bluff and the Trump Card of Brexit. They have been elected with the biggest bluff ever seen in British politics and you have all bought into it. Comparison between what the Tories have offered you to what was on offer from the Labour Party you might actually have grounds to believe that you have actually been scammed by the Tories. So let’s compare what you would have got under a Labour government to what you will get from the Tories and you will have to admit that you have been scammed and sold yourselves off very cheaply in order to get Brexit done.

The Tories were holding the Trump Card of Brexit

Continue reading Tories won the election with a weak hand and a Trump Card

The first thing a dictator does is attack the media and suppress unfavourable criticism

One of the first things that Boris Johnson has done since being elected is to attack and make threats to the BBC. He seems to be planning to undermine funding of the BBC and threatening some kind of strategy of disengagement which is a decision taken over the press he received when he refused to be interviewed by Andrew Neal.

The insidious and odorous Alan Johnson could not wait to put the knife into Corbyn

Alan Johnson could not wait to put the knife into Corbyn could he? No sooner had the Exit Poll been declared and he is there with his snide remarks and calls for a resignation. He really is a snide and insidious cuckoo. Well what do you expect from a person who hasn’t even got the guts to admit that he is actually a Tory anyway. Resentful of the fact that the Labour Party has actually become a true Labour Party again under Corbyn, Johnson sees fit to attempt to steer the Labour Party towards becoming a watered down version of the Tories again. Hopefully that will never happen again. Under the likes of Blair and Johnson the Labour Party simply frittered away it’s chances of doing any good or having a lasting and memorable legacy for the time it spent in office. It postured about claiming to be a socialist party whilst in truth it had more in common with the Conservatives. Johnson is a has been and needs to switch to the political party that he has most in common with now and that would be the Tories. Hopefully Labour will not loose sight of it’s key values as it did under the stewardship of the likes of Blair and Johnson. Even in defeat Labour should stick to it’s key principles and we should be thanking Jeremy Corbyn for doing that. Even if there were to be a change of leadership then the Labour Party should stick with it’s core principles and not be misled by the likes of a cuckoo like Johnson.

The Labour Party has not lost it’s way: the electorate has

This election was lost on Brexit and because of Brexit and nothing else. The principles and the policies that Labour put in front of the electorate were sound and different from their rivals as they needed to be. Its not that Labour has lost it’s way: the electorate has. Seats that would have been Labour’s traditionally have been persuaded to become Tory seats because of Brexit. Leadership and policies simply had no part to play in this election. 5 more years of Tory abuse and the possibility of a massive economic collapse might be what is needed to bring voters back to reality and to stop them seeing the Tories through rose tinted glasses. After such a point in time the electorate may actually come to realise that it is policy that matters and not personality nor Brexit. At such a point in time Labour’s policies may come to have relevance to the voters. What Labour must avoid is the mistakes of the likes of Blair and Johnson who simply changed to suit the voters in order to obtain power and sacrificed key principles and socialist credence in order to do that. Labour should stick with it’s manifesto and wait for the disillusionment of the voters and allow them to come and seek them out as the next viable alternative to the abuse of Tory power. Besides which what’s the point in fighting like with like as did Blair and Johnson? History has proved that Labour under Blair was inconsequential as is Johnson now. Keep your opinions to yourself or join a party more in line with your beliefs.

Britain is obviously happy with another 5 years of Tory incompetence and mismanagement

Britain is obviously happy with another 5 years of Tory incompetence and mismanagement. Let’s face it Britain is a mess but obviously the only thing on people’s minds has been to leave the EU. Well that is now going to happen so Britain has made it’s bed and now will have to lie in it come what may. This General election was not about internal policies and doing things that could have improved Britain it was about putting faith in uncharted waters and blindly trusting our fortunes elsewhere. We may look back on today and rue our decisions and see it as a missed opportunity to tackle many of the problems that Britain has many of which have been caused by Tory incompetence and mismanagement. This General election has not been about policies it has been about personalities and slogans. Britain and the British voters have chosen to gamble on Brexit being the solution to problems instead of sensible set of policies to tackle the most pressing matters and to undo the harm and depression caused by Tory rule. Instead we now have to put faith in the USA and hope that Trump does not see fit to exploit our vulnerable position as we leave the EU. We are basically putting our faith in human nature and an innate sense of morality. However after the result of this election I for one am not sure that any is there to be had. The result of this election defies reason but in a strange way it was also anticipated. This election was the opportunity to end poverty in the UK and address many of Britain’s economic inconsistencies. It was an opportunity to get a fairer Britain and to insure that we got better NHS and public services. Britain decided not to support these values: it could be a decision that we later regret. Most people would have been a whole lot better off if they had chosen to be but Britain and the British people are obviously happy with seeing a decaying Britain under Tory mismanagement without much hope of anything better around the corner. We now have to face Brexit and the challenges that brings with it. Let’s hope that the road be a smooth one.

PM Johnson just shot himself in the foot

Is it just me or have people also already realised that the PM Boris Johnson has just shot himself in the foot through his reaction and statements regarding the leaked Government documents that Jeremy Corbyn presented to last night’s debate. Johnson’s statement regarding the leaked documents and suggestions that an investigation is needed to address possible Russian involvement basically lends authenticity to the documents which suggest that the NHS is at risk from dealings with the USA in possible future trade negotiations. This is in conflict with previous statements made by Johnson in which he claims that this is not the case and untrue. So it appears that the NHS could be at risk in future trade negotiations with the USA. Johnson has denied this but his reaction to the leak has also given authenticity to Jeremy Corbyn’s claims that this is the case. If the documents were fake then why would he be bothered at all?