Isreal cannot be trusted to police what is left of Gazza. There is no constraints on the IDF who have lost their credibility to act as a peace keeping force in the Gazza strip. In fact the whole area including the West Bank should be made to be off limits to the IDF. Following Isreali “s incursions into Gazza and what looks like the indescriminate bombing targeting the civilian population there is certainly no way that Isreal could act as a peacekeeping agent in Gazza. There is also some suggestions that Isreal’s motivations are changing with some promoting an agenda for settlement of Isreali’s in Gazza where there has been talk of land grabbing and purchase of prime locations in Gazza for the habitation of Isreali settlers. This would be a totally unacceptable outcome of the war and of Isreal’s incursions into Gazza via the IDF.
Events are catching up with Putin on his own soil. Truth is that the recent events in Russia have been brought about by Putin’s involvement in Syria. Putin’s attempts to deflect this blame towards Ukraine is just an attempt to fit these recent attrocities to fit his own narrative. Ultimately what happened is a revenge attack based on Russian atrocities in Syria. So events are coming back to find Putin. He is not only fighting a war that he personally created with Ukraine: he is also now fighting another war against revenge terrorism at home in his own country. Putin has brought this upon himself and upon the Russian people. Putin is ultimately to blame for acts of terrorism in his own country. Putin is to blame for the marred reputation of Russia amongst the rest of the world.
What’s the purpose of the ‘Reform UK’ political party. Well given the amount of Tories defecting to ‘Reform UK’ it would appear that it’s main purpose is the give jobs to Tory Ministers who have either lost position or favour in their previous political party or as an insurance policy to try and protect their jobs because they are aware of their upcoming defeat in the next General Election.
‘Reform UK’ are the last bastion of the Tories. It’s a party that exists for disaffected Tory voters who just cannot bring themselves to actually vote for Labour because that would be going too far. Many disaffected Tory Ministers are recognising this. They have assessed that their chances of re-election under the Sunak administration is pretty slim so they are beginning to hedge their bets and to seek refuge and place hopes of reelection and having a job in the future by moving into the ‘Reform UK’ party. Desperate to retain at least some job in Parliament in the future.
Reform UK or UKIP used to be the thorn in the side of the Tories provoking Cameron into taking the drastic and disastrous Brexit vote. So what do they actually stand for now that Brexit has been unleashed?
It’s becoming more and more obvious that Isreal’s IDF kill innocent women and children indiscriminately. Isreal’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has shown no restraints. It’s time to withdraw any international support for Isreal and impose sanctions on them instead to curb Isreal’s rampage and make them conform to international law.
Isreal can no longer justify It’s aims in Gazza. They are unreasonable and there is no consideration for the vulnerability of the civilian population. Instead Isreal has been using starvation as a weapon against the civilian population of Gazza.
For years Isreal has been either encouraging or turning a blind eye to the activities of the IDF and settlers involved in land grabs in the West Bank which in turn has been fuelling resentment against Isreal. The IDF has been acting with impunity and without constraints. It appears to be doing the same in Gazza now. International opinion must now change in a swing against Isreal. America and Britain and whoever must withdraw support for Isreal and put tough sanctions in place to curb the actions of Isreal. This is not to be seen as support for Hamas by any means. It is just a humanitarian act. The peoples of Palestine and Gazza must be given a voice independent of the controls exerted by Isreal and the IDF. Isreal should not be left in a place whereby they are policing Gazza in the future. Isreal should have no control of either Gazza or West Bank any longer. To leave it like that only instigates future problems for the area.
Counting broken rhythms in 12/8 time can be tricky and goes beyond the traditional 1-2-3, -2-2-3,-3-2-3-,4-2-3 or 123456-223456 counts. When soloing in 12/8 time it can be tricky to keep within the basic rhythm and as the broken rhythms become more and more complicated you can easily loose your place within the basic Rhythmic Structure.
I have broken a piece up into many many of the common rhythmic motifs that you could possibly encounter within a piece of music written in 12/8 time. The piece is limited to 1/8th and 16th notes for simplicity. I note that many more complex rhythmic motifs are possible with the addition of 1/32 notes but for the sake of keeping things simple to start with these are ignored. More complicated pieces are beyond the scope of this tutorial.
Broken rhythmic motifs in 12/8 time can be counted best using 1/16th note counts in the majority of cases, or a Hybrid Count that uses both 1/16th notes and 1/8th notes together. There are 2 ‘Rhythmic Shortcuts’ available to you to use to interpret the Broken Rhythms quickly and easily. The first is a 1 -e-& count which equates to a dotted 1/8th note or 3 x sixteenth notes. This shortcut is denoted as (1e+). Ignore the brackets they have no musical value ( no count value) but are used to draw attention to which parts of the music they represent in the score. When using the dotted 1/8th note count it will repeat as ( 1 e + ) plus another (1 e +) which follows it and equates to 6 x 1/16th notes which is equal to 1 beat of 12/8 or a dotted crochet 1/4 note = to 1/6th note. Or a single count of the 1 -2-3 triplet count in quavers.
The other ‘RHYTHMIC SHORTCUT’ used is 1-e-&-a( written as 1 e + a in the example piece. This will be familiar to anyone used to counting sixteenth notes in 4/4 time. Typically this is counted as 1e&a, 2e&a, 3e&a etc. In the shortcut method being demonstrated the ‘&is substituted with a ‘+’sign for easier notation. To use this traditional 1/16th note count in 12/8 time we must modify it by adding an extra 1/8th note quaver on to the end of it, So it would read as 1-e-&-a (+ an additional 1/8th note or 2 x 1/16th notes). To make this count up to 6 x1/16th notes we must add an extra quaver beat to this to make this up to the 1/6th beat or dotted Crochet beat. So we add either a (3) the last 1/8th note beat of the triplet rhythm as a single 1/8th note / quaver. This makes a ‘HYBRID Count’ using both 1/16th notes and 1/8th notes. Or we can continue by using a strictly sixteenth note count by adding a (3e count) or a (1e Count) whichever method you choose amounts to the same number of beats equal to 6 x sixteenth notes. So the result is either a 1 e + a 3 eor a 1 e + a 1 e count. Both of these are equal so it makes no difference whichever you choose to use. In the example wherever I am using a ‘HYBRID Count ‘using both Sixteenth and Eigth notes I have highlighted this. So a ‘HYBRID COUNT’ Looks like this; 1 e + a 3 or a 1 2 3e or 1e 2 3 for example. It may be best to start study of the example at this point for a clearer understanding. Reference the specific items denoted by ‘HYBRID’.
Please follow the pdf and there is a piece of the music in Audio form to help you hear the motifs being visualised.
I recommend that you further study the masters of ‘Broken Rhythmic’ playing such as ‘Albert King’ and ‘B B King’ who both commonly used to solo using motifs written in the 12/8 time signature.
Israel is not above criticism and there shouldn’t be any accusations of being antisemitic when examining the recent actions of Isreal in Gaza. Of course nobody is disputing that Israel has a right to defend itself from the appalling atrocities that we witnessed on 7th October 23. However there has to be a limit placed on the amount of aggression used in retaliation. It’s clear that Israel has over stepped the mark and gone too far. Israel’s actions in Gazza border on genocide and far exceed what could be described as reasonable force. Israel’s actions are targeting a civilian population and are indiscriminate. They have concentrated their aggression against a civilian population and targeted the infrastructure like hospitals that a civilian population needs to provide to survive. Isreali’s have withheld aid and basic necessities such as water and electricity which impact the civilian population heavily and it’s abilities to remain healthy.
So far it would appear that the overridding findings of the Covid Enquiry are that if you give a clown the top job :he will create a Circus. The overall picture is emerging of a Government in crisis with a lack of effective leadership to deal with the crisis. Boris johnson even saw the enquiry as an opportunity to deny the findings of the Sue Gray Report and the resulting ‘Investigation’ by the Metroplotian Police. He attempted to refute the findings of both of these and to imply that the offences were not such a serious infringement afterall. There never was any chance that Boris Johnson would humbly attend the Inquiry and bring with him the truth. You have to be aware that this is a person who has allegedely lied to Parliament. What we got was just unconvincing waffle about what happed to missing Whats App messages. What we saw resembled a worm on a hook trying to wriggle off.
The Republicans in the Senate are blocking an aid to Ukraine bill which is basically actively supporting and assisting Putin. This situation isn’t very American and does not help world order. It’s basically a Carte Blache to Putin and must be music to his ears. Republicans are actively assisting Putin. That’s not very American is it?
This is a quote from the Guardian Newspaper.
Senate Republicans last week blocked an emergency aid package primarily for Ukraine and Israel after conservatives complained about the exclusion of immigration policy changes they had demanded as part of the package. Zelenskiy, who last winter received a hero’s welcome on Capitol Hill, found less enthusiasm this tim
Then there is also the ever growing threat of the possibility that Trump may again become the President of the USA. Is there really anything quite as ridiculous. You really couldn’t make this stuff up. Americans are obviously mentally unstable if they think that Donald Trump is the answer to their problems. Trump can only make matters worse. He has already said that if he is elected he won’t stand in Putin’s way. So if Trump is elected world order will be thrown into turmoil and Putin will be encouraged to do as he likes. How un-American. IfbTrump isn’t stopped America’s reputation will forever be soiled. Is that the great America that Americans wish to see?
When will Israel stop? What we are seeing is the indiscriminate anger of a madman on a rampage. It’s unreasonable to cause this level of destruction to a civilian population. Israel seems to be content and intent on eliminating and controlling the whole of Gazza at any cost. Israel’s anger is unhumane and disproportionate and should no longer be supported by the American Government nor the British Government. Yes Hamas must be taken down but this can only be achieved by taking away Hamas’s power from within the population it serves. Isreal’s actions are simply serving as a recruiting campaign for Hamas and a justification. It’s up to the Palestinians themselves to act to defeat Hamas and find a leadership which better serves it population. To do this Isreal must stop persecuting the people of Palestine in thiis war on Gazza. Israel’s strategy is actually fuelling more anger against Israel and as such is counterproductive. The conditions in Gazza must be improved and the expecctation of Isreal must become more realistic and sane. Isreal cannot expect the population to continally be on the move at their will. Intense bombing of civilian areas has to stop. Already there is no where for these people to return to. Housing is now a huge issue as is obtaining and maintaining the basic fundamentals for health and life. Isreal has no right to bomb schools , nurseries nor hospitals and any such bombing should be seen as a war crime.
Kier Starmer is a chameleon without any convictions. He throws away any pretences of being a real Labour Party Leader by singing the praises of Margaret Thatcher. Did we need any more proof now that this man is a traitor to the Labour Party?
Starmer has dropped every pledge that he made before he became the Labour Party leader
Kier Starmer is the man that cannot be trusted. He has dropped every pledge that he ever made to become the Leader of the Labour Party. KIERSTARMER’S ATTITUDE IS SIMPLY SELF SERVING IN THE SAME WAY THAT BORIS JOHNSON’S, AND TONY BLAIR’S WERE. SPURRED ON BY THEIR OWN VANITY TO ACTUALLY BECOME THE PRIME MINISTER AT ANY COST. Starmer will say and do anything to become Prime Minsister. He is a shapeshifter, a chameleon who wants to say the right thing at the right time to serve his own purposes and then he will cast them off again soon after just as easily. He lacks conviction and can quickly disassociate himself from thise committments that he made. Starmer is a slippery politician who basically cannot be trusted because he is motivated solely by self promotion. At first I found this difficult to see and accept but now it is apparent. It’s clear that Kier Starmer has no real convictions left because he has ditched them all along the way after being of use to him. in order to get the position of Labour Party Leader he appeased the left with pledges and assurrances that he would carry forward the key socialist principles of the Labour Movement resurrected by Jeremy Corbyn, but he has since ditched all these pledges and seems to have gravitated towards the resurrection of Blair’s ‘New Labour’ by bringing back into the cabinet many of Tony Blair’s old allies. Now not even content to pushing the Labour Movement back towards the bad old days of Blairism he wants to even appeal to the followers of Margaret Thatcher suggesting that she had some great qualities.
So how far has Labour actually swung to the right when it’s Leader is praising the work of Margaret Thatcher?