It is widely expected that the Bank of England will raise interests rates today : why is this wrong to do so?

This post has been made in response to Kevin Peachey’s article that appeared today on the BBC’s App and website  .It is widely  expected that the Bank of England will raise interest rates today in order to tackle Inflation. This is a very predictable text book response to Inflation and seen by many as the preferred method  to tackle  Inflation. The BBC has inferred  that this Inflation is as a result of the lack of goods in the Economy after the Pandemic. From what I remember of the Pandemic is wasn’t goods availability that was problematic it was just that there appeared to be a shift away from people actually going to get goods to a situation whereby goods were being mainly ordered and delivered. Sure enough there was some drop in production but this didn’t impact greatly on availability. There was however more of a drop in services in that sector of the Economy.  However today all I ever see down our street and on our estate is loads and loads of delivery vans constantly  shuffling about and delivering goods to people’s  homes via Amazon and DPD to name but a few. Also I myself  have ordered much since the Pandemic  ended and have enjoyed taking advantage  of one day delivery schemes. So when the BBC state lack of goods as a cause of this current period of Inflation , I simply have to  laugh. I have never recently gone onto the Internet and Amazon, in particular, where I remember being informed that the goods that I wished to order were out of stock. This has been my recent experience.  So where is this shortage of goods driving this Inflation? It simply does not exist but has become an easy  scapegoat to avoid the real finger of suspicion.

The real cause of Inflation is the greedy energy and utilities  companies hiking up profits and disguising these as pass on costs.

Continue reading It is widely expected that the Bank of England will raise interests rates today : why is this wrong to do so?

Conservative Party’s policies are a Dead-end Street for Britain

The Conservative Party’s policies are finally revealed to be a Dead-end Street for Britain. Their policies and ideas are stagnated and simply not relevant for a Britain struggling to develop and struggling under insurmountable Inflation being driven by the immoral  greed and profiteering  of the Energy and utilities companies in the UK.

Privatisations have spawned  monsters with ideas that they can milk demand to death without impunity or consequences. These monster energy  and utilities  companies are driven by greed acting outside of the national  interests without a conscience  or any remorse. There sole purpose  being to maximise their profits whilst driving Inflation  in the UK higher  and higher. No longer restrained  by governments they can act outside of concerns like fair pricing for energy and act beyond any national concerns. They even set their own prices and Price Cap (joke) without any government intervention. They are quite simply a law unto themselves. And whose fault is it? Well fault can be traced back over many decades to the ill thought out and possibly  illegal sale of the resources to private concerns and profiteers. And who wad to blame  for that: well previous  and current Conservative governments because they did it and the current Conservative governments  continue to endorse it. Privatisation  was always going to be a Dead-end Street for Britain  and we are now at it upper limits with no where else to go other than backwards to find a brighter future without these shambolic  profiteering  energy  and utilities companies dictating the economic situation and profiteering and causing misery and mayhem thanks to the ill thought out policies  of consecutive  Tory Governments.

For more information go to

Energy Companies and Utilities are laughing at you all the way to the Bank

The energy companies and the utilities are laughing at you all the way to the bank. As you struggle to meet your fuel and energy  bills these companies continue to drive inflation higher and higher whilst maximising  their ever increasing  profits and paying huge dividends to their shareholders. It is immoral that they are making huge profits and not simply passing on costs to consumers. Instead they are adding huge profit margins  to their prices. In this way they are fixing prices and driving inflation  without regards. Their behaviour is immoral and wrong. They are exploiting consumers and laughing at them whilst the Tory government  does nothing at all.

To tackle inflation you must reel in the profiteering of the Energy and Utilities who are driving inflation upwards for their own ends

Continue reading Energy Companies and Utilities are laughing at you all the way to the Bank

Sunak and Truss hint at a return to the 80’s Police State by outlawing Strike Action

Nobody wishes to see a reprisal of the Miner’s Strike and the troubled times of the Police State back in the 1980’s. However this view is obviously not shared by either Rishi Sunak nor Liz Truss who both said that they would ban and outlaw Strike Action if elected to the office of Britain’s next Prime Minister.

Sunak and Truss yearn to be the next prime minister and to impose a Police State similar to 1980’s Britain and the era of the ‘Miner’s Strike’

Whether or not this was an off the cuff remark or whether it is actually a policy that they wishing  and willing to pursue was not explored in this week’s televised TV debate debate from which they came. It does suggest that this government, even though not elected on such a mandate, is likely to be an authoritarian government irrespective of who wins the leadership battle to become Britain’s next Prime Minister, and is likely to be recruiting the police force into limiting free speech and strike action. Should we be worried and concerned? Well you’re damn right that we should be! This government was not elected on such a mandate to limit the freedoms of speech and actions that we currently enjoy and or employ to ensure that we can get a fair deal and are not left open to exploitation.

Putin must fail in the Ukraine

NATO must ensure that Putin has no success at all in the Ukraine. It is a duty to ensure that Putin must fail in the Ukraine. Failure is the only way to ensure that Putin looks weak in Russia. Failure will lead to the removal of Putin. NATO must get involved now to ensure that Putin fails in the Ukraine. So far NATO  has made too many mistakes  in containing Putin’s  Nazi ambitions so now is the time for action. Also NATO  must quickly  enroll the Ukraine  into NATO and the EU without delay so that it can legitimately engage its forces against those of the Russians. NATO  must do it now before it too late.

Failure to do this signals that NATO is prepared to sacrifice the Ukraine 🇺🇦 in order to retain stability in the West. This attitude allows Putin to legitimately target anyone he wants outside of NATO.

Whilst Putin engages in a game of Poker, destroying lives in the Ukraine : NATO  plays a game of Solitaire.

Time to expel Russia from UN

Surely  it’s time to expel Russia from the UN. Russia have demonstrated a willingness to breach human rights and are quite prepared to lie to the UN Council. Therefore they are unfit to be in attendance at voting that they can and will veto. It is imperative  that the UN acts in support of the non aggressor, in this case the Ukraine 🇺🇦.  Russia is clearly unfit to be a part of the United Nations Council therefore it must be expelled. The UN cannot condone a nation that is prepared to tell lies to the Council and is unwilling to address it’s  infringements of human rights and what looks like war crimes committed in the Ukraine 🇺🇦.  Russia’s presence in the UN is a huge embarrassment which prevents the UN from carrying out it’s  intended purpose.

Some Music

This one is called ‘Warm Jazz’.


This one is called, ‘ A View from Space’. The idea came from the ending and everything else was just a built up from that first idea.

Feeling Funky?


Hey You: Finish that FUNK

Remastered & Completed


Ska Blue Glue

GET A Grip

New Idea with Guitars

Rock Song


Human waste now even extends beyond Earth

It’s  official, human waste now even extends beyond Earth. As another triumph for humanity we have now officially colonised a part of our galaxy with human waste. We have officially crashed some space debris into our Moon. Could this unhappy  accident actually  be a solution to the expanding waste problems on Earth? Maybe there is actually  a purpose to space exploration that could help us with our own dilemma about what to do with our waste?