Britain needs Socialism now more than ever before

Tory policies have caused Britain  to run aground. Thatcherite policies and values have now backed Britain  into a cul-de-sac. There is no route forward any longer and therefore  no reason to cling to the values of Thatcherism. Britain  has no income and longer is is also bankrupt of ideas. Now the only course of action available to the Tories  is to raise levels of government  income from  taxation. This was inevitable  as a result of privatisation  of Britain’s  assets. Recent Tory  governments  have relied upon borrowing  as a way of shoring up the facade that everything  was under control. Then along came Liz Truss who tore down the mirrors to reveal the true horror  show that the Tories  had created. Truss even managed to make matters worse and that takes some doing.

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Re-nationalise the Energy Providers is the only option to deal with Inflation: the Tories are the only obstacle

It is evident  that the only solution  to deal with Inflation  is to re-nationalise the Energy Providers in the UK: the only obstacle  to be removed is the Tories. It is now in the national interest to re- nationalise these Energy Providers to deal with Inflation and to prevent the gross profiteering by these utilities which is against the national interests. Quite simply the current situation is intolerable and is the only factor  driving inflation higher  and higher. The Tories  have lost any control and regulation  of the utilities and Ofgen is defunct  and unfit for purpose. Continue reading Re-nationalise the Energy Providers is the only option to deal with Inflation: the Tories are the only obstacle

Energy Companies and Utilities are laughing at you all the way to the Bank

The energy companies and the utilities are laughing at you all the way to the bank. As you struggle to meet your fuel and energy  bills these companies continue to drive inflation higher and higher whilst maximising  their ever increasing  profits and paying huge dividends to their shareholders. It is immoral that they are making huge profits and not simply passing on costs to consumers. Instead they are adding huge profit margins  to their prices. In this way they are fixing prices and driving inflation  without regards. Their behaviour is immoral and wrong. They are exploiting consumers and laughing at them whilst the Tory government  does nothing at all.

To tackle inflation you must reel in the profiteering of the Energy and Utilities who are driving inflation upwards for their own ends

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There would be no need to increase taxation if privatisations were taken back into public ownership

There would be no need for Tory taxation rises if the public owned the utilities and railways. Privatisations  need to be reversed and put back into public ownership. This is simple and straightforward economics.

The Tories are responsible for creating a Divided Britain and turning Britain into a decaying dump

In the run up to the General Election let’s be clear who has created a ‘Divided Britain’. The Tories are responsible for creating a Divided Britain and turning this country into a problem riddled decaying dump of a country. Cameron’s idea about let People have a say in determining the running of Britain has left it in a divided Shambles. It has overseen the rise of the extreme right in Britain and allowed the under-educated masses to influence Britain’s economic and political futures. there is simply no way of wriggling out of this the Tories have caused all this mess and chaos. The Tories and their policies are to blame for the Divided nation that we now live in. In truth their policies have been running Britain into the dump for years so surely now is the right time to address Britain’s problems and get rid of this untalented shambles and get someone better in to run Britain.

Tories are responsible for: poor public services, increase of food banks, and lack of investment in NHS 

The Tories have brought Britain nothing but misery. Their policies are directly responsible for the demise of public services through stifling investment in care, particularly when it comes to care for the elderly. Our communities are run down and Britain is looking like a dump. Investment is below levels which it was in 2010. Britain has been steadily going backwards under Tory rule. Food banks have been steadily on the increase as austerity measures have hit the poorest in society the hardest. The NHS is in the worst shape than it has ever been in. The Railways and public transport are in an awful state. The roads are both congested and antiquated. Rail fares have been on the increase and consumers have been receiving a worse service and being asked to pay more for it. What more do we need to know about the Tories. Whilst in government we have witnessed a long list of mismanagement and wastage of public finances and nobody has been held accountable for these fiascos. Disastrous policies for Britain. All this and the ill thought out Brexit and lack of ability to even get one of their own policies across the finishing line.

Britain deserves better than the Tories. Britain deserves better investment in our NHS and public services. Britain deserves a better transport system. Britain deserves better deals for energy consumers. Britain deserves a future.

British People are worse off year by year and it’s about to get worse

What is wrong with the British People and why are they such gluttons for punishment. Year by year our incomes become diminished through: utility price rises, spurious taxes (Sugar Tax), Rail Fare hikes and; the costs of goods, food and basic services increasing. Yet still our pay remains frozen or rises at a significantly lower rate than inflation and yet we still put up with it and muddle through. Britain is reverting back to the Victorian times again where we see: charities helping out the poorest sectors of society with a reliance upon philanthropy rather than state policies to support the poorest (which are more often than not the actual cause of the problems), massive rises in homelessness; and the belligerent exploitation of the plight of the poorest by wealthy landlords or unscrupulous employers. Most of us have become victims to this predatory behaviour from the wealthier classes either through our working conditions/practices or simply as a result of the all encompassing feedback we all get from Tory policies and their ideologies. Many of us are caught in a poverty trap just scrapping by and unable to afford to save to buy a home of our own. This simply will not do despite the sham, shallow concern expressed by Prime Minister Theresa May during her ‘JAM’ period, where she tried to convince you that she was concerned but time has revealed this not to be the case. This is position for which she has no real concerns for the plight of the exploited at all. Instead whole generations are being doomed to exist in this lifestyle: being exploited by low wages, few opportunities, dead end jobs or zero hours contracts.  The Tories have always insisted that work should pay and they have oft used this as their justification and rallying cry to persecute the poorest unfortunate enough to have to rely on the Benefits System with repeated systematic attacks on the Benefits System in the UK. Yet despite this for the majority in low paid employment work simply is not paying nor bringing about any sort of rewards at all that you would associate with the effort required. This is not good enough! There is really no hope in sight for change: or is there?

Continue reading British People are worse off year by year and it’s about to get worse

Brexit will be bad for Britain: the Government finally admits

Finally, this week, the Government have been forced to come clean and actually reveal to us the consequences of Brexit, if these were not already apparent before the Referendum. Yes they have confirmed that Brexit, in whatever form it takes, will make us all worse off and basically result in an economic slump for the UK which will lead to higher prices, inflation and job losses. So well done to the small majority of people who have voted for this course of disaster : or wait a minute did you not realise that this would be the outcome?

Continue reading Brexit will be bad for Britain: the Government finally admits

Competition is the way forward for the public ownership of Gas and Electricity in Britain

A sure fire way to get the utilities and railways back into public ownership and the less costly way of achieving this.

Yes I admire the ambition of the Labour Party Manifesto and it’s aim to get the Gas and Electricity utilities and railways back into public ownership. Success of this would lead to a more prosperous and fairer Britain and it would be the start of a new era for Britain. Yes it is high time to reverse the failed privatisations of Margaret Thatcher and John Major, and this would be a move which would put Britain on track again. However the scale and the cost of the task is dauntingly enormous and Thatcher knew how difficult it would be to ever go backwards. She tried to make her privatisations irreversible in an attempt to frustrate any attempts to ever develop socialism in Britain. She thought that she had had the final word but despite this there was a fundamental flaw in her plan and one which the Labour Party could exploit if it is savvy enough.

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Britain has been wrecked and bankrupted by the Privatisations of Thatcher and Major: it’s time to change it

Privatisations have not worked for the British Public. Privatisations have only been successful only for the shareholders and fatcats. It is now a failed experiment that needs to be addressed. The time for apathy about this issue is over. The privatisations of Margaret Thatcher and John Major have bankrupted Britain robbing money from the public purse and taking away any abilities of subsequent governments to invest in the infra-structure of Britain. The public have been cheated and robbed of their assets by these privatisations which now continue to hold their customers in contempt with massive price rises to satisfy the insatiable greed of the shareholders. These are Britain’s money making assets which have been taken away. It is time to come to our senses and put pressure on, or better still elect a government that is willing to tackle the issue  head on and do the right thing. The public need action not some tinkering and adjustment to tariffs : empty promises that never seem to come to anything. This issue needs a complete overhaul and reversal of these privatisations which occurred under Margaret Thatcher and John Major regimes. In all cases the public was mis-sold these privatisations on the promise that it would be good for the consumer and that it was in the consumers best interests to have and benefit from increased competition. However in all cases this has not proved to be the case at all. All we have seen instead is Cartel like behaviour and confusing and mis-leading and expensive pricing structures. The public need to own the Gas Supply Industry, the Electricity Supply Industry and the Railways. It is firmly in the interests of the British Public to do so. With the Capital that public ownership would generate we could improve the NHS, improve public services and start to significantly reduce the National Debt in the UK. It could spell an quicker end to Austerity Measures, which have been unnecessarily imposed on us by a Tory Government and Coalition which lacks any real vision or ambition for Britain.

Socialism is better for Britain. Socialism is neither Communism nor Militant

Socialism is better for Britain. Socialism offers Britain  a New start and a shining new path towards prosperity. Socialism is better for Britain  because it lowers the burden of taxation on tax payers. So why aren’t we embracing it.

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The Labour Party need to finance their plans without taxation rises

As was the case only yesterday regarding Labour’s plans to pay for Police officers, which so embarrassed  Diane Abbott the Shadow Home Secretary, the Labour need to be clear about where this money will come from. Tony Blair has consigned the Labour Party to awkward financial constraints by ditching a commitment to Clause IV of it’s constitution and indeed Tony Blair/Gordon Brown’s Governments can now be viewed as failures simply because they could not raise sufficient capital to implement plans to improve the social infrastructure because they were unable to raise the necessary capital without resorting to taxation rises. So now where does Corbyn plan to get his money from?

He needs to be clear on this if he is to mount a plausible challenge to Theresa May. People need to be re-assured that Labour can manage the economy and better than the Tories. Diane Abbott did very little to cultivate this notion amongst Voters with her poor planning.

My own thoughts would be that  Public Ownership of the Railways would be the first step to finding this Capital which is desperately needed to improve public services and the social infrastructure of Great Britain. This would be a step in right direction again for Corbyn’s Labour Party and a step away from the legacy of Tony Blair’s influence upon the Labour Movement.

The Labour Party is dead and finished according to Alan Johnson

I am responding here to statements made by Alan Johnson in an article to Politics Home where he suggests that the Labour Party is dead and finished and where he lays the blame squarely at the feet of Jeremy Corbyn. This is really just sour grapes from a defeated right wing moderate as he struggles to adapt to the much needed change happening within the Labour Party and is probably more about his own line of personal questioning and doubts about whether there is actually a place for him in the Labour Party of the future.

Firstly who does Alan Johnson think he is pontificating on such matters. Johnson, himself now a discredited politician, is a part of the unfortunate legacy of the now dying Labour Party. He is right to say that the Labour Party is dead which it most probably is but guess what: far from being Mr Corbyn’s fault the death of the Labour Party is actually because of people like Alan Johnson and Tony Blair who have killed the Labour Party. The autopsy is now on-going but it will surely be found to be the case that the death of the Labour Party was already a sealed fait accompli as soon as traitors like you and Tony Blair were able to meddle with its Constitution. Mr Corbyn now only presides over the dying corpse of the Labour Party perhaps in a vain attempt to bring back life to the already departed.

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Forget being mis-sold PPI what about the mis-selling of Gas, Electricity and Railways

It’s true the British Public were pick-pocketed by Margaret Thatcher and John Major. Forget being mis-sold PPI that’s nothing in comparison to the robbery and mis-selling that occurred and was directed by the Margaret Thatcher and John Major administrations. If I had enough money I would take the matter to court to expose the treachery that occurred and to prove that the privatisations were orchestrated to make a lot of money for vested interests and were not in the interests of the British citizens nor the British Economy.

Britain is  bankrupt

Continue reading Forget being mis-sold PPI what about the mis-selling of Gas, Electricity and Railways