Putin is at war not just with Ukraine but also with Russian citizens

The clampdown on freedom of speech in Russia shows that Putin is not just at war with Ukraine but also with Russian citizens. Putin wants a return to the bad old days of Stalin, ruling with fear and harsh punishments.

Any pretences of an elected democratic leader fell by the wayside this week as Putin revealed  to the World and to the citizens of Russia just who he has become: namely a dictator,  brutal and ruthless tyrant a new Tsar of Russia willing to defend his privledge and position at any cost, even at an expense to his own citizens. Putin wants to turn Russia back into a military state exerting authoritarian control over it’s  own citizens. Much the same as the Tsar. Everything that the Russian Revolution stood for and hoped for is about to reversed and buried as the new Tsar reveals his intentions.

Continue reading Putin is at war not just with Ukraine but also with Russian citizens

Exactly Who is making money from these Energy Price Hikes?

A question on everyone’s  mind at the moment concerns exactly  Who is making money from these Energy Price Hikes. I have watched reports and can’t  seem to get to the bottom  of it. There has been suggestions  that Price Hikes are because  of infrastructure  costs such as pipes and wires but that simply doesn’t  add up. Surely  our taxation system  provided money to develop things like nuclear  power stations etc so why isn’t  the public in control  of these businesses?

Boris Johnson appears to be discombobulated about the interpretation of his own policies

It now appears that Boris Johnson is discombobulated about the interpretation of his own policies whilst in government. What after all is an ‘office gathering’ and how could that be exempt from the rules about gatherings that he and his government imposed during Lockdown. Now we have it confirmed that a party actually took place ( by his own admission) then surely the matter should be handed over to the police to investigate  and prosecute those involved.

As a final thought it appears that this Government sit around drinking alcohol whilst they think up and design all these rules  regulations and laws: so is it really any wonder that they have such difficulties understanding them themselves?

Levelling up is just a slogan to defuse the power of real Socialist Economic Principles

The idea of levelling up is just a slogan  to diffuse the power of real Socialist Economic Principles. This is how the Tories  are using it to divide tradional voting loyalties in an attempt to grab power away from Labour. There is no substance to their claims that they can level up Britain. The Tories  are hinting or trying to convince voters that they are offering some form of socialism which simply isn’t true. Using the ‘levelling  up’ slogan and banner is an attempt to steal ground from various political parties  with a bona-fide claim to real socialist policies. The Tories  are obviously pretty scarred of socialism and socialist policies which have become increasingly important  to the British  voters. It is a clever ploy with the intention of making you believe that The Tories are something which they definitely are not. The Tories are not socialists nor will they ever be but ‘levelling up ‘ is a ploy to make you believe they can be.

Continue reading Levelling up is just a slogan to defuse the power of real Socialist Economic Principles

Property developers exploiting house sellers abandoned by lenders refusing mortgages

This is an issue caused by mortgage lenders who have become twitchy following the Grenfell Enquiry. This situation  has resulted in house sellers/ home owners who simply cannot  sell their properties who are then being exploited by developers who are offering to buy the properties  at lower than the market value.  This situation  has occurred  because prospective  buyers are being refused mortgages to buy  these properties  and home owners are being forced to sell to these property  developers  who will be a last resort for most people. Otherwise their properties  are being made worthless because they simply cannot sell them on at all. I have contacted many councillors  and politicians about the issue and none are interested  in taking up the issue at all.

Continue reading Property developers exploiting house sellers abandoned by lenders refusing mortgages

COP26 and government policies won’t necessarily stop environmental degradation

COP26 and government policies aren’t  necessarily  going to stop environmental degradation instead focus should equally  be falling on individual  responsibilities and the activities  of businesses.  The activities  of these aren’t  necessarily  going to be directly influenced  by either the decisions  of COP26 or government  policies resulting from this conference.

Continue reading COP26 and government policies won’t necessarily stop environmental degradation

Socialist economic theory is green not red: Socialism is certainly better for the Environment

Socialist economics are green not red which is an important  point to make in the week when COP26 is taking place. Socialist economic theory can have a valid position in any economy  striving to take care of both it’s citizens, it’s  global citizens and the local and global environments. This is unlikely to be the case when referring to a free market economy  based on inequality, exploitation and free for all of capitalist systems of economic theory. This point should not be overlooked by COP26.

Continue reading Socialist economic theory is green not red: Socialism is certainly better for the Environment

There would be no need to increase taxation if privatisations were taken back into public ownership

There would be no need for Tory taxation rises if the public owned the utilities and railways. Privatisations  need to be reversed and put back into public ownership. This is simple and straightforward economics.