Concerning the Partygate Fines why was Boris Johnson and other Tory Party Goers only fined £50 when other people were being given fines of upwards of £5000 and in some cases as much as £14,000? Why were these Partygate fines so disprotionate to other Lockdown fines. Why have the Metropolitan Police treated Partygate fines so leniently in comparison to other Lockdown Fines issued? There is a sense that the Partygate fines given were too lenient. Are other Lockdown Fines given out excessive and in comparison. How can the Met Police explain the disproportionality between these amounts? Have the Metropolitan Police got questions that need to be asked about why the fines given out to Tory Partygate attendees were so dimunitive? It appears that these people have been treated different from others who were also fined during Covid Lockdowns. Why was Partygate treated so superficially by the Metropolitan Police Force? Specifically why were these fines, given to Partygate attendees so diminutive in comparison to other fines that were metered out to ordinary people? Also being that the police had a presence at Downing Street throughout Lockdowns shouldn’t questions be asked as to why they apparently knew nothing or if they certainly did then why did they not act on it at the time? Why did it take a leak of information to bring the matter to the attention of the police?
Category: Boris Johnson the Conservative’s loose cannon
Boris Johnson is the Conservative’s loose cannon. He seems to be constantly buzzing around like an annoying fly. Certainly getting under Theresa May’s skin with attempts to undermine her authority in a seeming attempt at a Leadership Challenge he is proving to be the most troublesome of insects. These post ask if it’s now about time he found his own Dung Heap or is he trying to turn his own political party into one.
PM Johnson just shot himself in the foot
Is it just me or have people also already realised that the PM Boris Johnson has just shot himself in the foot through his reaction and statements regarding the leaked Government documents that Jeremy Corbyn presented to last night’s debate. Johnson’s statement regarding the leaked documents and suggestions that an investigation is needed to address possible Russian involvement basically lends authenticity to the documents which suggest that the NHS is at risk from dealings with the USA in possible future trade negotiations. This is in conflict with previous statements made by Johnson in which he claims that this is not the case and untrue. So it appears that the NHS could be at risk in future trade negotiations with the USA. Johnson has denied this but his reaction to the leak has also given authenticity to Jeremy Corbyn’s claims that this is the case. If the documents were fake then why would he be bothered at all?
‘Let’s get Brexit done’ is just an attempt to dumb down the General Election by the Tories
‘Let’s get Brexit done’ the General Election 2019 mantra from the Tories is just an attempt to dumb down the General Election 2019 into a single issue election. The reason they are doing this is primarily to avoid scrutiny of the key areas where the Tories have let down the British people whilst they have been in government and that amounts to every single area of policy. The Tories have failed Britain whilst in government in every single way possible. It was the Tories under Cameron that introduced this whole debacle. Now they are attempting to avoid proper scrutiny of their miserable failings by attempting to bring this General election down to a single issue Election. Don’t let them get away with it. The Tories should be held accountable for their miserable performance whilst in government by stating very clearly that we don’t want them back in power. Let’s get Brexit done should really be interpreted as let’s get Brexit dumb.
Bodge-it’s ready made Brexit is inedible and bin ready right now
Bodge-it is normally very good at cooking the figures and adding too much spice. Now it seems he has turned his culinary talents towards constructing ready meals. He has named or coined a phrase for these meals calling them ‘Ready Made Brexit’. However his first foray into the culinary world of Brexit might be more aptly described as ‘Bodge’s Stodge’ because his latest ready made Brexit is inedible and bin ready right now.
Continue reading Bodge-it’s ready made Brexit is inedible and bin ready right now
Robotic Michael Gove was unconvincing regarding possible outcomes of a ‘No deal Brexit’
Micheal Gove appeared to be almost robotic yesterday when offering his appeasements regarding the possible outcomes of leaving the EU without a deal. He came across as completely unconvincing as he attempted to play down the possible outcomes of a no deal Brexit with all the emotion and conviction of a Robot. Gove lacks almost every quality that you would want in a politician. He is insincere, unreliable and a real flip-flopper if ever there was one. However you might believe that he is actually quite loyal: well at least to those willing to employ him that is. He did his best to stick up for the beleaguered Theresa May in her time as PM and was supportive towards getting a deal with the EU and her efforts to do so. Now he is equally loyal to a new master that of Bodge-it Johnson whose opinions about a deal with the EU are seemingly poles apart from those of May but despite all this Gove is still loyal even to the point of spreading a few mis-truths along the way as well.
It would appear that Micheal Gove has thrown himself into his new role with such enthusiasm and conviction that he is now barely recognisable as the Leadership Candidate who opposed Bodge it so recently. At that time he seemed to have some opinions which seemed to be different to that of Bodge-it but now he has seemingly just turned into Johnson’s Puppet. All this goes to show what a vacuous space Micheal Gove really is. He resembles an empty Billboard that rents out to the highest bidder. Seemingly he will have any opinions that you wish to give him for a price. Thus it must be said that Micheal Gove appears to be a politician who lacks any real convictions at all and is willing to go wherever the money is. This is yet another self promoting Conservative politician who you simply cannot trust. Why would you trust him he has demonstrated time and again that he is insincere and unreliable. He has no convictions other than to tow the Party line to serve his paymaster. Why would we believe his appeasements regarding a ‘No deal Brexit’: this man could not give you the truth if he tried. He is more servant than savant. He is robotic and insincere and simply going through the motions.
Britain left to drift for a month as an irresponsible Prime Minister prorogues Parliament
Like a spoilt child the Prime Minister Boris Johnson has prorogued parliament in order to try and get his own way. Have we ever encountered an act of irresponsibly as big as this. In a time of crisis for Britain the Prime Minister( and how much it pains me to have to refer to him as such) has simply chosen to abandon the normal functioning of government in order to silence his critics and to give him a better opportunity to press ahead with his own agenda without the limitations that parliament could impose on the crazy megalomaniac. Still intent on wrecking Britain and pressing ahead with no deal this prime minister cares nothing at all about Britain he only seems to recognise his own agenda and ambitions. Boris Johnson is bad for Britain! Parliament to him is not a democratic tool it is an obstacle. He still believes he can run the show like he did as London Mayor without opposition. Parliament is another matter and he has already been defeated. So now his idea is to silence parliament to make obstacles to obstruct parliament. This prime minister is just a childish Megalomaniac, a spoilt public schoolboy who is used to getting his own way. Bodge-it is certainly not going to face the horrible consequences of of a British recession and a one sided and exploitative trade deal with the USA. None of these Brexiteers will. Why do you think that the likes of the condescending Rees Mogg support Brexit? These are opportunistic venture capitalists hoping to erode working and living conditions. The likes of Rees Moog would have you living in a Victorian Slum if they could and working for nothing more than to pay them rent and enough food to give you the energy just enough to slave for them the next day. Jacob Rees Mogg is so obsessed with Victorian values he has even written a book about it this speaks volumes in itself. These are simply the people that you don’t want running this country or telling us what’s best for Britain because what they are really saying is what’s best for them. The situation that can offer them the best possible opportunity and outcome is all that they are really interested in.
These Brexiteering venture capitalists see Brexit as an opportunity to destroy Britain and British institutions. They see it as an opportunity to attack and suppress the working classes and erode their rights. There is no better opportunity than a recession in order to do it, this much they have learnt from Margaret Thatcher who did the same. Economic factors play a large part in offering opportunities to impose change. In a period of uncertainty and desperation often bodes well to make sweeping changes in legislation relating to worker’s rights and conditions of service including pay and minimum wage. Through a recession these keen Brexiteers aim to drive down labour costs and increase unemployment. These are the economic variables that lead to desperation for the working classes which ultimately lead to a relaxation of labour laws and regulations. This is an erosion of conditions for the workers which leads to opportunity to exploit the workforce. High unemployment makes challenging the situation untenable which gives power to the bosses and venture capitalists. Brexit will therefore only lead to misery for the working classes with an erosion of your standards of living and your worker’s rights.
Bodge-it is hiding the truth from you that no deal suits him best
Bodge-it makes his first gaff and he isn’t even Prime Minister yet
Sincerely you would have thought that as a previous Foreign Secretary that Bodge-it-Johnson would have had at least some grasp of how the Foreign Office works and the respectively roles of Foreign Ambassadors well it seems not. Bodge-it’s casual remarks no doubt in some way contributed to the resignation of Sir Kim Darrock. By kowtowing down to President Trump in an attempt to ingratiate himself and his ever growing political ambition Bodge-it seems to have ripped up the Rule Book regarding the respective roles and qualities needed to the job of foreign ambassador and in the process made us as a nation look weak by giving in to bullying behaviours, all this on the eve of his supposedly greatest triumph. What appears to be the case is that Sir Kim Darrock was actually too good at his job because he was doing it very well indeed and because of this it seems to have caused others offence, he was simply the victim of the incompetence and ignorance of others who were less good at their jobs. So Trump throws a tantrum and Bodge just caves in and as a result others have to clean up the mess left behind. So begins Bodge’s first exploit into the world of ‘Kindergarten Politics’. I am pretty sure he will fit in well! Will this just be the first in a long string of similar incompetent gaffs by Bodge-it, I think it probably will be so.
Bodge-it Johnson promises everything but will deliver on nothing
Bodge-it certainly sees himself as a Churchill like figure and that is basically what he bases his image upon. He sees this as the moment of Britain’s greatest need and he sees himself as the figure likely to step in to lead the Country out of it’s darkest hour towards a brighter future. All this really shows is that Bodge is full of his own importance and vanity and is in fact just a manipulative, self seeking individual from a privileged background. Also what Bodge-it fails to grasp is that Churchill reacted to circumstances brought about by other despotic figures in the world at that time. Bodge on the other hand is only trying to fix the mess of his own making and Cameron’s I should add. There is no real comparison between himself and Churchill. Churchill was a great man and Boris is well just a bit of a prat really. So when I hear statements from Bodge suggesting that he will make Britain the greatest place on Earth well you just have to laugh it is so absurd. This man cannot deliver on any of the outrageous promises he makes. He was only trusted with half a job by Theresa May and he managed to mangle and bodge that one up as well. Being a Mayor with little to do really and being a Prime Minister to lead and inspire are 2 very different roles. Bodge will just make a hash of being Prime Minister and lead the country towards ruin. Bodge has no compassion or understanding for those whose livelihoods will be wrecked as a result of his silly political meanderings. For Bodge-it it’s all just a game without serious consequences. He shows little understanding of the real world because he knows that he personally will not have to face the consequences of his silly public schoolboy pranks. Britain is certainly on the verge of catastrophe but the situation is in fact traceable back to Bodge-it-Johnson anyway and the misinformation of his Leave Campaign and it’s outrageous or liberal use of the truth and the figures during that Campaign.
David Cameron was probably the worst Prime Minister in British history but could this be topped soon?
Let’s not forget the useless David Cameron who was probably the worst British Prime Minister of all time. David Cameron should not be let off easily fir his incompetency: but instead he has be allowed to profit from his profound incompetence and bad judgement. Let’s face it, David Cameron was most probably the worst Prime Minister that Britain has ever had. His lasting legacy of incompetence can still be witnessed today with the ongoing debacle of Brexit. Not only had he given opportunity to wreck his Country but he also opened the door to to wreck his own Conservative Party through a posthumous demonstration of their ineptness and inadequacies to cope with the stupid promises that he made in order to bribe his way into power. No wonder he legged it and disappeared under a rock as soon as the results of the Brexit Referendum were known.
Boris Johnson is a quitter: he is no Prime Minister!
Boris Johnson is a quitter; he is certainly no Prime Minister nor is he fit to be a British Prime Minister. In 2018 Boris Johnson quit Theresa May’s cabinet because he could not support her unwilling to rally to her cause he saw fit to quit because after all he is an opportunist. Johnson saw his future on the back of Theresa May’s demise and he certainly was not willing to offer his help to May because that have thwarted his ambition. No instead he was going to be disloyal to her and make himself as much as a nuisance to her as he possibly could. Boris Johnson is above all in it for himself. When the going gets tough he quits. He is a quitter which is certainly something that Britain does not need right now.
Continue reading Boris Johnson is a quitter: he is no Prime Minister!
Boris Johnson – the Fly that wants his own dung heap
Theresa May has again shown her incompetence to be the Prime Minister in a decision that she took as far back as when she took office. Namely the appointment of Boris Johnson to her cabinet. Seemingly at the time this was a move that resurrected the doomed Mr Johnson. My previous article (18th July 2016) made at the time covered some of the assumed motivations behind this surprising decision to re-appoint Boris the Annoying Fly back into political office. It now appears that I may have been wrong and the more ridiculous explanation would be that she – actually believed that he could do the job of Foreign Secretary – a job role that requires both sensitivity and diplomacy. Of course, well why not because these are exactly the qualities that one would most likely associate with Boris Johnson – aren’t they?
However it now seems that Theresa May completely under-estimated the annoying insect’s abilities to show the levels of dis-loyalty that he has shown of late. Mr Johnson has now paid her back with his new dis-loyalties which have been timed to undermine Theresa May at a crucial time in what seems like the start of a new leadership challenge and an embarrassingly blatant attempt at self promotion.
Continue reading Boris Johnson – the Fly that wants his own dung heap